Stories by: I_Ship_Jal
11 stories

Jay and Evie are only 13 years old, when Beast, Ben's father, plucks them from the Isle of the Lost to bring to Auradon. Beast didn't just take them from the Isle, he took Jay away from Mal, and Evie away from Carlos. Mal and Carlos were both heartbroken to see Jay and Evie leave for Auradon. Before getting into the limo to go to Auradon, Jay and Evie make the same promise to Carlos and Mal. They promise, to wait for them in Auradon, and to convince the King and Queen to bring the two of them over to Auradon. And just like that, they are separated. Jay and Evie are being sent to Auradon, to be adopted into Beast's family, and to be Ben's little siblings. 3 years later, Jay has kept his promise to Mal, but Evie hasn't. She's gotten distracted by several other boys that want her to be their queen. Jay gets his opportunity to bring Carlos and Mal over, and he succeeds. Several days after the plan is made, Mal and Carlos arrive from the Isle, and a whole bunch of Royal drama, kicks in.

67.4K 34 1.3K Full
(Descendants)Friends are like family

It's been six months since the Royal Cotilion. The 4 best friends Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos are living their dream, where their parents can't hurt them, where there's good food, friends, warmth, and love. But, someone who has known them lurks in shadows. She doesn't approve of their friendship with the king, and wants them gone from Auradon. When a spell gets casted on Mal, her friends have to step up their game, to save their best friend from being stuck in the state she's in, forever.

13.6K 11 365 Full
Secrets We Keep

Mal has been friends with her best friends since she can remember. Well, that's just Jay. Carlos and Evie have been best friends with her since she was 16. Then Ben invited them to Auradon Prep, and now it's 2 years after they came. They're all graduated, and they're still best friends. But when a HUGE problem comes up, and two of the core four are invovled, how will they get over it, and solve it? More importantly, will they all still be best friends?

15.7K 18 299 Full
Never Alone

Jay was abused by Jafar his whole life. Mal was the only one he ever trusted with his secret, even though she was always 2 years younger than him. When Jay turned 17, Evie and Carlos joined Mal and Jay's forces of 'friendship' and they found out about his secret. Now in Auradon, Ben starts getting suspscious of Mal. They're dating, and when Mal acts different around Jay than normal, Ben starts to make his own conclusions. He goes to her and Evie's dorm to ask her on a date, and his fears are confirmed. He immediatly seeks Mal out, and confronts her angrily, but the truth isn't what Ben was expecting. Ben now knows everything, and Jay is afraid to be near Ben, so he makes an excuse every chance he gets to leave Ben's presence. Ben finds Mal with Jay once again, and he lets his anger get the best of him once again. As more and more people hear Ben screaming at Mal, the stronger she seems to get. Ben triggered her anger in the wrong way. He wanted to get her angry at him, so she'd fight back, but instead, he put himself in the situation, where Mal feels threatened by him, and she goes into defensive mode. When the paparazzi gets ahold of this, as well as Ben's parents, what will go down?

18.2K 13 376 Full
To The Moon And Back

No one in this world is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has embarrasing moments, and everyone especially keeps secrets, which is no except for Mal, Daughter of Maleficent. She has a reputation built up for herself, that's 90% made up. She does know who her dad is, she was abused more than she admitted, and most of all, she isn't an only child. The biggest secret of her life, was keeping her family a secret. Maleficent got involved in a couple of one night stands, that impacted her life forever. Now that Maleficent knows what love is, and three children came out of one fatal relationship, she tries her best to keep her only daughter away from other kids to prevent Mal from falling into the same habits. Mal's whole life was a lie, and when the lie falls apart when she turns 16, she regrets her mistake. As Mal falls under fire, her brothers go down with her, and then the situation gets taken further, into the public eye. Ben is extremely angry, and he isn't afraid to show it. It shows on and off the tv screen, which is unfortuante for Mal. As Mal spirals deeper and deeper into loopholes, her older brothers are the keepers of her safety, and they decide to elimate Ben from the problems. When Ben gets even more angry, the press catch him trying to kill his girlfriend, and everything changes. Ben gets put into jail, and then the problem gets overlooked, until Ben makes a comeback, determined to destroy the cause of his problems, once and for all.

