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76 stories
One Direction Jokes and Randomness 2

The sequel to One Direction Jokes and Randomness•credit to whoever wrote these•

1.4M 200 83.6K Full

Just things that I think of time to time again. Most is to describe of how my past was, not to other's but for myself to remind me that my life did get better from worse. At first I was just typing it on my computer in notes, when I saw that it would be a good poem. Hope you like them :)

64 3 6
How to Steal a Happy Ending

Claire was never the girl that got the happily ever after. Instead, she was the one standing in the sidelines, whose only scenes consisted of her being a major bitch. And when you're stuck in a plot line that doesn't allow you to be anything but the bad guy, the only way to get a happy ending is to STEAL one. [Highest Ranking: #43 Humor] ©2014 by BubblegumAndInsomnia, All rights reserved.

113.1K 70 7.7K
I don't kneed help.    Louis Tomblinson sister (Calum hood fanfic)

Sydney is the sister of non other than Louis Tomblinson and was sent to a boarding school at a yong age so she dident know that she had a now famous brother. She has yet to meet the other boys in one direction and 5 seconds of summer! Will she survive the craziness

37 2 2
celebrity imagines

story is under a lot of editing.

17.1K 55 144
Possibilities( Under-Editing )

What do you think a simple wish could do? Make you a princess, make you rich,bring back a dead family member? Or maybe, just maybe give you a new life. When Natalie, was visiting her grandparent's on Easter , in the early afternoon, she came a cross a dandy lion ready for blowing, she picked it, making a wish for the best life she could have compared to the one she has now. She was a little freaked out when she woke up in a bed in a different house, with different people who claimed to be her family, but all she remembers was her life before, and then she remembered the dandy lion, and thought ." I made the Impossible, possible, with a simple wish." DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, only Natalie( Takubetsu) and her new and old family. Good day now ^~^

379 2 18
Dawn of the Epoch

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Reader

2.6M 100 51.5K Full

THIS IS BOOK 2As I read a lot of fanfictions about Dream I thought I should make some sort of a book where you can find all of those amazing stories.This is a book written as a list of Dream x (Fem)Reader stories you can find on Wattpad, Tumblr and Ao3.!!DON'T BE LAZY AND CLICK ON THOSE LINKS TO READ FICS CAUSE THEY'RE THE BEST!!!

44.5K 159 415 Full
Piano Strings

When Ariel arrives in at North Carolina University, she expected the usually parties, boyfriends, and pregnant friends, right? Wrong. Instead she finds true love, and music. But what's a good love story without a few bumps in the road??

440 8 29
Story Of My Life H.S (VF)

Story Of My Life (Harry Styles) version française ~FLASHBACK~ "Harry j-j'ai peur" dit Kat âgée de 8 ans à son meilleur ami Harry "N'ai pas peur Kitty Kat nous nous reverrons bientôt je te promets" dit Harry âgée de 8 ans à Kat. Ils se trouvaient à l'aéroport de Londres. Kat devait déménagé à New York avec sa famille. Elle ne voulait pas de tout quitter, ses amis, de vieux souvenirs et elle ne voulait pas quitter son meilleur ami Harry alors qu'ils ont été amis depuis qu'ils se souviennent. " Promets-moi, que nous allons parler tous les jours que nous serons toujours amis, ami pour toujours" dit Kat avec des larmes dans les yeux "Ami pour toujours" dit Harry des larmes commençant à tomber "Kat nous devons y aller chérie" dit la mère de Kat "Bien c'est un au revoir alors" dit Kat à Harry "Ne dit pas ça, nous nous reverrons à nouveau je le promets." dit Harry et embrassa sa joue. "Kat" appelle son père "Notre vol s'en va dans 5 minutes, va dire au revoir à Harry." "Bye Harry je ne t'oublierais jamais "je dis. "Kitty Kat attend, j'ai quelque chose pour toi" il lui tendit une petite boîte "Ouvre ça quand tu es triste et que je te manque" il sourit ,ce fut la dernière fois que je l'ai vu. Mais je ne savais pas qu'il était en tournée dans le monde entier avec ses potes du groupe. Qu'est-ce qui se passe quand l'ami de Kat ,Emily la traîne à un concert des One Direction? Voudra-t-elle voir Harry à nouveau? Attendez et regardez dans Story Of My Life. Cet oeuvre est de @xxKissMeHarryxx, je ne fais que la traduire.

