Stories by: DraculenavonHellsing
19 stories
Reunited: Angel's Daughter (discontinued)

As she looks up at the hell scape tears in her eyes she sees a form blocking her way. "Heya I heard you were looking for me," a male asked confused.Contains rape, abuse, and beatings Characters of hazbin hotel are not my own only lavander and adom are my own. Please be aware of this.

383 9 18
My Path Discontinued

when arriving home Rose is taken by a pack of werewolves as collateral for her father's gamboling debts. However the Alpha Osamu Moto slowly falls for the human and his beta Raj will not allow this. However what none of them realize is Rose is Osamu's mate. Though not entirely human she is descended from a goddess of life,(will explain later in the story.) she has to find her own path in the world with a love of music and singing she learns not all wolves are cold hearted.

59 12 11
Fatherly love Discontinued

ciel x child reader oh hiatus

4.7K 15 86
the snow that lingers

alois trancy was wondering in town when he saw a girl covered in cinders crying as she ran away from something or rather someone. a demon who setbhis sights on her soul. "Claude save her now!" "yes your highness" *cue black butler 2 Alois's version opening song*Author note: I wrote this back at the age of 15 or 16. Keep that in mind as i may have grown as an author

9.8K 21 210 Full
you are mine and mine alone (Completed)

(human )lord Shen from kung fu panda 2 x oc maid lemon included "Lord Shen your breakfast is ready," said a brown haired pink eyed demon girl. "Good. now after I eat I want you to bathe me, Sapphire Firestone. and I don't want to hear any complaints from you or you will die," comanded the white peacock with a evil grin. "I I understand, my lord," said the trembling demon. what will happen read the story to find out more~

19.1K 32 192 Full
The Reincarnated bride of the Vampire king

Jessica Andrews is an archaeologist with a passion for vampires. however she never expected to meet one in real life that would still alive. Marcus de Lord is a vampire King who is trapped in a crypt for 656 years without a drop of blood to drink. rotting away until Jessica pricks her finger on his fang. in Jessica's past life she was Jenna Archafellows bride of Marcus de Lord. together again will she fall in love with said vampire or find a way to brake free?

38 4 0
My Beautiful Captain Discontinued

A new recruit for the bloody dager pirate ship finally meets the captain. expecting to meet a male he was poker faced however that poker face turns to that if jaw dropping shock when out of the entire crew of men the captain was atchually a short eighteen year old woman who has bright white hair and deep pink eyes. "well mate welcome to the crew. Can't wait to see what ye future holds!" - Akiza Arms "You are so beautiful and strong you are not like the other women," - David Rebute. A story of love and heartache and hopefully 50 chapters.

25 6 0
Dark Songstress (Hasbin hotel)( Yandere  Alaster x reader/oc)discontinued

Randy is a girl who in life was a radio host in 2013 but she hanged herself for unknown reasons. when she woke up she was in her bed but looked very different. She became a demon a fox demon. She in horror ran out and straight into the streets where she meets a cannibal deer demon who had a raido host like voice. Randy in fear unknowingly shapeshifted into a panther and ran away leaving the deer demon smiling intrigued

598 2 5
You Give Me Anxiety (Discontinued)

Bethany Lovestruck is a 17 year old teenager she has Anxiety attacks. Lucifer Morando is an 17 year old teenager. He is quite mean and a bully. Yet when Bethany has an anxiety attack so severe she couldn't move in the ocean waters he dives in to save her. When he gets her to the sandy Shoreline he checks her heart pulse to find her pulse is weak. He does CPR on her for at least two minutes only for her to cough out the salty seawater. Worried she may have another attack that is severe he becomes her aid "dog". She becomes the source of his desire to change. yet something lights between them. A girl with Anxiety and a boy who is basically a jack ass bully together would they end up in love or one ends up in the hospital on life support?

16 3 0
The cabbin within the woods Discontinued

The cabbin within the woods- Unknown darkness runnig from so many men Men who want her heart.The frantic beating of a lone heartConsomed in fear. As drarkness shrowds her vision a man with ruby red eyes and golden blond hair emerges....What happened to the girl or was it truely a woman?Discontinued

14 4 0
The Vampuric Witch Helene Discontinued

A story of old, 210 years ago Helene was a normal witch royal living for her people, came to an end when the humans burnt her entire kingdom to the ground. Helene managed to escape, only to see her kingdom burning to the ground hearing the screams of her people and parents. ten years later now a beautiful gypsy playing her violen for all to see luring everyone to her grasp and killing the humans just as they killed her people, She meets a man with golden hair and gray eyes. she made the mistake of luring Lestat into a alleyway without an escape then tried to kill him. He gave her "the choice he never had". Choosing to be a vampire to continue her rage. Only to become a even stronger witch with the vampire power's and fangs, thirst for blood and yet seem completely human. She became known as The Vampireic Witch. Fear, love, revenge, and regret. Lestat and Helene started to travel together however, will a love will bloom between them?

