Stories by: Rosalina-Lucia
12 stories
An Aromatic Dream (Dream)

Celestaia Keys is a chef and a Twitch streamer living in Florida. She's well known as an online creator but is recognizable enough by the general public to be considered a 'real celebrity'. She's got a cool house and a job she loves, but even in all that, she's missing one major thing: friends her age that live close by. Her best friends live over a thousand miles away and she's already met most of her neighbors (who are all great, but at minimum 40 years older than she). There are two houses left, two more sets of neighbors left to discover, and then Cel won't know what to do after that. She just wants to meet them, no matter how it happens, to see if she can find friends in them.And then one of them nearly runs her over.

8.1K 32 259 Full
Silver and Gold (Wilbur Soot)

"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver, the other's gold."Luna Silver was satisfied in life. She had all a young twenty-something living in Brighton could need or want. Life was a perfectly straight line for Luna, and she was perfectly content with that. That was, until she came across a perfect stranger in a park; suddenly, a fork was in the road."Two roads diverged in a yellow wood", and Luna wasn't sure which one to take. Will she stay on the path she knows best, or will curiosity lead her down the road less traveled?These are the adventures of Luna and Will.

13.6K 27 510 Full
Fan Behavior (Georgenotfound)

Lilac Lindsay was not expecting to get pulled into the world of Minecraft YouTubers - she was just doing her homework. She should have expected it, though; being Sapnap's best friend, she couldn't stay out for long.

88.7K 36 1.8K Full
Dreams of Magic (Harry Potter)

Adaline Hemmingway's first year at Hogwarts is upon her, and all she wants to do is learn to be the best witch she can be. She quickly makes friends and settles into herself, avoiding trouble like the good student she is (and inevitably getting into a little bit of it anyway). What she doesn't anticipate is forming a friendship- and perhaps something more- with the boy in her grade famous for his good looks and cunning and cut-throat attitude. Disclaimer: This story is, of course, set in the Harry Potter universe and remotely within the context of the Sorcerer's Stone. However, this plotline will not directly follow the first book. I'm taking the general story and the characters and putting my own spin on them- as if it's just shy of an alternate universe. Characters may act a little bit differently than they would canonically and things may happen out of order (some may even act the same, who knows?), but that's the creative license I'm taking for this story. The world may not belong to me, but the story is mine to tell (so if things are a little different, please don't bite my head off). Happy reading!

296 21 34 Full
Write Me a Love Story (OHSHC)

Kaiyoka Sahni just wants to write. When she is, quite literally, dragged into the world of Ouran Academy's famous host club, she finds herself in a whole new arena with nothing but her notebook and pen for familiarity. With the prompting of a certain second-year for guidance, Kaiyoka soon learns that there is more to the host club than meets the eye. In between writing ideas in the margin of her notebook and watching the hosts shamelessly seduce girls, Kaiyo begins to form friendships with the people formerly known to her as 'just hosts'. Through every crazy plan they come up with, Kaiyoka always manages to find herself at the heart of it all.Perhaps it was fate, then, that brought a certain host to his protégé rather than planning. It takes a marginal amount of effort to divert a one-track mind and even more effort to convince a cold heart to trust, but Kaiyo and her host found what neither knew they were looking for - in each other.

34.2K 32 1.3K Full
Marvel Imagines

Welcome to my personal corner of the MCU. I had way too much fun making these, and I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing. These will mainly be about the MCU characters, but sometimes I feel like writing about the actors IRL, so you may get some of that, too.Cheers!

19.1K 29 354 Full
Markiplier Imagines

What you are about to read is a book full of imagines. Imagine what your first date would be like with Mark, imagine what it would be like if you grew up with him... By the end, the goal is that all of your imagine needs will be satisfied.

2K 8 69 Full
Jacksepticeye Imagines

Imagine if Jacksepticeye had a crush on you in high school, or what happened if you bumped into each other on the street. Here are a multitude of scenarios about your favorite green-haired gamer that won't leave you asking 'what if'.

55.2K 27 1.3K Full
Relapse (Markiplier)

How long have you and Mark been best friends? For as long as you both can remember. You're together all the time, almost inseparable, and are closer to him than most other people. Nothing seems to be able to get in the way of your friendship... Except maybe love. However, life isn't just a walk in the park; the sand seems to be slipping quickly through the hourglass and the time you have together seems to lessen and lessen. Time itself seems to be against you. How long can your love hold?Author's note: I did do my research for this (like actual, genuine research), but if anything seems unrealistic, please let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it.

4K 24 158 Full
Truth or Truth (Jacksepticeye)

I've had a more-than-little crush on Jacksepticeye for just about as long as I've been a YouTuber. Which is a long time. It began as more of a celebrity crush, the admiration from afar. But if I'm really honest with myself, I like him for more than his status on YouTube, or the adorable lilt in his accent and voice. Finally being able to meet him in person would be a total dream... One that may come true sooner than I would think. Truth or Truth is right here for you to read, but you can buy if it that's your jam:

69.2K 23 2.7K Full
The Hidden Storyteller (KickthePJ, Discontinued)

"Doing what I love and loving what I do. As cheesy as it sounds, it's the only way to describe the feeling of living my personal dream."Thalia Lester is, indeed, living life to its full potential- by her standard. She's been travelling across Europe and the rest of the world, using her piano and her violin to entertain countless enthusiastic listeners. One of the most successful female musicians in the world, there is no job she'd rather have that to make the world sound a little better with sheet music, 88 black and white keys, and 4 fine-tuned strings. Thalia thought her life was close to perfect. She thought that she'd had a good part of her life figured out, and that life could hardly get any better. But, as the story goes, she met someone. All it took was a person with a lot of imagination and tons more love to show Thalia that life is always better when you have someone to share it with.

231 17 2 Full
Gamer Girl (Smosh Games, Discontinued)

You got into watching YouTube because one of your cousins works on a YouTube channel. You two were really close, but you could only talk so much once she moved to California. Once you find your cousin, though, your life gets turned upside-down... For the better. Meeting a ton of new people is just the start to the crazy road your life is about to go down, and maybe you'll find someone to join you along the way.

2.9K 14 53 Full