2.1K 19 54
Oc book Numbeh 3

yup another one Like WHY idk

11.2K 192 319
Art Book #2 [COMPLETE]

Well, continuing this i guess.

8.5K 200 796 Full

I have often wondered about the very curdled natures of our opinions so much so that the perch of imagination simply becomes a bystanding abstraction and real thoughts of genuine merit slip between the fingers. That is a human tendency, to beat around the bush. I take offense to that and feel it was time to correct this stifling infirmity of expression. For me, the sanctity of words bear witness to crystal clear thoughts and in this new branch of prose writing, I will be governed by genuine articles of literature and cinema that ensure longevity of our opinions and directly appropriate real life. So here is the new start of my written, lettered soul.Ranked number 4 under Cinema and number 5 in Originality as of 11th May, 2018.

6.1K 199 803
J'écris des vies. [Imagines #2]

Recueil de plusieurs segments de vies de différents personnages dans des situations particulières. Parfois tristes, parfois romantiques, parfois dark, ces histoires sauront peut-être vous émouvoir.Voici un album contenant plusieurs imagines avec les 5 Seconds of Summer ainsi que les One Direction. Ils peuvent vous faire rire, ils peuvent vous faire pleurer, ils peuvent parfois vous émoustiller, mais ils peuvent aussi vous chambouler. Parce qu'au fond, écrire, c'est transmettre des émotions. Écrire, c'est raconter une histoire avec des mots qui sonneront réels. Écrire, c'est ça. Bonne lecture!

135 31 11
The PlayStation Fixation

When you think of the name 'PlayStation', it's likely to illicit fond memories of growing up with your friends and siblings huddled around a television, playing a competitive round of multiplayer in games like Twisted Metal, Warhawk or Tekken 2. Perhaps it brings back memories playing Resident Evil for the 1st time, all by your lonesome, with the lights turned off, late at night being scared out of your wits. Some may recall the mind-blowing gameplay of Metal Gear Solid.Whatever the case may be, PlayStation has always carried one mantra and remained about one thing... bringing the unlimited possibilities of your imagination to life and creating long-lasting memories!! With the PlayStation, it centered on one key aspect... 'Play'.This is the incredible true story of the PlayStation, a powerhouse brand created by its parent company, Sony. Learn of the console's origin story and how it ended up dominating its competitors and the VideoGame market as a whole. Also hear how the brand returned to prominence, after its disastrous fall from grace. Take an insightful ride into the history of one of the greatest and most influential players to have ever gambled on the VideoGame Industry. Learn how The PlayStation Experience was unparalleled and unmatched by its contemporaries, highlighting Exclusive, Hotly-Anticipated Games that you could only find on PlayStation consoles, a tactic that SONY would utilize and carry into the future with the PS2 and PS3. The PlayStation 2's roaring success would be the console that truly stamped and cemented their dominance. Moreover, we take an intimate and more in-depth look at the Games that came to define the essence of the PlayStation brand. A retrospective of its software from its humble beginnings, when it launched in the fall of 1995 and highlighting the period of the brand's slow rebirth and resurgence in 2006 through 2014 at the apex of the console's popularity. This is one man's complete and utter fixation on PlayStation.

20 3 0

Zayn is troubled and guilty gang leader who is looking for a new partner, stumbling across Gwen, innocent and shy Gwen, will he be able to expose her inner rebel and convince her to join the gang? Or will his feelings show and tell him to keep her safe instead? Gangs. Bombs. Trust. Attacks. FBI. Ballrooms and trouble.

3.3K 16 112
Room, bar and in his heart

so Louis Tomlinson used to be quite rich but because of his drug addict father's gambling, his family lost all of their property and business. Now louis has taken job as a DJ In a gay bar in Amsterdam. in this road, he meets Harry Styles. faith makes them meet each other again and again

194 5 0
Facty Facts 2

Fear not guys. Im back with the sequel of Facty Facts. I appreciate feedback and suggestions

83.3K 137 3.1K
Book Covers *hiatus

REQUESTS: ON ○ Book Covers Customized Profile Pictures Book Titles/Descriptions Book Ideas Story Banners *No refunds, but I'll make you another book cover if needed

