Stories by: NSP-Fanfiction
3 stories
Dishonored: Resurrection

The year is 1801. This year in the Dishonored time line marks the start of a short, but very important war . A war started by a people who felt mistreated by rich aristocrats coming over seas and using their people. The story is told through the eyes of a young man named Gaelic Amistead. Only 18 at the time he and fifty other men were tasked with protecting his father. Satine Amistead I at his new home in Morley. Sadly the Morley people object to men like Satine stepping foot onto their land, and his arrival marks the breaking point of the people. With the arrival of Satine the Morley Resurrection against Gristol begins!

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Dragonball Rise of Karasumoro

Liked the Dragonball series? Rise of Karasumoro is an alternate universe adaptation of the series. Karasumoro is a saiyan child whose parents were killed in the first saiyan civil war, and is raised by the man who delivered him (Dr. Plat). He leaves planet Plant to train with another saiyan boy named Kartano, under the guidance of a namekian master named Pillipa on the planet Namek.

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Dragonball: Karasumoro Lost on Icer

After his life on Namek Karasumoro heads back home to plane Plant, after taking a very poor conditioned spaceship from the Namekian army, leaving Pillipa and Kartano behind he has one goal on his mind, make it home. Karasumoro's ship crash-lands on the planet Icer, home to the same species as Freiza, he finds a whole new conflict the likes hes never faced before.

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