Stories by: believeandrelive
11 stories

It's been so long since I last saw him―seven months. It wasn't that long to mend the lost part of my soul that has been ripped apart, but it is enough time to heal my heart. Looking at him with a blank face mirroring his own I saw the petite brown-haired girl clinging to his left arm in my peripheral vision. I have anticipated this but I stood my ground. I faced the old man in a wheelchair beside him―his Grandpa. The moment we broke up I traveled far away, leaving his family who has been my own for three years with no goodbye. Staring at the old man I felt a small pinch in my heart―longing for his gentle caress of affection like the rest of his family who treated me like a princess. I heard a man clear his throat beside me only to see my brother who is a lawyer―their family lawyer. "What do you need me here for?" I asked everyone in the room but particularly the man who broke my heart. I saw him trace my face with his sight to find anything familiar but he found nothing. I changed; I became better. "Ana Navier, have a seat." My brother informed me and I locked my gaze with him trying to find anything out of his expression by counting his breath per minute―guilt."I am here to inform you that your late father signed an agreement with Sr. Callahan. As stated in the contract that you and his son Wave Callahan be married on or before you reach the age of 28. You only have 9 months left to prepare for your marriage―"Find a loophole in the contract. I can't marry her, I love Selene," he said with harshness in his tone, abruptly cutting my brother with his hands in a fist as he comfort the woman on his side who has a downcast expression. "Unless you are married to another for this contract to be void." My brother finished as he bowed his head in shame.

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"Do you usually work every day?" I heard him asked again."Yes sir." I answered as I scramble my laptop into the desktop."How much do they pay you for working so hard?" He asked, I was about to answer him but I realized we were beside his father's office."Damn, that's so...sad. This is just the price of my dinner." I heard him grumbled as he read the number I wrote on the paper. I thought my pay was already decent but I guess when you are the billionaire's son your world is so different."You have so much work in one day." He said looking back at me with admiration as my face flushed red. I grabbed my to do list notes from his hand and tucked it on my bag."What's your position here?" He asked me with his head leaning on one hand as he sat on the extra chair like a boss. "Junior accountant." I whispered keen to his father's presence a wall away from us. "Well, you should start investing your time with me. Your pay sucks and you can earn thrice that amount just by being by girlfriend." He said whispering on my ear. I shove his head away as I roll my eyes. "You can count of me as your greatest asset." He said his lips hovering mine. I'm playing a dangerous game but that extra pay from this brat sounds good."Deal."

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"First and Last Love" That is Logan's motto in life. He sure had flings from the past but he never gave them the label. A promised he is firm and solid about. Being the hottest bachelor in the market sure has its fair share of perks. His friend Atlas had enough of him."Dude you are 28." His friend mused."And?" He snarled. The Lion's gate corporation was built by his grandfather thus he treasured it so much. He just received a memo from his secretary that the model that would launch their new estate decline, hence his sour mood. Just who the hell is he to decline us."Look at you! All hormones and shit! You know what, why don't I set you up on a date with my girlfriend's sister?" Logan said following him in the elevator."Not interested." The launch will be next week, three days from now, what should he do?"Okay?" His friend asked and he nodded in return oblivious to wha his friend just said."Cool then, the date is tonight at 9 I'll send you the details. Bye!" A date...freaking Atlas. He doesn't have a time for this date.

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A story about two academic rival to lovers. "I can be anything and have everything" That's the affirmation my grandfather told me to say. It worked for years not until Chase came into the picture. A transferred student who became the top of my bath and the new president of the debate team. But I didn't mind, academic satisfaction had not satiated me for a while now. I need a new thing that can make my adrenaline surge, a new trophy. "I can be anything and have everything and I want Chase Clifford to be mine."--------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2022 I am the rightful owner of the story.

