Stories by: ancientStag
7 stories

Mason seems like any other normal person, but he really isn't. You wouldn't know he wasn't normal unless you *really* knew him. Mason has psychic powers and uses those abilities to help consult with the police.

3 1 0
Mr. Linden's Library

Eva Henderson is your average 13 year old girl who loves reading. But, when she gets the chance to go to a whole other place just to get away from her bad home life, will she?

6 1 0 Full
As Blue As Your Eyes

Vic Harper along with friends, Sammie Queen and Riley Peters, stumble upon a magical portal from a vague long lived story told to them by Vic's parents. Can they ever find their way back home?Anata Prateox, a great and powerful elf, goes looking for ancient Elvin ruins on the outskirts of the Elvin land only to find everything buried. Can he ever uncover the secrets the old Elvin elders kept from them?

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Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

A tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?" Based off of the picture and title+subtitle by Harris Burdick.

19 1 0
Surge In Angelum Lucis

God is evil? Lucifer is good? Who's the Angel of Light? Is that Lucifer? WHAT'S GOING ON?!

7 1 1
Why I Write...

I wrote this for my Creative Writing (Fiction) class. There will be more that I post onto here from that class for the first semester. Not the second as it's only a half year class. Hope you enjoy~

18 1 1 Full
European Imperialism in India

This is just a story I wrote for my Global class (I'm currently working on another one as well), so I'm sorry if it's boring.

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