6.2K 13 243 Full
Auradon Blues

The AK's, and Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Mal are all in their senior year of school. Ben broke Mal's heart by cheating on her with Audrey. Carlos swooped in and won Mal's heart, and Jay with Evie's. With a month left of school before graduation, Evie and Carlos do something unintelligent. Mal and Jay don't know what their lovers have done with each other, but Ben does. Ben swore he wouldn't tell anyone what happened, but at graduation, Ben finds out from Carlos, that Evie is pregnant, and he is the father. Mal was in the dinner line behind them, when Carlos opened his mouth and said that to Ben. Mal's plate crashes to the floor, and heartbreak once again was depicted on her face. Carlos sees that Mal heard and the last words he ever heard her say were, "You promised you wouldn't hurt me you jerk." With that, Mal runs off, and she was never seen again. A week later, Jay hears Evie talking to Carlos about what they should name their baby. Jay confronts Evie, and Jay was never seen again. 5 years later, Evie and Carlos know they messed up big time. They manage to track Jay and Mal down, to a place in Colorado. All the AK'S, Carlos, Evie, and Alessia, Carlos and Evie's 5 year old daughter. What they find in Colorado is not what they expect at all. Mal and Jay have changed their appearances, and they live on a big successful ranch. When the big group from Auradon hangs with Mal and Jay, the bigger the hole in Evie and Carlos's hearts grow bigger and deeper.

26K 18 528 Full
Heartbreak Hotel

When Ben breaks Mal's heart and decides to date Audrey again after Audrey somehow managed to get Ben back. Mal refuses to cry about this, but it doesn't work. Ben knows how tough she is and he knows he hurt her too much when tears graze the ground. She turns and flees . Ben goes after her, but she's already found the comforting arms she needs. Ben watches the story unfold from the doorway as Mal finds her comfort in Jay. He can't hide his surprise that Mal ran to him first when he knows Evie's in her dorm with Carlos and Dude. Ben is even more surprised that Jay is being gentle with her when Jay isn't gentle with anyone. Audrey pulls Ben away but Ben is still confused. When Ben goes back to check on her, all three of her friends are surrounding her on Jay's bed. Ben is looking at true friendship and he's jealous of all four of them that they have each other. When Mal stops showing up to class and Jay refuses to talk to anyone but Carlos and Evie about her, Ben knows something is wrong. He tries to help her, and he thinks it's working when she comes to class one morning. But he was wrong. He had made her situation worse and he dug the hole deeper for her instead of filling it in and pulling her out.

22.1K 14 363 Full
It's Too Late

Ben didn't know why she was depressed until she was gone. Audrey didn't know why he was sad all the time until he was gone. Doug didn't know why she didn't smile until she was gone. Jane didn't know why he didn't talk anymore until he was gone. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos all disapeared from Auradon Prep without a trace, or did they? Ben, Audrey, Doug, and Jane all find letters from them explaining what happened. Mal had been bullied everyday by almost everyone in the school, and it started to effect her three best friends. They all understood right there and then. From that moment on, they were determined to find them if it was the last thing they ever did.

29.3K 40 733 Full
If only (it was that easy)

The 4 villian kids that turned good, have survived for 8 months. It's February, and many relasonships are growing and breaking. Mal's and Ben's is no exception. Carlos and Evie, find love in each other, but will Ben and Mal continue after many things of their relasonships die off, leaving only their friendship?

14.8K 10 394 Full
The Isle's Love

What if the Isle wasn't as bad as it seemed? What if the people on the Isle of the Lost appeared strong and evil, but on the inside, they were all good and happy and loving? This story covers what it would be like. When the Islanders are suddenly bombarded with everyone from Auradon on an 'educational field trip' while Malificent is still Queen their normal day routines are shaken up. They can't be nice anymore like they normally are. They have to eat the bad food that is given to them instead of the good food that Mal and Jay bring to them every week from their house in their secret woods no one knows where it's located. The lie crashes down, and everyone from Auradon finally knows how the Islanders live.

23.7K 25 562 Full
Magic isn't everything

The day after a board game "friend fight" Mal wakes up to feeling a pain flare in her gut. She's pushed pain away her whole life, like she's learned to do. When it doesn't go away, her friends are worried. She never cries, she never groans in pain, and she never admitts that she's in pain. The doctor says she will get better, but will she with the magical diasease someone has casted upon her?

20.8K 14 565 Full