Stories by: PabloGaviraStories
7 stories
Gavi OneShots

bunch of single stories with gavi

162 1 2
Not until your 18 (reader pov)

Gavi had been in the closet for his hole life, only Pedri and Fermin knew. For some reason he had some attraction towards you. You guys both had mutual friends, so you were in same room a lot. It took a few months. ๏ฟผ knowing each other before you made the deal. Gavi and you hooked up one night but right as you where about to take his shirt off he stopped you. "Im sorry we can't do that till Your 18"And that's where they made their deal. Gavi promised you he would let you take his virginity on your 18th birthday.

275 2 1
Gavi and Pedri Behind the camera love life

The Story of the famous duo who are Gavi and Pedri The story talks about there love life behind the camera , there struggles but mostly there sex life ๐Ÿคฃ. Includes so many different scenes , situations , background Ect. Story will be updated weekly

3.2K 12 54
Gavi OneShots (pure smut)

Basically a bunch of storys of Gavi being used ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคฃ

2.4K 5 4
Gavi and Fermins

Gavi and fermins complicated relationship Gavi wants to be private fermin doesn't. They have there spicy hookups but that's not enough for fermin

267 1 2

Pedri X readerContext , you where in a relationship with Gavi before this , during that you grew close to Pedri obviously just as friends nothing more but that was just to you. During that time Pedri grew to fall in love with you.

74 1 1
Gavi x reader (gay story/reader pov)

You and Gavi meet at one of his games he couldn't take ๏ฟผhis eyes off you. It made him realize something about himself that he tried to deny

1.2K 7 11