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THE LAST BOOK IN THE SWEET CAFE SERIES. Stand-alone book. I would teach you how to love by sharing a story of a loveless love that fell in love to love. "Is this the café you were talking about?" I asked my brother Charli as I gazed at a vintage like coffee down the city road in the middle of nowhere. "I love you, sis. I am getting married and everyone in the family is married, and I would be devastated to leave you alone in the house of our parents, who seem to not have enough of each other. " He said finally giving up. He flew across oceans to a place of promise with no briefing. "I can handle myself. I'll be fine. I'll find love when the right time comes. " I said, soothing him with a gentle hug on his left arm."I know. That's why I brought you in this place where the magic happens. " He said with an excited grin. Well, they said this café always makes coffee for two. One is served to another, it will not be served to someone you are with as you enter the café. ""How would we know it?" I asked. "They are going to give matching badges for each person. This is how I met my wife, and we totally clicked. This works, c'mon. " He dragged me into the café, and we had to wait for a wall separating the baristas for secrecy purposes. My coffee has been empty for hours now, and Charli still hasn't found my soulmate. He already asked to see people's badges for hours and still no one had the matching badge. "I'm sorry." I said as I stepped on a man's shoe as I was looking for Charli. I looked at him only to be graced by silver sparkling eyes."Don't worry about it." He said with a shrug just as I noticed the badge on his right hand. That made me stop. "You have the heart badge too?" He asked with a glint of a smile as we looked at both of our matching badges. "Surprise love!" I heard Charli shouted at my back, but I was just giving my attention to the man in front of me. "Surprise love indeed." The gray-eyed man said.

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I always believed that you can only go so far with the wrong process. Rules matter the most.Everything went downhill during my first day of senior year when I saw Justin carrying coffee in a can. As the daughter of the famous café in town, that is unacceptable. I couldn't stop the grimace on my face that made him snap his eyes at me as he was finishing his drink. He threw the empty can in the trash bin beside the locker in the hallway. He marched towards me, and I was rooted to the spot, trying to remove the grimace that seemed to have implanted itself on my face right now."What's with the face?" He asked with his boastful smile that I always want to wipe off. This was not the first time he had spoken to me, but it was the first time we had spoken outside of joint family gatherings, at school."You just drank coffee in a can." I explained, slowly regaining my composure. He traced my sight to the bin, where he threw the can and then looked back at me. "Goody two shoes, were you mad because I threw it in the recyclable bin?" He asked. I didn't notice that he threw it in the wrong bin, but that just added to the fuel of annoyance I feel towards him. I didn't notice that I was glaring at him until he took a swipe with his finger across my cheeks, which made me stop. "Smile Christine, or should I say, 'tin mad at the tin can'." He teased as he walked out of my way, whistling loudly towards his class.--------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2022 I am the rightful owner of the story. This is a book that is full of love, light, and laughter. I'm not particularly a fan of things that hurt, so this is a story about a woman who found her man in an earlier time.

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Late love, late dental care. I felt my phone buzz and I got it out of my pocket as I received a missed call from my niece Samantha. I open the chat to be bombarded by her random questions, and I can't help but smile. I replied to each of her chats, swiping and replying. "Perilla, do you have anyone as of the moment?" I heard Janice asked. I heard she got engaged a few months back with his childhood best friend. "None," I said while shaking my head with a hint of a smile as they gave me exaggerated expressions."C'mon, you can't be single. You are the prettiest girl that I know." I heard Esther say as she served us our coffee. She has been working here since we were a bunch of grade-schoolers. Words of agreement were exchanged and I just shook my head again as I looked back at the new messages from my niece. "Give us a name. Anyone you're interested in? " I heard Jasper asked, the twin of Casper.I was about to answer them when I got startled by my phone vibrating. I saw a missed call and I knew it must be my niece. I checked my inbox and I realized I hadn't answered her last question.---What is your favorite part of the body?---"Perilla!" I jumped back in my seat, saying the word that must have been pronounced wrong as I saw them glance at the man I must have meant."Heinz?" Janice asked with a sly smirk as I looked at the man in question looking at me with a slight raised brow. "Hands." As I watched the twins' grin grow wider, I said, hoping they would understand, but this situation is far from hopeless. Samantha and my brace just got me in a whole lot of trouble with my former enemy, Heinz.--------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2022 I am the rightful owner of the story. This is a book that is full of love, light and laughter. I'm not particularly a fan of things that hurt, so this is a story about a woman who found her man in a random time.

