Stories by: Ryushuu1412
19 stories
Starlight Heart of Merging Soul (kakanaru)

Hanada Ayumu is twenty-one years old veterinarian woman, she died in an accident after got back home from work.When she opened her eyes again, she realize she's in a child body. A five years old boy with familiar blond hair and blue eyes that have three whisker mark on each of his cheeks.Ayumu realized that she somehow in the body of the one of the anime main character she watch in her childhood, Uzumaki Naruto. The boy that have seen and experience the hardship of the Shinobi world since young, a very charismatic and bright personality with impressive strength and a heart of gold. Basically the opposite of her on personality.While Naruto is loud, obnoxious, friendly and always seeking someone attention and affection. Ayumu personality is more of shy, quiet, calm, like to distant herself to be alone sometimes, and lack of emotion.Since she know what will happen in the future based of the stories she watched and she already accepted that she's really dead. And now she's in the body of her favourite anime character, she decide that she had a chance to change the plot of the story and save everyone that she think worth of living.Maybe she can tried to fall in love one day since she never been in relationship with someone before in her past life.Disclaim: I don't own Naruto but I'm own the plot of this stories.

24.3K 20 852
In Different Timeline With The One We Love (Sasunaru/Kuranaru)

Everyone die in the great 4th war, leaving Sasuke and Naruto left. And then Kurama offer them to go back in past to fix it. Watch how Naruto and Sasuke fix the future for the better. Also with they love story. Pairing: Sasunaru/Kuranaru

30.8K 10 979
I'll Take this Second Chance to The Fullest (Naruto x Tensura Slime Crossover)

Naruto was fighting the rabbit goddess Kaguya even though there was nothing for him to fight for anymore. Everything that he's cherished are gone, his village, his people, his comrades, his friends, his family. But he still kept fighting to stop Kaguya by all cause. Using the Sage of Six Path power with full force with mixed of Kurama's kyuubi mode chakra, he managed to defeat Kaguya. But it's also resulted for him being thrown into another dimension or more like another world that was quite strange to him. Rimuru Tempest, the reincarnation slime. Found the injured handsome blond man in the Great Forest of Jura after investigate the strong burst of magicules that he had felt. Decided to treat his injures, he bring the man to his village and allow the blonde to stay there. Disclaim: I don't own Naruto or Tensura but I own this story plot.

22.6K 15 521
The Red Typhoons (Naruto Fanfic)

The Fourth Shinobi War is getting worst and the world is completely destroyed. Naruto is the only one left after seal Kaguya again and defeated Madara.With nothing else he can do, he goes back in time where all this started. While he can't be Uzumaki Naruto anymore because they can't have two Naruto, so he abandon his name and use a new identity.P.s: it's threesome ship and I would be more focus on dramas and romance than action and tragedy. I'm not good at all those battle and strategies plan like other people stories that I read. And I like simplified all of the things that necessary in this story. I hate violence, so don't expect any in this one. Also, I have a problem by expressing the feeling from people, so this story would be lacking of it or you will find the same word I tried to express over and over. But I tried to make you understand enough the plot of this story.So have fun reading this story, I hope it get your expectations.

26.8K 22 897
The Life That Full of Meaning (Naruto crossover fanfic)

Naruto is a girl in this story.When the Fourth Great Shinobi War happened, Naruto died in the battlefield after managed sealing Kaguya away and defeat Madara.Her heart was damaged by the blast that she reserved by Kaguya and Kurama can't do anything with it despite having his healing chakra to heal her. When she opened her eyes again, Naruto met a goddess.The goddess thanks her for her hardship and the responsibility she placed her as the Child of Prophecy and told her that she will be giving a second life as a reward and would be sending her into another world.A world that didn't have chakra or shinobi. So, she can live the happy life that she wanted without worrying that someone would targeting her life just like her past life.Naruto was grateful and thanks the goddess for her generous.So that's how Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto reborn as Tsuchiya Narumi, daughter of Tsuchiya Minato and Christina Kinsley.Naruto or Narumi had been enjoying her new peaceful life in this world. She meet a new people. People that will be precious to her. She also found a new adventure in the world she were in. Getting trapped into a games, find her love, help her psedo little brothers from evil organization. Naruto know that her life always full of meaning. And she would never ask for the change. So, she would live the way she want and help her precious people in need. P.s: I didn't own Naruto, Detective Conan or Sword Art Online. But I own this story plot. Hope you enjoy the story

