Stories by: NallaLaroproc
1 stories
The Four Living Creatures of CamHi

Colib, where Arts determines ones worth, namely Mana, Martial, Perceptive, Tech & Dark. The land of Colib divided by six district, with one city each. CamHi a renowned school seated in the City of Gana, district of Camrus. Where many applicants gathers, good, bad, weak, strong, mediocre, elite, as they aim in becoming one of the "Four Living Creatures of CamHi ". Mischievous Nec has spent two years in this school, the title doesn't really interest him. He's happy of the freedom of being mediocre grants him. Although he's a subordinate (well more likely a slave) to Ramia of the East, one of the title holders. He's satisfied with running errands(being a slave) for her, the benefit? he have privileges (which he badly needed) to check accounts, records, statistics. He needed it for his sole purpose, to find if there's truth to the rumor of "The Fifth".

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