Stories by: TemptationDriven
2 stories
Stitches Undone

I just wanted to be accepted again, a part of a family, and to feel loved like I did with my mom. I shook the last thought out of my head. No one could love me. I was a misfit; a juvenile; the aftermath of tragedies and sins. Was it fair to me though? Hardly. But who said life was fair?

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I really like killing. No joke; I'm being completely serious. It's my favorite past-time by far. I know, I know: that makes me sound like a nutcase, right? Well, let me explain myself.I don't have an official name to give you. All of my peers call me Grimorra, but those in charge of us call me Subject #113. My whole life has been centered around killing others; it's quite literally my job. So, shouldn't I enjoy it? It's not like I'm out there, shooting random civilians left and right. Oh no, there is much more elegance to it than that. The sleek shine of my rifle as I take aim; the snapping of air as I release a bullet. Personally, my favorite happens to be the moment of impact. Watching my target splatter like an abstract painting of red gives me the kind of thrill so many others spend their lives searching for. Gruesome, perhaps. However, I don't kill just normal people. My targets are the worst that mankind has to offer. So, in reality, I'm doing the world a favor by eliminating these filthy miscreants. There's really no need to thank me. As I said before, I enjoy killing.But what am I suppose to do if those I work for end up betraying me? Killing me, even. Some might say it's karma or the righteous hand of God considering just how many people I've killed in my 17 years of life. My view on it isn't so holy. If I were to be betrayed, I wouldn't hesitate to bring down others in our organization with me before I died. I'm their best assassin though, so I highly doubt they would waste my talents by killing me.Retribution at its finest, I say.

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