The Seventh Victim

The Seventh Victim

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Category: Mystery
"You won't ever win against me" Bhuvan said.
"And I won't let you win me" Varada said.

Varada jerked his hand away and was just gonna go but he dragged her...

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Self Improvement tips to beat the Odd out of your life

1. Think Positive2. Find your passion and fall in Love with it3. Read atleast books in a Month4. Reduce the Time on Chat and Stop Watching TV5. Start a Journal6. Finish what you start7. Leave the Comfort Zone and Face your Fear8. Exercise At least 30 Minutes a Day9. Meditate10. Quit a Bad Habit11. Make Someone Else Happy12. Be Grateful13. Befriend with People Top in their Careers14. Avoid Negative People15. Start a 30 Day Challenge

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