Stories by: Carlishaaa
1 stories
Street Saga

23 year old Gianni Abrielle Maharaj, daughter of Kareem Maharaj, one of the biggest kingpins in New York, has grown up around drugs and fast money since she was born and all she wanted to do was get away from that life. Unlike 25 year old Santana Legend Demons, all he wanted was to be what his father couldn't and avenge his cousin's death.Santana and Gianni knew of each other since they were little being that their fathers were rivals and hated each other.As they grew older they some how grew fond of each other and became attracted to one another but before their relationship could even start it was ended by an event that changed Santana's whole perspective of Gianni.Now 4 years later as they meet again there is no telling what will happen...

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