Stories by: ASDadore
5 stories
Stand by me

STAND BY ME❤️#10 in spiritual ranking( 10/12/2023)😍#1 in spiritual (15/12/2023)Life as a female Muslim, growing up in a strict community in Pakistan wasn't easy for Safiyya. With the zeal for education in the young girl's heart and her parents' determination, it was hard but she got past high school. College became a greater deal but Safiyya found her way out to the States to further her education. She wants to work and prove that a Muslimah can work whilst keeping her dignity but life became harsher living in a foreign country with islamophobia. What other challenges would she face when she meets a broken family?....and relationship?......He is a rich and influential businessman and has built an empire at a young age, he didn't indulge in any romantic relationship. He finally got married even against his family's wishes because she was a Muslim. Alfred didn't care and trusted in the religion but his heart was broken by his wife who even attempted to murder their baby boy. Alfred had to live a life, taking care of his company whilst taking care of his child. Will he ever trust another Muslim and even fall in love with them?Can the love for a child bring two people together? Can A Muslimah achieve her dreams while keeping her dignity as a Muslim?......"I used to think that making my parents and Muslim women proud was my goal but then Allah brought the cute Youssef to me. I can't describe the feeling but some relationships are formed by Allah."

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Golden Jasmine: The Ameer's concubine.

Islam spread around the Arabian peninsula and beyond. Many embraced the religion of Allah and the prophet as their messenger, uplifting the seen with their lives and honor. That was the golden age of Islam. Gradually, civilization came, and with new people added to the picture, new cultures and beliefs became rampant, weakening the hearts of the weak. Empires were ruled by royals and the Sharia law was executed by the Sultan. Stopping the masses from breaking the law was their duty but what happens when the executors become the lawbreakers? Meet an Ameer who believes that sitting and watching a sin become a wildfire that will swallow everyone is more dangerous than the sin itself. Will his struggles go in vain or will he win? And how many struggles will he have to face to attain his goals?Meet a woman who spreads knowledge behind the veil but is sure of the dreadful eyes that follow women from some wolves who are hungry for what is beneath the cover. When soldiers barged into their house and accused her parents of breaking the law, everything happened fast and she was left with nothing. What happens when she finds herself brought to a brothel? Will she lose hope in Allah or fight for her freedom? When two righteous paths meet together, even tidal waves can't stop their victory. All hope seems gone, but Allah is still there to assist a golden conquest. ✨ASDadore✨Jasmine royal couple ✨publishing date: December 1st.

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Stay with Me

Meeting more people made her realize that not everyone is the same in this world but it also showed her how ambitious humans can be. She believed in patience and hard work and it brought her to where she dreamt of and she was determined to make her mother proud. Safiyya has another wish she prays to the Almighty every day which is to make her son Yousef better. The bond they formed was something she was thankful to Allah for. Being held in a marriage to take care of her son, she keeps experiencing more about her husband. Alfred Hill is an enigmatic figure that she looks up to and staying in the same house built up something different. He is still hunted by his past and has built a fortress around his heart but a certain green-eyed beauty seemed invisible before it. What if they experience more challenges that keep bringing them together? She wants to soften his cold heart and show him the light of the world that he missed while he wants to keep her away from the dark web called his life. Will their wishes be fulfilled when many secrets and vices keep coming their way? What if the family of the abandoned child shows up? What will he do? What if her family finds out about her marriage abroad? What will she do? Will this marriage have a happily ever after? "You are scared of falling in love again but don't you think that falling in love for the first time is more scary? I want to guard my heart too but it doesn't listen to me anymore,"Find out, only in Stay with Me. A sequel to Stand by Me. 💝starting date: 1st January 2024.This is a sequel to Stand by Me and can't be read as a stand-alone. 😊

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ZAYYADSynopsis:The companions of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him shared the deen of Allah all over the world. Their followers also followed in their footsteps. Sageer Al'amin brought Islam to a place in the vast Arabian desert peninsula. The citizens, being engrossed in deep polytheism and evil monarchy rejected the message of Allah. Al'amin was treated badly but luckily with the light of Islam, some people converted to Muslims and surrounded him with aid. The deen of Allah spread slowly which made the king angry. They started mistreating the Muslims which led to conflicts and small-scale wars. In the process, Al'amin was killed. The Muslims fought their way out and in a few years established their cities, despite the Kafir's interference. Their power grew as more Muslims were born. The peninsula was divided into three; the kafir empire: Shams, the Muslim Emirates: Noor Al-Islam, and the Gold Empire. After his mother was abandoned by his father because she chose to convert to Islam, Zayyad grew up with his mother in Amatran. The Shams empire was trying its best to eradicate the Muslim cities, so the Muslims built up their armies too. Being a hot-blooded youth, who was determined to join the jihad and also find his father, Zayyad joined the recruitment of the Noor army. He found himself in a training ground where they were taught how to fight and more about their deen. Zayyad trained and joined the war, being entangled with many known and unknown vices. Their aim; make the deen of Allah prosper.

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The princess of bloom

Despite being surrounded by fitnah, her hijab is her cover. Due to her family troubles and the sacrifices her mother made after her father abandoned them, she is outspoken. Fatimah Zahra, also called Ameera, sacrificed a lot for her family and is respected by them, but she hid her heart condition from her mother. When she is met with a marriage offer that can save her family even after she is gone, Ameera accepts the contract, knowing that her days are numbered. Being held in a marriage where her husband was against the marriage, what challenges will she face?

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