Stories by: coddled_egg
1 stories
Snowed In [#JustWriteIt]

Seven days before Christmas, a snowstorm sweeps across the town of Churchill. Sydney gets snowed in at the Sugar Sweet Café with Dion Gallenger, a friend she's known since high school. According to the forecast, the weather won't be letting up for at least two days. So the two are stuck at the café for forty-eight hours. Alone. And that's only the beginning. Over the the next week, a lot is about to go down for the pair (such as flaming Christmas trees, inhumanly large and lopsided gingerbread houses and... Rudolph appearing at the front door?). Is this a good time to mention the three-year crush Sydney's been harbouring on Dion? No? Well toss that into the mix too. It's about to be the wildest Christmas season Sydney and Dion have ever experienced.

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