Stories by: ancientwritergirl
4 stories
The Destroyer of Death

Since the children, as He calls them, are people of flesh and blood, Jesus Himself became like them and shared their human nature. He did this so that through His death He might destroy the devil, who had power over death, and in this way set free those who were slaves all their lives because of their fear of death.Hebrews 2:14-15 (GNT, AMP)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a short story about a missionary who faced persecution because he preached Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God. He went through trials and tribulations because he professed his faith in Jesus, the Saviour of the world.Be blessed as you read in Jesus' name. Amen.

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Awaiting Her Beau

"Do you have anything to say?"He shook his head, but never shifted his gaze from her face."Well then, what do you want?" She snapped, tired of his incessant staring.He shook his head again, still remaining speechless.She sighed. "Is there something on my face?"He nodded."Well, what is it?" She asked, her gaze now locked on his."Your beauty."_____________________On a dark and stormy night, two families gather in a house and tell each other stories to keep things lively.Funny stories, tragic stories or thrillers?Find out as you embark on this unparalleled journey consisting of a dashing prince and his love interest, to a beggar and his road to success, and even two agents who never see eye to eye.Grab a packet of popcorn, some chips and a bottle of soft drink as you settle comfortably on your bed and experience history, the present and the future through the pages of this book.Certainly, you won't ever drop it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1st place under the Teen Fiction category in the WalkbyFaith Awards 2021.1st place under the Romance category in the Faith Alive Awards 2022.

6.4K 51 1.3K Full
Won Over

She was done with life. She felt too weary to hold on.She found no reason to keep on existing. So she devised a way out.But on the night she planned to take her own life, a twisted version of a fairytale came through for her. A stranger in shining armor came to her rescue, stopping her from carrying out what she deemed to be the best decision she had ever made.Unrelenting and with ingratitude soaring as high as a mountain peak, she vowed to try again. Her desperation to exit this world kept increasing.Next time there would be no disturbances.However, the GOD of Heaven had something more beautiful for her in mind.Not as a twisted fairytale though.It would be the real deal this time around, through God's own way.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd place under the General Fiction category in the WalkbyFaith Awards 2021.

5.9K 32 1.1K Full
Learning To Fly

Learn to live while you can.Not dangerously, of course.But freely.With joy and gladness of heart. With a spring in your step and a extra gleeful clap of your hands. With an optimist viewpoint on the circumstances of life.Learn to live like that.

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