76 9 2
Bride of the Devil King

(original story) The devil Moroku Kinashi has asked Jade Sakura Snowlight's hand when she was born but in return Mrs. Snowlight's life will be extended. Mr. Snowlight was happy but couldn't help but feel like he betrayed his daughter Jade Sakura. years passed and Jade Sakura now goes by Jade for short and is a beautiful 18 year old in high school. she will encounter Moroku but for him it is love at first sight. Will it be the same for Jade Sakura?

1.5K 16 36 Full
Fragments of the heart

Over one Thousand years ago there was a kingdom in the far west where a bride to be with all her glory she was so happy. Until she was left at the alter waiting for her groom who never came. Over the years she waited for her groom only to find out that he left her for some other girl. Devastated she committed suicide. Now in present day Youngstown, Florida a young girl who has fallen in love with a prince of warlocks is being bound to the same fate as her ancestor one thousand years before her. Now to save her decedent form the same fate the ghost of the girl who suffered a tragic death will save her? Will this girl's story have an unexpected tragic ending or will she have an unexpected Happy ending?Black butler is included, I do not own the pictures or black butler. Own the story and the plot of Fragments Of The Heart

35 5 2
Love In Church

Ciel was trapped tied up in a chair as he struggled to get free a soft femenen voice was heard from the shadows "I could help but only if you help me."The lost princess of a lost kingdom. With a vampire on the lose maybe more than one. Can Ciel stop the father vampire before the vampire wakes up the other blood vampires and save the lost princess? However may she save him as he slowly falls for her? Read the story to find out.

53 6 0
Crier (ciel x oc x Sebastian) Discontinued

the war was just beginning with demons and sirens. the queen sent her daughter to he human world to ensure her child's safety. queen of sirens left her daughter to the bloodrose clan. a group of driders known to protect the royal siren bloodline. later on the bloodrose clan was hunted until the clan was whipped out. Now 14 and the fiercest solider that is ruthless the princess will claim her thrown or will she follow her heart to her true love.A/n : this is mostly oc x ciel.

125 6 0
Love story of a Drider prince Discontinued

((A/n: A Drider has the upper half of a human and the lower half of a spider. This is also an Alois x oc story))In the depths of the London foists there lives a drider prince who was eating a human when he heard someone or something sing from a long distance away. He looked up from what he was doing. No other drider was still alive due to being hunted down in the 1800s. He thought he was the last one but clearly he was wrong. A female drider was singing and dancing in human form. However, she was dancing with.............. a corps of a young boy. The girl is a princess and the last female drider around. For two centuries Alois was looking for a wife and now his search is over. Because he found......... Jade Von Heart.

275 5 1
A spider demon's passionate love and the Watch Dog's True Love

This is a Claude x oc x Ciel story okay. Luna Nightshade is a new girl and biological cousin to Alois Trancy. Yet, her brother and guardian Jack Nightshade is not to forgiving when a butler has taken a fancy to his sister who has arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and yet Claude will stop at nothing to get her love. Yet, her childhood friend Ciel Phantiomhive finds out Luna has returned to England after six years. And when he finds her now all grown up he can't help but fall for her! Will Claude win or will he be booted away from his Spider queen by Ciel Phantiomhive Luna becomes Ciel's Mate?this was originally on my quotev account but I decided to add it on here so I could update it easier. Discontinued

146 12 1
Ocean Song (Discontinued)

June is a fallen human and the first teenager to fall in the underground. Nothing seems to go her way except when she sings a specific song which catches the attention and eye of several robots from all over Underground even in the AUs. Her song belongs to the ocean for she is the Ocean's child. Robots chasing her and falling hard for her. What will happen to her in the end? This is an undertale and undertale AU x Oc story with DMMD Dramatical Murder Crossover. June is Clear's daughter. Yes even robots can have kids! Please read the story to receive the full story

500 11 17
New girl only girl Magic girl

((This is an author insert story may of the facts about myself have been altered to fit the story sorry about that.)) Binan high school has just became a mixed gender school yet for experiment they let in one girl and that happens to be a foreign exchange student from america and her name is Jade Cudney. And she is no odernary girl she is a magical girl a Princess to Love's throne Youngest and last of the Love Magi girls that still live on. And her magical girl name is Sakura snow (Cherry blossom snow). And now Akoya is all about perfection with her having to be in the student counsil as a standing as a representation of women well girl students at the high school. However now she caught the eye of Akoya and Yumoto. With her trust worthy cat Delilah whom gave her the bracelet to transform into Sakura snow the white Battle Lover of true love. Will Akoya win her heart and take Jade to the dark side or will Yumoto win her heart even though they are cousins by blood but now are siblings by law?

2.6K 21 32 Full