Stories by: JellyfishGirl1
4 stories
To all the boys

This is for the #ToAllTheBoysContest, and it's just my thoughts.

224 1 12
Second Generation: the Quest Begins

The children of the well-famed 'Heroes of Olympus' are much less well known, and are determined to set their own path, whether it's like their parents' ones or not. Follow Emeral Chase, Diamond Di Angelo, Sky Grace, Saphire McLean, Sammy Valdez, and a new demigod, Appaplexis Koskinen on their journey- both to save the world (though they don't know it yet), and to find themselves adn their connections to eackother (though they don't know that yet, either).

147 5 15
Eleanor and Park: after the postcard.

This is a story of what happens after Eleanor sends Park the letter. Will they start dating again? Will they survive in the new environment? There is only one thing that is for certain: Eleanor & park belong together. WARNING: THIS WILL ONLY MAKE ANY SENSE IF YOU HAVE READ ELEANOR AND PARK! OTHERWISE TI SOUNDS LIKE COMPLETE HOGWASH!

21 1 2
Primrose's Story.

Everybody knows about katniss. Everybody knows that prim is just katniss' little duck. Everybody knows that prim died. But is that really it? Is prim just the happy-go-lucky girl? Is she even dead? This is her story, so if you wanted some victorious katniss and Peeta stuff, back off. This isn't their story anymore. It's prim's.

183 5 12