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THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK IN THE SWEET CAFE SERIES. Stand-alone book. I drove 15 miles for a coffee only to bring the coffee man home with me."Can I get one Arabica coffee?" I mumble to the man behind the cashier. It has been 7 years since I was last here. The place never changed. I took a deep sniff and was embraced by the familiar smell of the café. "We don't have Arabica coffee anymore, ma'am." I aggressively turned my head back at the manly voice when I was met by a familiar face. He had dark blond hair with a clean cut and a light cut on his forehead. "Why don't you sell Arabica coffee anymore, Harry Potter? I tease the man in front of me with a naughty smile on my lips. I watched as his hazel eyes sparkled with mischief and he playfully acted like he was thinking with one hand over his chin."Hmm. Well, that's the consequence of the broken coffee promise." I met his eyes and I knew I had to deal with my unfinished business in this place. I need my Arabica back. --------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2022 I am the rightful owner of the story. This is a book that is full of love, light and laughter. I'm not particularly a fan of things that hurt, so this is a story about a woman who found her man again, but this time at the right time.

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FIRST BOOK IN THE SWEET CAFE SERIES. Stand-alone book.It was in the winter of 2019, the time that I met him. "Hey, I think that's mine." At my back, I heard a manly voice say something. I turned around to see a black-haired guy with piercing green eyes. "Hey... hi." I saw his eyes squint and his lips tug upwards ever so lightly."Hi to you too. I was just wondering if you got your coffee right. " He smells like fresh wood with a silent hint of rain. I love nature."Yeah, you want me?" I snapped out of my daze as the words got out of my mouth. I rancidly look at my coffee, which is coffee. "No, this is yours." I said, giving it to him while staring at his forehead, avoiding eye contact.He grabbed that coffee and left, but the last words he uttered were not missed. "Of course it's mine. You don't drink coffee, Alexis."--------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2022 I am the rightful owner of the story. This is a book which is full of love, light and laugh. I'm not particularly a fan of things that hurts, so this is a story about a woman who found the right man again, but this time, in the right time.

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The Lost Lycan Empire

Werewolves are mythical creatures, right? Wrong, they are real. I am real.The 1 billion of my brethren are real. More powerful through all those years. The silence about our kind through centuries is caused by the forgotten history or should I say forced forgotten history. The strongest empire amongst all civilizations has crumbled. One way or another all werewolves blended and adopted to how mortals live, in short naïve, common, and stupid. But nevertheless, we're still how we are supposed to be: primal and dominant among others. A mix of animalistic instincts and human intellect. I am Torianna Reyna Lopez. Prime legionnaire of the east. But I have a secret I am not a trueborn werewolf. I was born human. Turn into a werewolf. How? Secret. No one knows aside from me. I am a mystery to my kind. Literally. Born mortal, but not anymore.I have preserved my secrets for decades. Safe, sound, and secure. I promised to bring this secret to my grave. To save the existence of all beings out of chaos and possible damnation.That's what I thought if only I knew...Less than a month and the new werewolf kingdom my faced the same fate as the old werewolf empire. With an invisible clock timing their every second, would Torriana be saved by her atrocious past, be outcasted by her present or be banished in the future.

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To dearest,We are pleased to inform you that your presence is expected for you to be accepted in Vaxton Camp, home for the young generational elites of wealthy families. Only one child per family clan in each summer camp. Hopefully, anticipate your attendance on June 21st.From Dearest,Chairman Frankenstein.

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