6.3K 14 194
Blessings And Love To You (naruto/dcmk crossover)

Naruto was seven when the mob of the villagers attacked him and abused him until he was in the death door. Didn't even give him a mercy this time because of their hatred through Kurama and the attack that happened seven years ago. Kurama can't take it anymore from seeing his beloved host getting hurt and suffer from this wretches village, he decided to take this on his own hands. He send Naruto to another world where he won't be suffered anymore and let him have his own happiness that he wanted. Find out more when Naruto was adopted by Kudou Yusaku and become an elder brother to our Shinichi and growing up together with him. P.s: I don't own Naruto or Detective Conan but I'm own the plot of this story. Hope you guys like it and enjoy. 🥰

4.3K 18 162
The Bond Between Us (kaishin)

Everyone knows that Shinichi turn into a child when he got himself poisoned by the members of the black organization. And the first one that found him is his neighbour professor Agasa Hiroshi.But what if instead of turn into a six years old child, he turn into a cat. A pre-teen tuxedo cat.What if instead professor Agasa found him, it was some stranger that claim herself as a enchantress.She take him in and offer him a place and turn him into a cat hybrid so he can shift himself into human and cat.But in exchange, he had to do something for her. Don't have a choice, he accepted. Since he desperately need his body back. In his time to fulfil his goal, he met with an illusive magician thief in the moonlight wearing a white suit, a white top hat and monocle on his right eyes stealing a gem after a gem and turn it back after that.What happen when the two felt the attraction whenever they met and fall in love?Let's fine out

5.8K 12 301
At A Different Turning Point (Shisui x femnaru)

The Fourth Shinobi War happened not the what we know and the world become an end. Naruto is the only the survivor left and she was thrown to another dimension accidently while reserve the blown from Kaguya attack. Knowing that she was thrown on the day her counterpart suppose to be born and the Kyuubi attacked the village, with the knowledge she known from her world, she decide to change and save this world from the same fate her world have.Living a new identity and welcoming a new life. Let's watch how Hikari (Naruto) change the world upside down.Disclaimed: this not my stories but the real author didn't continue and some ideas struck me. I can't help it so I decide to continue the stories myself. Well they don't mind.

17.1K 8 575
Time Reunion (Kakafemnaruto)

Team Minato just got back from their mission when Obito found an suspicious scroll and open it. There was a bright light consumed them and when they open their eyes again, they was back to Konoha but not the Konoha they know. When Minato look at the Hokage mountain, he and his students was shocked to see there was six head instead of three. that Kakashi face there? Find out team 7 travel to the future and meet their teammates older self in Hokage robe.

4.1K 2 127 Full
Love Through Time (Minafemnaru)

Bearing Kakashi's child is hard for Natsumi especially after losing her mate from the battle of 4th great shinobi war. The Fourth Shinobi War has ended in a disaster leaving poor Natsumi the last woman standing. With the help of Kurama, Natsumi was thrown into another dimension and meet with her teenage father.What happen when Minato in trouble and Natsumi come to rescue?Would their relationship change after Minato get to know her?Find out more if you want to know.Disclaim: I didn't own Naruto but I own the plot of this story

9.2K 8 212
The One Under The Mask (Kaifemshin)

Instead of getting shrunken by the drug Gin force him to drink, he turn into a girl. A teenage girl instead of six years old boy.

7.1K 7 240
The Guardian Angel of Detective and Magician (Detective Conan Fanfic)

In the realm world, there was an angel look after her human childs as their guardian. Most of guardian angel have one child to take care of but she tasked to take care two child. Those two child have amazing skill and kind heart. One was a detective and one was a magician. Their life always full of surprised and fun. It's make the angel taking more interest on them. But their live in the life of danger, trying taking down an evil and protection their precious people. Their have to live in the life full of lies to prevent their precious people getting hurt and always sacrifice their life for them. The childs is one of Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito. The angel pity for their life and want to help. So she ask the god to her permission to help her child with her own power as guardian angel. The god give her permission to do whatever she feel right to help them because the god also love them and they got protection from her. What will happen when the angel go down and help her child? Let's find out.

