Stories by: QueenCle
5 stories
Officer Scott

"I-I'll call the Chief of Police." I threatened. He raised his eyebrows at me in amusement. I didn't understand why he found my warning so funny, I was dead serious. I had the Chief of Police of London's number on my fridge and I wasn't afraid to use it."Call him." Officer Scott dared with that notorious smirk, "and tell him that Caleb says hello.""Fuck you." I snarled angrily. I never cursed. Never. IF I ever did curse, that familiar taste of soap would fill my mouth. Even if my mother wasn't there to force soap down my throat, she had instilled such an obsessive adherence to cursing in me, that I rarely did it.And just as I thought, as soon as I spoke the bitter word, that disgusting taste filled my mouth. But I couldn't help it. He wasn't even taking my threat seriously. No one had ever made me feel as incompetent, and small, and worthless, and insubstantial as Officer Scott did. And he clearly had ties to people in high up places. My threat to call his boss did nothing to even cause him to falter. He didn't even think twice about it. It was as if he was completely untouchable."Are you offering?" He leaned towards me. I crossed my arms over my chest with an angry huff."You're such an-""Pull up you shirt." His husky voice interrupted me. My eyes fluttered in surprise at his abrupt request and I was suddenly at loss for words."What.... N-no!" I shook my head to further convey my point. Officer Scott loomed over me and tsked."Now, now, Summer." He patronized.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After fleeing her home on her eighteenth birthday, Summer "Red" Redwood finds herself in London, where she meets Officer Caleb Scott.Caleb Scott is a jerk.Summer Redwood had the pleasure of finding that out every single time he pulled her over to harass her. But she has other issues to worry about, and running away isn't an option.Not this time.

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The Beta's Choice

Evie Brown is a Beta. She's also a fierce fighter, a protective sister, and a loyal pack member.But then she meets Alpha Alex Romano. He's a sexist, old-fashioned, ferocious Alpha with a fearsome reputation. And he's her mate.Now Evie is stuck between being a Beta for the pack who needs her most, where she feels she belongs, or being a Luna for her mate's pack, where she will have to give up her independence and her status. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like Alex is taking no for an answer.******************************************************************************************I had been trying so goddamn hard to be nice, to be respectful, to not speak out of turn- but he wasn't giving me anything. No respect. No consent. He didn't want to hear anything I said. He didn't love me for who I was- he wanted me to fit into his mold. And that just isn't who I am and the sooner he learned that, the better."Evie, I do respect you and your consent, but-""No. you don't. I want more than you can give me." I needed freedom. I needed to be his equal. I needed to at least be listened to every now and again.His eyes flashed at me. I was pissing him off again. But what more could he do to me? He already marked me against my will. The only thing worse he could do is mate with me against my will.He wouldn't do that, would he?"Evie stop. You're overreacting. Let's get you something for lunch.""I, Evie Brown, rej-""STOP!" He jumped on me so fast that I fell to the floor harshly, dropping the bloodied towel next to me. "Don't you dare finish that sentence." His hand was clamped over my mouth. My heart was beating erratically. His teeth were bared threateningly.Would he kill me?

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In a world where males need to drain their other halves of their energy to survive, the females are controlled, oppressed, and exploited.But Teddy Winston isn't going down without a fight.In her incredible journey to freedom, she finds friendship with the lovable but rough around the edges security guards, safety in a place she least expected, and love where she was absolutely sure it didn't exist.**********************************************************************************"Fuuuck. How are you here right now? You've got to be fucking kidding me." I moaned when I saw no one but the fucking Prince standing in front of me. With his personal guard of course."Let's go." He nodded his head towards the big SUV we had taken to dinner earlier. The other man present grabbed my backpack and then called the guard who was stationed in front of my door.I debated making a run for it.Would he physically stop me? If I were to just bolt away, would he chase me? His security was distracted...I did it.I started running.I heard him mutter something about me as I ran, but I couldn't hear if he was pursuing me or not. Our footsteps made no noise in the soft grass. It was only seconds before I was tackled down and pinned beneath him. I landed with an "oomph" and my back hit the ground painfully.I was panting heavily and waiting for the weight of his body to be removed from me. He did take the pressure off of me, but didn't get up. He distributed his weight to his knees, which straddled me on either side of my waist."Listen to me, Teddy. I've had enough of this. I want to be nice to you and I want to be your friend, but you're making it difficult. We're leaving right now."

5.5K 14 167

Penny was a normal girl. She was finishing with college, preparing to head to law school, and dating a sweet and genuine guy...But then she was kidnapped at a gas station by a total stranger, a hard-headed, controlling, and possessive alpha who claimed she was his "mate".Follow Penny's adventure in a whole other world that she never knew existed and her attempt to become a part of it all.**********************************************************************************"Pen, you're a smart girl, right? So I just need you to remain calm and stay still. I'll be here with you the whole time." I wasn't sure what she was talking about, but when I felt her hand reach down and grab mine, I knew something was wrong.Jackson and Cam walked out of the woods and towards us.I stiffened."I heard you don't quite believe everything I've told you." Jackson said emotionlessly. Fuck. Stevie had trapped me. She has thrown me under the bus. "I don't want to scare you, but you need to see this." He said to me. He slipped off his shirt, revealing an insanely chiseled chest.What? Was that really what I needed to see? He thought that showing me his impressive abs was so necessary?And then he slipped off his shorts, so he stood in only his boxers. I looked over to Stevie, who was watching me carefully. Cam seemed bored.And then I heard it.The sickening crunching of sticks.Jackson's body distorted itself way out of human proportion and he grew and grew and grew in size. His skin grew fur.I let out a loud scream.In front of me was a large, grey wolf. His yellow eyes watched me carefully and he bowed his giant head toward me.And then I fainted.

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Sons of Odin

Trixie Marshall was lost. Her life in New York was fun and exciting, but going no where. Left to pick up the pieces after a messy and lonely childhood, she didn't know what she wanted to do or who she wanted to be. Hell, she didn't even know who she truly was.But then she met Luke Beckett.A sweet, but experienced punk rocker with a large teenage-girl fanbase who seemed intoxicated by her mystery.Now, she's breaking all the rules.

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