Stories by: MarzeofFlame
54 stories
The Four | The Beginning Legacy | Book 1

"What if everything you thought you knew, was a lie?"Rewritten version of The Four from 2015! Started: July 25th, 2022

425 10 42
Warriors: The Four (BOOK 1)

Four kits, taken from their home and brother. They now have to find a way to survive in the forest. Hunting, learning to fight, and healing each other. This is the life of these four kits that are alone now. What will happen to them? Will they survive? Will they find their home?[COMPLETE]{Started 6/20/15}{Finished 9/12/15}

10.7K 28 756 Full
Soaring Wings

Rosefall, Coconutsplash, Midsun, and Smudgeleaf have made it away from their clans. They now travel trying to find a new place to call home. They just hope it won't be too long until they find that one place that will make them happy and call them home. They need to find the place they belong. Book 2 of the Fallen Series

375 14 43
Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 5: Ashes and Tears

Half a moon left before the rebellion takes place. Grassstar is now the new leader of SmallClan, and things seemed to be doing well for the rebellion, but when the tyrant starts to get suspicions of things happening behind her back, what will Witheredsoul do?Started: July 5th, 2020

616 24 88

It's been four moons since Wolfpaw came to AshClan. Now another clan has come to live with them. That clan is ScarClan. But there is another threat. Twolegs. They have been invading the forest and started to walk around to hunt. Now when Wolfpaw is out hunting by the IceClan border and sees a twoleg looking at Warmpaw reaching down to him, what will she do? Could she save her ex-best friend from a twoleg or leave him to die like he might have done with her?

143 2 9 Full
Plains of Elysium

Just a simple wiki for all of my warrior cat ocs

333 12 21
The Traitor's Mask

Far out in the desert is a tribe of cats ruled by the gods. Things are ruled differently there, where the toms rule, and the shecats are just their property. There, is where the story starts. A story of two cursed siblings and their path to reclaim their reputation that their parents lost for them. WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! SENSITIVE MATERIAL IS MENTIONED!

487 7 78

Halcyon is another word for a time of peace. That's what it was for AloeClan. Peaceful. Their clan was seasons upon seasons old. They had a peaceful system of becoming the leader. It was either the deputy or the heir. Other cats knew they wouldn't become the leader unless the leader didn't have a kit and the deputy died. Now the deputy had a kit. His name is Badgerkit. He's a runt and just wants to be listened to. Book 1 of the Dissolving of the Past Series

80 3 3
Warriors: Third Strike: Book Six: Fragment of Hope

The dark star's reign will end when the traitor rises to start a brighter age in the forest. Fin the traitor, or the darkness will overcome all.Started: January 1st, 2020Finished: February 28th, 2020

771 32 121 Full
The Lonely Hawk

Silverkit was separated from his family and no one ever knows what happened to him before he came to MapleClan. No one knows if he was taken to one of the other clans or escaped. No one knows if he was almost killed or didn't even have to face a murderer. With this, we can find out what happened to him.Book 6 of the Pre-series Started: June 19, 2017Finished: June 28th, 2017Find the rest of the series! Book 1 of the Pre-Series: Shadow's StrugglesBook 2 of the Pre-Series: A Troubled FlameBook 3 of the Pre-Series: The Shy TigerBook 4 of the Pre-Series: The Proud SnowBook 5 of the Pre-Series: The Scared CheetahBook 6 of the Pre-Series: The Lonely HawkBook 1 of the First Strike Series: The FourBook 2 of the First Strike Series: A New EraBook 3 of the First Strike Series: The Burning HopeBook 4 of the First Strike Series: The Tiny ShadowBook 5 of the First Strike Series: Falling SnowBook 6 of the First Strike Series: Reign of BloodBook 1 of the Second Strike Series: The New DawnBook 2 of the Second Strike Series: Claws StrikeBook 3 of the Second Strike Series: Banished to the DarkBook 4 of the Second Strike Series: EmbersBook 5 of the Second Strike Series: Frozen WingsBook 6 of the Second Strike Series: Overcoming Darkness

658 16 89 Full
Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 2: Tempting Limits

The rebellion has begun to blossom, but with the Dark Forest always watching, they have to be careful to not show what they are thinking. Can Witheredstar stand up to the pressure of hiding all of this from his best friend, while also pretending to still be on her side?Started: May 2nd, 2020Finished: June 20th, 2020

630 30 119 Full
Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 3: Rebirth of the Fight

The other clans have now started to side with Witheredsoul for their rebellion. Will they all be able to keep it a secret until they can launch their attack?Started: June 20th, 2020Finished: June 20th, 2020

494 31 94 Full
Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 4: Forged Through Blood

The plan for getting rid of Maskedstar comes closer and closer to happening, but as Tinystar starts to become suspicious, how much longer would the rebellion be able to last before the tyrant puts an end to it.Started: June 20th, 2020Finished: June 20th, 2020

526 33 98 Full
Marze Shorts

This is just a collection of short stories I've made, where I have no where else to put them.

