Stories by: Skyclaws
3 stories
The Marvels #1 : The Marvel of Water

What if you were the most wanted person in Seattle? Only what if you weren't human? Barco Venice a water marvel can explain that although he may be the #1 wanted "person" in the world, he is not that malicious.

752 18 72 Full
Socks and Ruby's Journey [Crazystarthunderclan's Contest 1]

Sock and Ruby are Tiny's littermates live are adopted by two kind twolegs. They never thought again, about their littermate, Tiny. But one day, their twolegs betray them and leave them in the house. Soon, through hunger and desperation, they go to search for a mysterious cat who could help them. Will their journey succeed, or will they die at the paws of a cat that they never excepted to still be alive?

1.7K 11 43 Full
Sprintpaw's Betrayal

ThunderClan is fierce and brave, ShadowClan is willy and proud, RiverClan is clever (smart) and strong, and WindClan is swift and loyal. Sprintpaw is a RiverClan cat, but she isn't clever like her other clan mates. She suspects she is a WindClan cat because she is fast, but not clever like her other clanmates. Will she betray her current clan and friends and go join WindClan, or will she find she is a RiverClan cat after all?

1.5K 18 57 Full