26.8K 151 1.1K
mes OS Dramione et Harry Potter

Chère Hermione,Si je suis parti ce n'est pas contre toi, mais c'est que j'y était contraint. Voldemort vois et entend tout. C'était trop risqué. Je t'aime plus que tout ne l'oublie pas. Drago MalfoyTu n'es qu'un crétin Malfoy, tu n'es rien de plus que le portrait cracher de ton père !Comment ose-tu me parler de mon père sur ce ton Granger ?Je te parle comme je veux Malfoy. Ce n'est pas à toi de décider avec qu'elle ton je te parleEt si Hermione n'était pas à Griffondor mais à Serpentard. Et si Hermione n'était pas une Granger mais une Zabini, la sœur jumelle de Blaise et une enfant de mangemort, à ses 17 ans elle devrait rejoindre les rangs de Lord Voldemort. Et si Hermione devait faire la guerre au côté de Lord Voldemort. Comment réagirait un certain Serpentard du nom de Drago Malfoy.Une Dramione pas comme les autres, pleine d'amour et de K.O.Comment moi Ronald Weasley est pu tomber amoureux de Pansy Parkinson, une Serpentarde. Il a suffi d'une soirée, c'était au bal de noël de sixième année. Elle portait une robe blanche qui lui allait à merveille. Elle danser avec Malfoy et quand je l'ai vu danser avec lui j'ai été jaloux, et je suis allé vers eux et j'ai pris le bras de Pansy, elle a fini la danse avec moi et nous avons danser, parler et rigolait ensemble. Ce ne sont pas des Happy endOS 1 : Protection maladroite (Dramione)OS 2 : Le garçon mystérieux (Dramione)OS 3 : Je te trouverais (Ron x Pansy)OS 4 : Sacrifice (Hinny)OS 5 : Pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné (Blinny)Les Happy endOS 6 : Un mariage de rêve (Dramione)OS 7 : Une nouvelle mangemort (Dramione)OS 8 : Un couple pas comme les autres (Ron x Pansy)OS 9 : Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi ? (Hinny)OS 10 : Je resterais toujours avec toi ? (Blinny)OS Bonus : Tu n'es qu'un crétin Malfoy (Dramione)

558 3 29
One Direction Pregnancy Series

You become pregnant with your favorite boy, and go threw all the ups an downs of pregnancy.

1.1K 3 13
Me and the 1D

How I met him (Louis):I went to Paris to see a friend. I went to the hotel to put my suitcases away. After that I wanted to explore the city so I went out the door and when I closed the door I saw a man... I thought that I knew him but then I thought that I saw phantoms and I went to the city. When I came back, I saw the exact same man but in the lift. In my head I was like: OK, I know him! He is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction! OMG!!!!! But what should I do? Should I ask him? OMG I DON'T KNOW!! Then he said: "Hey!" and in my mind I was going to die. I was watching him like for a good 6 seconds and then replied: "H-hey..." and then asked: "A-are you a O-One Direction member?" He answered really quickly:"Yes, I am..." then we had to leave the lift. We walked to our rooms and said good night to each other. When I was in my room I just jumped into my bed and dreamed about what just happend. To be continued... Hope you liked the start of my story! :)

9 1 0

┏━━━━━━━━━━┓ *✿❀ W S T S❀✿*┗━━━━━━━━━━┛ It all strart with a lies.Sehun is the CEO of the richest company at Seoul, He runs this company since nine years now. At the age of 25 his mother and his grand-mother always told him to search for a person to share his life. Hypnotized in running his business, He never think about having relation with someone. However, He was forced by his mother and his grand-mother to look for someone and if not, they will forced him to go to a blind date. Y/N is the girl of a man who run a business too . At the age oh 24, her parents forced her to get married with a man that she don't even know. To escape of this situation she pretend to date the CEO of OH COMPANY. But the thing that she doesn't know is that her parents and the parents of the CEO Oh COMPANY know each other.Due to this news Sehun and Y/N will get involved in so many things. You'll see that trough the story. \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

9.2K 74 331
Baby Styles

Sadie walker, the ex girlfriend of Harry styles. Also the mother of Harry's unknown baby. When Harry and Sadie meet up again will harry accept the fact that there is a new baby styles? Read to find out and don't be a stranger, leave a comment! :-)

85 2 2
In love with Louis

About a 1d fan and Louis Tomblinson fall in love...they have a horrible relationship but somehow make it through.

116 1 1
I cant be related to him!

57 3 2