Stories by: LittleMarkimoo
20 stories
The One With the Internal Struggle

**It's been a while since I last wrote a one-shot. I've been watching a lot of Friends recently and I got inspired :) I hope you all enjoy!** *Contains slash. boy/boy. If you don't like it, please don't read it.*The feeling of his lips on mine; the feeling of his surprisingly soft hands caressing my slightly pink cheeks. The way, as cheesy as it sounds, time seemed to come to a stop. It seemed to last forever, but at the same time, it was over almost way too quickly. I had been nearly tempted to chase his lips with my own, waiting to taste him again.

698 1 19
Hi5 Studios ~ One shots

**Hello again. It's been a while. and I am so, so sorry. I've just kinda... become obsessed with some new youtubers. As you can see by the title, this will be a one-shot book just for Hi5 studio people!! Hopefully some of you guys know them, and send in some requests! (: **

1.6K 2 5
Youtuber Imagines

**Hey guys! I feel so bad because I haven't been updating a lot lately (or at all really). But I wanted to start releasing stuff for you guys at least once a day, and I thought this would be perfect! An imagine book, based off of Youtubers. This is a book where you guys can make requests, and I will do small imagines (or maybe even small one-shots) based off of them! They can be ageplay related, they can be based off of certain ships, they can involve the reader, etc. I'm pretty much open for whatever you guys want to send my way. I, however, will not be accepting smut requests. Sorry.****Requests are closed as of right now! :) **

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Dream Daddy One-Shots

**Hey guys! Another story. Because I need to keep adding new stories (I am so sorry you guys. :p I keep getting into new fandoms). **Warning: This will contain boy/boy stories.This is basically a book about one-shots based on the Dream Daddy Daddies. One-shots will include Damien, Robert, Hugo, Craig, Mat, Brian and Joseph. My favourite is Damien so...a lot of them will be based on him probably. I will also be writing fanfictions that will feature ships between the Dream Daddy bunch. Hugo and Damien is one of my favourite ships, but I'm pretty much open to any ahip amongst them :) I hope you guys enjoy! :DChapters:1. Damien and Dadsona2. Damien and Dadsona3. Craig and Dadsona (Co-written with Vicky30312)4. Craig and Robert (Brobert?) Co-written with Vicky30312)5. Hugo and Dadsona6. Joseph/Damien

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Heartbreaker </3

Jackaboy Slips

**This is an ageplay one-shot, that involves a grownup in pull-ups. If you don't like it, don't read it. And please don't start drama or steal my ideas or plagiarise. Thank you! (: ** Jacksepticeye is a Little. No one knows. And that's how he wants to keep it. Unfortunately for him, as he's at a con, he agrees to share a room with Mark. During their second night there, a nightmare gets to him that causes him to slip. He isn't the only thing to slip that night, as his secret...also slips out...

11.5K 1 328 Full
Panel Problems

**Heyo. Back with another one-shot request. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while now and I've finally been able to finish it (: It was requested a few months ago by someone on Anyways, I hope you enjoy it (: **Warning: This is an ageplay related one-shot, so if you don't like it, don't read it!Prompt: I was wondering if you could do a fic where Jack starts accidentally regressing towards the end of a panel. Like Jack is really tired and Mark asks him if he wants to just head back to the hotel, cause he knows Jack might slip, but Jack is stubborn.

952 1 31 Full
ABDL Markimoo [Slow Updates!]

((Hiya! This is my first ABDL story gentle. And if you don't like it, don't read it. Plain and simple. I hope you enjoy it!)) ((Basically this is an ongoing story, right now, about Ryan and Matt discovering Mark's Little side. I plan on adding Wade, Bob, Matthias, maybe even Jack, later on. Possibly the Game Grumps as well. :) ))Mark could not believe it. This could not be happening to him. He just happened to walk into the house that he shared with Ryan and Matt, and saw a familiar box being rummaged through by Matt, causing his whole face to instantly drain of blood. **As the title suggests, I'm slowing down with this story to focus on other fandoms and other stories. I hope you guys understand! &lt;3****Chapter 16 is in the works guys!**

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Facing The Truth (Drarry)

**Hiya guys! As I mentioned before, this is a little fanfiction that my friend/editor (Vicky30312) and I have been working on for a few days. We started RPing, and we really enjoyed how it was turning out. Warning: story contains boy/boy slash. If you don't like it, don't read it. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! :)**Drarry AUish sort of deal.During Harry's first year at Hogwarts, he faced something he hadn't be expecting when he looked in the Mirror of Erised. He has had five years to finally accept himself, as he was going into his sixth year now.This year, Draco not only has to face the dark lord and his family, but is very own sexuality crisis. Dealing with everything will take its toll.What happens when Harry and Draco collide during their sixth year?WARNING: CONTAINS BoyXBoy, Slight Homophobic Remarks, Mature Language and Content.

