Stories by: AZT_MAR
7 stories

"I'm nuts, baby I'm madthe craziest friend that you've ever had you think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone tell the psychiatrist, something is wrongover the bed, entirely bonkers you like me best when I'm off my rocker tell you secret, I'm not alarmedso what if I'm crazy? All the best people are."

3.3K 9 173
Protector {Merlin}

One day, Prince Arthur and his knights were out hunting in the woods, and on their way back, they were ambushed by bandits. Of course, the mighty son of the King of Camelot held his ground with fierce determination, but he had failed to see the bandit from behind and if it weren't for the mysterious girl that had saved his life, not once, not twice, but three times all in that same day, Arthur would've not have lived long enough to fulfill his destiny alongside his ever so faithful servant: Merlin.

1.9K 4 52
Red Ledger  [Avengers]

I've got red in my ledger, and I know that the blood on my hands will never wash off, but I'd like to live in a world where second chances for people like me exist... however naive and unrealistic that may be. I don't deserve a second chance- I don't even deserve the thought of a second chance, but fantasizing about one gets me through the day, and keeps me from falling apart. I'm not asking for forgiveness, only an opportunity for compromise.

159.7K 4 868
Heart of a Dragon {Harry Potter}

Life was quite boring for Rowan Devearaux, but then again, that was entirely her fault as she would much rather spend her day inside with a nice book than to hang out with her non-existing friends. However, boring isn't the word that would be used in Hogwarts nowadays, especially with Harry Potter attending. Join Rowan as her life turned upside down when her name gets called out from the Goblet of Fire.

652 6 30
Magician ( Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D )

Who would've thought a simple street magician and her sister, ' The hacker ' would suddenly find themselves in the midst of S.H.I.E.L.D and their lifestyle of fighting crime?

22.9K 6 713
Bloodshed  ||  Shadowhunters

Nyx Fray, older sister of Clary Fray, stubborn, quiet, a soldier who takes her job very seriously. She rarely smiles and is very protective over her little sister. When both girls get thrown into the shadowworld, anger steams out, tears fall and smiles are being shed. Find out in my new fanfiction Bloodshed.

641.2K 40 15.1K
Percy Jackson and the avengers (crossover ) (1)

After the war with Gaia , Percy was left heartbroken since all of his friends had sacrificed themselves for the war . He visits his mother only to find her dead with Paul and his three year old sister on the floor .He had lost everything .But when the mysterious group of superheroes come and take him for his crimes and the director gives him a purpose again , will he mend or forever be broken ?

460.7K 25 11.8K Full