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- Last updated at 16:21 21-04-2024

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Rooming with the Wicked

After barely surviving an attempt on her life, alchemy student Ariel investigates her new supernatural roommates as possible suspects. Nothing can prepare her for the secrets she is about to uncover about her own family-or her infuriating demon roommate's constant attempts to get under her skin.Season 1 of The Wicked Series***Ariel is no stranger to bad luck. Life has been an uphill battle with an estranged father and a stepbrother who hates her. Studying alchemy feels like a dream come true, at least until Ariel suspects one of her new supernatural roommates might be trying to kill her. Refusing to be an easy target, she uses her alchemy skills to protect herself and dives headfirst into her own investigation.When unsettling truths about Ariel's family and the world she lives in come to light, she realizes that those she suspects most might be her best allies. None of her newfound friends are quite what they seem-especially Haze. A demon of sloth should not be this hard to avoid, yet Haze defies all expectations, making it increasingly difficult for Ariel to deny the growing attraction between them. Still, the closer Ariel gets to finding out the truth, the more she fears her trust may have been misplaced.***Weekly updates on Mondays. Wait & read for free, or unlock with coins-the choice is yours!

Just before he went for the war, he pulled me by my waist and whispered in my ear, "Just because of this small separation, it does not mean you and I are not destined to be. There is no end to our story."Niyathi, the youngest Princess of Panchala, the demigod daughter of Agnidev. She belonged to time where women are puppets and men are the one who held their string. But the demigod refused to be controlled by a mere man and wanted to pave her own destiny. Bearing the taunts of the society, and desperately trying to flee from the clutches of her father, Niyathi found herself in a tantalizing position. Adding to this, the strange dreams and strange occurrence around her threatened to pull her into a dark abyss.Adithya. The man from her dreams felt like a ghost from her past. The Mysterious Adithya, Her Father's Reputation and The Fate she desperately wanted. Confused between the three, Niyathi stood there contemplating her life choices. Join the Mysterious Saga of Niyathi to know more about her.
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Mourir sous un rayon de soleil

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W jego ramionach

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Nasha Mukti Kendra in Chandigarh

Nasha Mukti Kendra in chandigarh stresses the value of holistic therapy over traditional treatment approaches, acknowledging that genuine rehabilitation involves the mind, body, and soul. While art and music therapy give creative channels for expression and healing, yoga and meditation programs offer a road to inner serenity and self-awareness. Individuals learn how to develop healthy habits, create meaningful connections, and rediscover the joy of sober life via a wide range of activities and programs.Community Support and Aftercare: The path to recovery at Nasha Mukti Kendra is a lifetime commitment to wellbeing and self-discovery; it does not conclude with rehabilitation. Strong aftercare programs and continuing support groups provide people with the direction and inspiration they need to face the difficulties of sober living. Alumni networks help people feel connected to one another and supportive of one another while they strive toward long-term recovery.Empowering Lives, Restoring Hope: The lights of Nasha Mukti Kendra continue to shine brilliantly as the sun sets over Chandigarh, providing everyone who seeks sanctuary within its walls with a better future. Here, among the reverberating laughter and the transformative tears, hope is rekindled and lives are empowered. Every achievement serves as evidence of the human spirit's tenacity and the transforming potential of kindness and encouragement.Nasha Mukti Kendra in Chandigarh, Haryana, is a guiding light in the maze of addiction, providing a lifeline to individuals who are adrift at sea. For both people and families, this facility has come to represent hope and redemption due to its unshakable dedication to healing and recovery. Let us take the compassion and unity with us as we leave these sacred grounds, knowing that by working together, we can overcome the darkness and welcome a new dawn.for more information visit; https://paryasfoundation.com/nasha-mukti-kendra-in-chandigarh/

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Rooming with the Wicked

After barely surviving an attempt on her life, alchemy student Ariel investigates her new supernatural roommates as possible suspects. Nothing can prepare her for the secrets she is about to uncover about her own family-or her infuriating demon roommate's constant attempts to get under her skin.Season 1 of The Wicked Series***Ariel is no stranger to bad luck. Life has been an uphill battle with an estranged father and a stepbrother who hates her. Studying alchemy feels like a dream come true, at least until Ariel suspects one of her new supernatural roommates might be trying to kill her. Refusing to be an easy target, she uses her alchemy skills to protect herself and dives headfirst into her own investigation.When unsettling truths about Ariel's family and the world she lives in come to light, she realizes that those she suspects most might be her best allies. None of her newfound friends are quite what they seem-especially Haze. A demon of sloth should not be this hard to avoid, yet Haze defies all expectations, making it increasingly difficult for Ariel to deny the growing attraction between them. Still, the closer Ariel gets to finding out the truth, the more she fears her trust may have been misplaced.***Weekly updates on Mondays. Wait & read for free, or unlock with coins-the choice is yours!

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Just before he went for the war, he pulled me by my waist and whispered in my ear, "Just because of this small separation, it does not mean you and I are not destined to be. There is no end to our story."Niyathi, the youngest Princess of Panchala, the demigod daughter of Agnidev. She belonged to time where women are puppets and men are the one who held their string. But the demigod refused to be controlled by a mere man and wanted to pave her own destiny. Bearing the taunts of the society, and desperately trying to flee from the clutches of her father, Niyathi found herself in a tantalizing position. Adding to this, the strange dreams and strange occurrence around her threatened to pull her into a dark abyss.Adithya. The man from her dreams felt like a ghost from her past. The Mysterious Adithya, Her Father's Reputation and The Fate she desperately wanted. Confused between the three, Niyathi stood there contemplating her life choices. Join the Mysterious Saga of Niyathi to know more about her.

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Godtale (Rewrite) <Temp Hiatus?>

A complete do over of my first story, seeing as how I have been privately improving my writing skills. I also want something more planned, instead of tossed ideas. I will remove some characters, as they are not relevant to the Au anymore. This story will be more fleshed out, making more sense and having more character involvement. And not to mention a change in some of the Chara-cters. Anyways, let's let Ink take a break from watching Au's, and you take his place of watching the 16th Fallen.

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