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The Origin of the Blue Sweater ~ Roseph

**Robert Small/Joseph Christiansen Angsty One-shot**Robert tensed up a bit when he felt a hand on his thigh, his glance turning away from the TV in the bar, and over to the blond that was sitting next to him in a booth. "What are you doing?" He asked. No one else could see what was going on, since their hands were hidden by the table but Robert simply couldn't let it happen. "What do you think I'm doing?" Joseph asked, his husky voice slightly slurred from the amount of alcohol he had consumed. "I thought you wanted to have a good time tonight." He added on, moving his hand up higher on Robert's thigh. He leaned in even closer, to begin pressing light little kisses to the other's neck. **Hey guys! This is a longer Dream Daddy One-Shot, so I decided to make it separate. It's a fanfiction about, obviously, Joseph's blue sweater.**Warning: contains cheating (since it is cannon), male/male content, mature content, and mentions of alcohol and cigarettes.(Cover is not mine. I found it on tumblr. Credits to the artist: redbeantofu. Go check them out! :D )

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Maddiplier: A Little Love Story

**Hey guys! So, I decided to do a story based on myself and Markiplier. When I first started writing, I never saw myself writing something like this. But I guess, after five years, my mind changed. This was supposed to be a small one-shot, but I just couldn't stop writing. And, well, this happened. So, I hope you enjoy it!** **This is an ageplay story, so if you don't like it, don't read. Thanks! :) **Maddi and Markiplier had gotten closer the more they got to know each other. However, the two of them still have secrets they keep from one another. But when Maddi's invited to join the Markiplier tour, what happens when secrets are spilled?

365 1 10
Drarry One-Shots

**Heya! So, this is another Drarry one-shot book, though this one is just small little prompts I had written myself. I plan on adding more in the future, which is why I left the book as incomplete.**The first one-shot may turn into a two-shot, especially with the ending I added in :p Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! (I'm new to writing Harry Potter characters so....I hope it's okay XD).

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Drarry  Co-Written One-Shots

**Hi! This kind of started with a small little prompt I stumbled upon. I thought it was pretty cute, so my friend/editor and I decided to write it together. So, this book will be all co-written fanfictions between my friend and I. I also have a separate book of one-shots I have written by myself. More chapters might come, which is why I left this as open. I hope you all enjoy!****There will probably be a lot more Drarryish fics to come, since this first one was sort of a warm up...? :p I hope you enjoy anyways!**What happens when Harry tries to tell Hermione and Ron a bad pun? It somehow ends with a soaked Crabbe and laughter from the Slytherin table...

22 1 5
Sleep is For The Weak

**Warning: Contains a grown up in pull-ups.** Mark bit down on his bottom lip, swallowing thickly due to his throat growing dry from fear. He heard another noise, causing him to spin around in his spot. He hadn't actually expected anything to be there. He didn't want anyone to be there.**UPDATE: I recently added a Chapter 2 to this story. It does not involve ageplay, but instead, it has an added twist on the first chapter I posted. I hope you guys enjoy!**

4.4K 2 83 Full
Baby Boy Blues

**Hey guys! I am back here with another one-shot. I've had this thought in my mind for a while and I've finally been able to write it! I hope you enjoy some Amyplier :) **Tyler let out a small chuckle when he saw the name that had popped up on Mark's screen, signalling a call. The word Mommy caught Tyler off guard. He had never known Mark to call his Mom, Mommy. "You still call your mom Mommy?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Aren't you a little old for that?" He asked.

1.1K 1 41
Moon Gwavity

**This is an ageplay one-shot, that involves a grownup in pull-ups. If you don't like it, don't read it.** Mark was excited to be doing a video with both Bob and Wade. It had been a while since they had done one together. Especially since they were able to do it in person, apposed to doing it through the computer via Skype like they usually did. And the best part? Bob and Wade knew about his Little side so he didn't even have to hide it from them while the two of them were visiting.

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Little Play Date

**A lot of people really love Little Jack.'s some more Little!Jack. With some more Uncle Bob and Uncle Wade! And please no copying...****This is an ageplay one-shot, that involves a grownup in pull-ups. If you don't like it, don't read it.** Today was a rare day. And Mark was excited. Usually they didn't get days like this. Jack had come to LA. But he wasn't the only one there. Wade and Bob had also come. The four had decided to do a livestream event. He didn't realize Bob and Wade had plans for the next day...** I'm back, and I'm so glad to be back. I'm hoping to have Chapter 12 out soon. (: but until then, I hope you enjoy this! :D **

3.6K 1 93
ABDL Markimoo Side Stories

**This might turn into a series of one-shots.I'm thinking about making a separate book about side stories/adventures that take place in ABDL Markimoo but don't get talked about (What I'm trying to say is this is a series of one-shots based on the prompts people want based off of the 'book' thing I wrote). Words are hard...**Warning: It does involve an adult in pull-ups. If you don't like it, don't read it.**The first story is about Matt, Ryan and Mark going rollerblading. The only problem is that Mark doesn't know how to roller blade...

2.9K 1 59
Yoga Isn't Just For Friends (Tyler/Mark)

**This is an ageplay one-shot, that involves a grownup in pull-ups. If you don't like it, don't read it. Also, it is a boy/boy fanfiction.** (Mark/Tyler) Tyler gave him a soft, reassuring smile before he pressed a small kiss to Mark's hair. "But I think you look adorable." He replied softly, before one of his hands went down towards Mark's bum. He gave it a light pat, watching as Mark's cheeks heated up even more. "No one's gunna know. Only you and I. Promise." He reassured him in a soft voice.

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Arrow Dodge Challenge Mishap

**I felt like doing a one shot, so I thought...why not? Warning: this contains accidental wetting and, well, embarrassment.** The video had been going fine, and they were having quite a bit of fun with it, when it took a turn for the worst. Mark didn't think he could be any embarrassed than he was in this moment.Mark had been laughing along with the others, trying to make it past the line, when one of the Nerf Arrows hit him right in the lower region. He let out a small noise, sinking down to the ground. The pain wasn't even all that bad. It was what happened afterwards.

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