25.2K 45 650
You're My Only Hope (kaishin)

Shinichi have been through everything to defeat the black organization together with Kaito in eighteen years. But hope is not on him went he try to encounter with Kaito to take down the B.O. He lost family, friends and everyone precious to him. Then one of the B.O members shot Kaito the one he start to fall in love with on the take down while he heavily injured. Pandora see this, she feels guilty. Because of her they suffered so must. Because of her, her guardian lost his love. So too fix this pandora use the spell to back to the time before Shinichi turn to Conan and go with him to be by Shinichi side to support him. So what happen to Shinichi when he wake up being a high school teen again. Let's find out.

13.1K 13 662
Melting me with You (kaifemshin) Rewrite

When Kaito get the news about the death of his rival and love interest. He felt the light of his life gone completely. He locked himself in his room and keep skipping his meal because he don't have appetite after what happen. He start to behave like this after he got the last letter from his detective when he attend his funeral. The letter is past is past on him from the little scientists that his detective partner with.After almost a month, he decide to move on and continue his usual life back but this time he had a new promise to keep. One day, he meet this mystery girl that look really similar to him but he can't track any memories of where they have meet before. When the girl came to his life, he knew that he find his light again and this time he decide to protect it and keep it close to him so he won't lose this light again.

1.3K 4 62
Father turn to Son (Naruto Fanfic)

The Fourth Great Shinobi war is getting worst and the world is destroyed. Naruto is the only the one left after he manage to defeat Madara. Kurama offer Naruto the jutsu to go back to the past. But they travel to far into the Second Great Shinobi War. Too where the Yondaime is still 9 years old. Find out more when Naruto become his father's father. And save the future.

126.9K 18 3.2K Full
Kaishin Oneshots

I make a new one because of someone blocking my stories account just because I'm using one or two of their stories. 😤Well I won't repeat the mistake twice so, hope you enjoy.

9.9K 6 213
Your My Destiny (kaishin)

The werewolves were supposed to find their mate by specialized smell from their respective mates when their turn to right full ages. Kuroba's family was the last and only family from werewolves family's. Kuroba Kaito were in the middle finding his mate while he do his night time job as Kaitou Kid while also finding Pandora even though Snake and the rest black organization already take down. While Shinichi just got his body back after taking down the black organization a month ago. Haibara already told him that the antidote had've the side effect but don't know what it is, so she warn him to be more careful. What will happen when their two met each others??? Contain : the werewolves in this story I make that their can control their transformation even thought their face with full moon. But when their encounter their mate on the first time, their start to lost control with the transformation like turn to wolf or they grow ears and wolf tail.

31.5K 11 1.2K Full
(Kaishin)The Fated that can't run away

Alpha! Kaito a.k.a Kaito Kid x Omega! ShinichiShinichi really hate being an omega and he try to run away from his fate being an omega. He even stated himself that he's being a beta and carefully to not reveal his secret. Always take the supplement to not get in heat and blocked his omega scent. The only knows his secret was his parent, Agasa hakase, Haibara Ai and his childhood friend Ran. One day went he's intend to the heist to cast the international phantom thief, he forgot to take the supplement and got into the heat infront of Kaito Kid. What happen to him went he got in heat infront of Kaito Kid?Remind: This story is after Conan tragedy. Warning :mpreg

36K 8 1.2K Full
Melting me with You (kaifemshin) DISCONNECTED

Kaito has been down lately because of the news of infamous detective of the East died cause being shot while taking down of the Black Organization.He was so despress about Shinichi death. He's being down around a week until one day he met the girls that looks alike Shinichi. He realize tha the girls is look familiar to someone. Her personality also look alike him. He tried to find out who is this girl. Can Kaito figure it out? 🤔🤔

8.6K 11 325 Full