Stories by: ScottPaul
4 stories
Magical Probi

Probationary FBI Agent Agatha Blackmore has just finished three grueling years at the FBI Academy at Quantico. She mastered every skill and task they laid before her. She now begins an Internship of sorts working for the Magical Crimes Division. Assassination, Murder, and Betrayal await her. How will she do in the real world? Will her Magick be enough to save her?

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Dead in Space

It was supposed to be a simple rescue mission... what really happened was something else entirely. A strange new alien life form has surfaced on an out of the way colony planet. The deep space research vessel Thanatos Rising has been sent to ascertain what it is and where it came from. They are too late. An infection has spread across the planet killing and changing everyone in its path. Is it related to the Alien or is it something else altogether?

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The Forgotten Engineer

Ensign Athena Lee was one month into her new assignment as the most Junior engineer on board ship. Her assignment was to help build a secret spy station in a small out of the way galaxy. How was she to know it would become her last official assignment? An enemy fleet dropped out of jump right into their midst. In the aftermath of the battle she was left behind forgotten. What does an engineer do when faced with insurmountable odds and all hope of rescue? She changes the equation!

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Conjuring Quantico

How do you cope with magic that goes its own way?As a second year FBI academy witch, Agatha Blackmore has a certain reputation. After nearly blowing up the school, an untended mid-air incident involving the FBI Director, and declaring war with the US Marines, she has to wonder if she will even see graduation. But when a rash of mysterious disappearances catches the attention of local authorities Agatha finds herself asked to lend a hand to the investigation. Determined to offer protection where it is needed the most, Agatha and her quirky roommate Cat along with her mini- unicorn familiar Fergus, attempt to unravel the mysteries of the four distinctly magical disappearances before time runs out. Does Agatha have what it takes to be an agent? Or will everyone that crosses her end up eating chicken feed for the rest of their lives?

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