14 2 3
Warriors: Falling Snow (BOOK 5)

Bluesnow has been acting weirder and more cats had been seen dead. It has been only one more moon and the clans are getting smaller. Tinykit and her siblings are now three moons old, Aquakit and his siblings are now four moons old, and Darkkit is now four moons old. Flamefur and Tigerstripe have decided that they have to stop Bluesnow so with Cheetahpelt and Embercloud, they start to plan on how to get that evil shecat that possesses her out. Metalclaw is also on a mission, just a different kind of one. He still feels guilty for killing Bloodstar. Now, from the stories that Flamefur has told him, he is going to find her own clan, SmallClan, and bring them to DepthClan. His journey will be hard and difficult since the clan hasn't been seen for many moons by now. Join the warriors in their battles and struggles![COMPLETE]{Started 12/6/15}{Finished 12/24/15}

3.2K 35 296 Full
Panic and Chaos

This is the story that Ravenfall, retired leader, tells to the kits in the elder den whenever they want to hear a story. He adds some parts here and there since his memory is going. Sometimes he will even get something wrong to see if the kits are paying attention. This is the story of the shecat that he fell in love with as a kit and could never forget. This is the story of Panic and her little sister Chaos. [This is a one-shot. So yea, sorry]

169 2 19 Full
Warriors: Second Strike: Banished to the Dark

They are starting to suspect the true killer of Aquaclaw, but when the Dark Forest finds this out, will they let them take her away? Would they let them take the one weapon they have against them? No, but they don't know how to. They don't, until an old friend that was thought to be dead steps in. With her help, will they be able to rescue Tinyclaw from the gruesome fate she might encounter?Started: May 30, 2017Finished: June 6, 2017

1.9K 30 153 Full
Warriors: A Tiny Shadow (BOOK 4)

It's been a moon since Shinyfall had her kits. Flamefur has finally given birth to her six kits. Bluesnow's kits are almost apprentices now. Summerkit and Tigerstripe both came back the day Flamefur's kits came. Metalclaw has become suspicious since they haven't heard anything from the dark forest. What will happen? Find out![COMPLETE]{Started 11/4/15}{Finished 12/6/15}

3.6K 33 332 Full
Warriors: Reign of Blood (BOOK 6)

The battle has ended. The true battle still remains. Greysky is now Greystar and the leader of EverClan. She has been tricked by a tom in the Dark Forest so she is now fighting with them. Snowstar has also died from Green cough. Whiteblizzard is now Whitestar and ruler of TideClan. Jaypool also died in the fight and many more cats will die in the upcoming fights. Just a few more days and Tinykit and her siblings are apprentices.[BOOK 6, read the others first]{started 12/24/15}{finished 2/8/16}

3.2K 36 283 Full
Warriors: A Burning Hope (BOOK 3)

It's been three moons and nothing has happened but when Metalclaw finally gets banished from the Dark Forest they start to wonder what's going to happen. Bluesnow has been safe and has her kits. Shinyfall is also pregnant and now is in the nursery with Bluesnow. Is Bloodtear still planning on attacking? Is Bluesnow truly safe? Find out in this book![COMPLETED]{Started 10/6/15}{Finished 11/4/15}

4.3K 31 412 Full
Warriors: A New Era (BOOK 2)

Flamepaw, Tigerpaw, Cheetahpaw, Bluepaw, Silverpaw, and Moonpaw are almost warriors. Metalclaw, who was Metalpaw, had gotten his Dark Forest warrior name. He had still been training Flamepaw no matter what. He has to help her to be ready for the procephy. What they don't know is one of them will be a traitor and the traitor don't even know it. "Beware of the nicest, for they are not what they seem."[COMPLETE]{Started 9/12/15}{Finished 10/6/15}

5.6K 29 455 Full
Warriors: Second Strike: Book 6: Overcoming Darkness

The clans are beginning to worry when the Dark Forest will strike. It has almost been half a moon since Tinyclaw's kits have been born and they thought they would have attacked sooner. Some of the clans are giving up hope that they are ever attacking. Meanwhile, in the Dark Forest, the leaders are keeping their plan tight. They will attack when the clans least expect it and when they expect harmony. It was only a few more days until they will strike. Who will survive?Book 6 of the Second Strike Series!Started: June 18, 2017Finished: July 4, 2017

2.2K 37 196 Full
Warriors: Second Strike: Book 5: Frozen Wings

Tinyclaw's kits are now in the clan being raised. No one knows who's kits they are except for Witheredsoul and Maplesnow. They named the kits and are watching them grow. The kits both know the two as their fathers even if their real dad is dead. Somewhere in the dark, the Dark Forest is getting excited for their attacks. It won't be long until they finally attack. They just have to wait for the perfect moment and hope they don't get interrupted by anything. Started: June 12, 2017Finished: June 18, 2017

1.6K 31 172 Full
Warriors: Second Strike: Book 4: Embers

Tinyclaw has been banished but the killings have not stopped. They still linger in the air waiting for claws to strike them down. Witheredpaw is almost a warrior now. Flamefur is heavy with kits waiting to give birth to her two kits any day now. Midnightstar only waits to see how much despair these new kits bring to the clan. Started: June 6, 2017Finished: June 12, 2017

2K 34 178 Full
Warrior: Second Strike: Claws Strike: Book 2

Tinypaw is almost a warrior. She has just a little bit of training left until she gets her warrior name and she has been training harder then ever in the Dark Forest. But when Bloodtear finds out her little secret he asks her to do the unthinkable. Will she be able to do what he says or will she be killed on the spot?Series Two, Book TwoStarted: October 9, 2016Finished: January 1, 2017

2K 24 145 Full
Warriors: Second Strike: A New Dawn: Book 1

It has been two moons since the great battle. LilyClan and SmallClan are now in the forest with DepthClan, MapleClan, TideClan, and EverClan. Bane and Winterpaw are now in some other clan with some of their new friends. Flamefur isn't sure that the Dark Forest is done with their clan yet. She knows there is something wrong. Tinypaw has been acting weirder since the battle. She doesn't talk to many cats and tries to stay away from everyone. Find out what happens to DepthClan in this book! [Warning: this is the second arc. The first arc is 'The First Strike' so please read that before reading this or you will be confused][BOOK ONE]Started: February 6, 2016Finished: October 2, 2016

3K 29 257 Full