Stories by: cookiewithcaramel
7 stories

Summary:A Series of Oneshots based on Fears.Tomarry / HarrymortOne story per Chapter.First chapter has a table of contents!(I decided to put it into one story to avoid spamming!)The stories are not connected to eachother. They are all different plot lines and even in some cases different universes.They simply all have the same base prompt of a different fear.Please leave Critiques and Comments(maybe let me know which ones you liked and which you hated?)These will range to all Ratings..My rating scale is:General : Can be a bed time story.Teen and Up: Mature themes, but no sex or violence.Mature: Non Graphic Violence and Sex.Explicit: Don't let anyone look at your phone while you read!also i found it in ao3

104.7K 20 2.5K Full

Summary:Tom and Harry are inevitable in any universe.OR: While Dumbledore and Grindelwald play their chess game across Europe, two young wizards form an unlikely friendship.[That one where Tom and Harry are born in the same generation.]

37.5K 15 1.7K Full
Animus, Anima

Summary:In limbo, Harry doesn't choose to go back to the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort. He makes another decision and finds himself in a baby's body: little Tom Riddle.Years pass and intimately bind the orphan and his imaginary friend, in a hopeless and incestuous relationship. Indeed, all the odd events of Tom Riddle's life happen in spite of Harry's presence: could he be the one who provokes them?This is Tom Riddle's entire life, as close to canon as possible, if he shared his body with Harry Potter (and fell in love with him).

45.5K 20 1.8K Full
In the Heart of the Sea

Summary:The Mers and their murderous cousins, the Siren, have always been at odds but recently something, or someone, has begun to rally the normally solitary predators under a single banner and the climate of relative peace on the reef where Harry was born and raised has descended into the tense anticipation of war. But juveniles will be juveniles regardless of what battles might be brewing, and unfortunately for Harry-at least according to Luna-there's a Siren in his future.Of course, what this predator in particular wants from him isn't food.found it in ao3

56.6K 26 2.8K Full
When September Ends

Summary:Harry's green eyes slowly blinked open to stare blearily up at the ceiling overhead before turning his head to one side to take in the unfamiliar room in which he found himself lying on his back, lovingly tucked into a large and comfortable bed. The raven didn't have the slightest idea where he was; the last thing that he could remember was leaving the corner grocer near his house with the half-gallon of milk his mother needed in tow and setting off towards home. His head was muddled and his thoughts were confused.The bedroom door swung open with a quiet creak and a man stepped into his line of sight holding a metal breakfast tray in his large hands. Seeing him awake his handsome face broke into a kind smile, dark eyes overflowing with love."Did you sleep well, my darling?" he purred, crossing the room towards him. "Have you any idea how much I've missed you, Harry?"found it in ao3

92.8K 20 3.4K Full
Bound To You

Summary:Voldemort's stray soul found its' way into Hogwarts grounds and possessed a magical snake, one strong enough to give him the sanity he needed to survive. While hunting, he caught on a unique smell and found Harry Potter, sprawled on the ground, with an unnaturally high body heat...XxJust a warning, this takes place in his second year, so... And there'll be lots of smut and possible plot, but idk~ new story got this from here

701.1K 56 28.2K Full
A Hogwarts Intervention

Summary3 men kidnapped by a magical castle and locked in a room to sort out their differences....The world will never be the same again...**********not my work i found it in ao3

368.1K 17 10.8K Full