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Football imagines <3

Football imagines on premier league and England players - Requests = closed

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E questo cornuto libro ?

Qualche giorno fa รจ uscito il libro della tanto seguita Giulia De Lellis. Questo articolo o come si vuole chiamare porterร  solo degli spunti di riflessione e alcune mie considerazioni. Premetto che non ho letto e non leggerรฒ mai il libro di GDL, perciรฒ le mie, sono considerazioni in generali, questioni che mi sono posta attorno a questo tanto amato/odiato libro.Parlo della differenza tra GDL e altri ragazzi che vogliono pubblicare i loro libri,il mio pensiero sull'affrontare questo argomento delicato del tradimento e altro ancora.

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Giantess Feet Short Stories

These are a bunch of giantess stories for people who love feet!More to come!Leave your ideas in the comments.

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Distorted Time || Time Travel Gone Wrong

" Ma.. If time travel is a real thing.. I would go back and save Obito , to change Everything " Kakashi said to himself , by surprise a portal opened up and made him fall in , when Naruto went to search his teacher only to find a note " Your sensei is sent to save all of this happend -- Author " , Who the hell is author ? He'd thought to himself.During the time travel process , something broke the system making the time space distorted , and also with the white haired jounin inside...What would happen ?

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๐“ถ๐”‚ ๐“ซ๐“ธ๐”‚  --- เฑจเงŽ

|| walker scobell x female oc || love story about two 15 year old actors who play together in a new TV show!! Mia starts having feelings for walker but does she have the heart to tell him? || ๐š๐™ด๐™ฐ๐™ณ:: ๐“ถ๐”‚ ๐“ซ๐“ธ๐”‚ --- เฑจเงŽ

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Kokushibo x Douma {I love this ship} I hope you can read desc first.

This is an Swap AU! Hashira will become demons and Demons will become Hashira :D{I might change AU in some Chapter!!}everything is just swap btw this au I think by myself :D is different than others I guess..thing about demon & hashira || Douma still don't Have emotion but he act happy but Anger if someone pissed him off.. Shinobu killed Kotoha :DInosuke is hiding. And that the reason why douma hate her.Oyakata-sama will be the demon king [cause yk-] and Tanjira swap role with Nezuko. Zenitsu and Kanao role swap :D Aoi and Inosuke role swap -w-People like - Michikatsu, Hakuji and Ume They go with they demon name ^^There will be other canon / non-canon ships too but main go with Koku x Douma ;D{Akaza is kind of enemy but he get used to it soon.}{Cover made by me <3}

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Katy Perry Lyrics ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿญ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‘

Las Letras de Canciones desde la era One Of The Boys hasta su mas reciente era Witness ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿญ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‘

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