Search: socialmovement
28 stories
1/3 March 11

Blog post about why I don't often blog when a topic is hot and in the news. The slower deliberation process that I have began to use over the past years has helped me to be less critical, but spending more time refining my true feelings about a given subject. The first of a three part blog series about my process and why I do it.

6 1 0 Full
A Boy Named Conan

2 people, YouTuber and fan. The fans dreams had become a reality after she got noticed in DM'S by Conan Gray! They instantly hit it off! Read to follow along on their exciting journey!

10.9K 59 150 Full
The Big Book Of Amaguji

The perfect book of memes, oneshots and everything that has to do with Amaguji.

116.5K 100 3.8K Full
A Fresh Start

Aurora Williams is your average teenager who has moved from foster home to the other all her life. It has been an entire roller coaster for her from her parents' death to living in a abusive home for almost two years.When Aurora finally gets adopted by a rich couple who adore her at first sight, kind friends who have welcomed her with wide open arms, she realizes that this could possibly have a great life. Or will she?Aurora also comes to realize that they have their own daughter her own age, who isn't really ecstatic about having a sibling seeing as though she was going to steal the spotlight from her but she has no choice but to accept her.Will Aurora be able to cope in the new environment and fit in with society? Moreover, will she be able to merge with her new sister, especially with their contrasting personalities? Read to find out!This is my first ever novel and I hope you like it. Plagiarism is a crime, this book is strictly Copyright. Thank you for your time!Achievements:#1~ Hardlife #1~ Innovative#2~ Schoolyear#2~ Bubblygirl#4~ Newchapter#6~ Cheesyromance #7~ Bestfriendsforlife#10~ Unloved

5K 19 380
Don't Cry, My First Love (EXO Suho Fan-fiction)

"...울지마, 내 첫사랑""...uljima, nae cheos-sarang"(Don't Cry, My First Love) ::: 》Description:• Story Title: "Don't Cry, My First Love"• Setting: Present 2023 / Past 2017• Genre: Fan-Fiction / Romance / Coming of Age• Original Story line / Plot by BU》Synopsis:This original fan-fiction novel depict a story of a young teenage girl at her coming of age years named Baek Jeon-ee, one day in 2018, Jeon-ee confessed her feelings towards Ji-myeon, but he immediately rejected her. After passing his Civil Service Exam and finally got accepted for a job he applied into, Ji-myeon decided to leave their hometown and moved to Seoul for good; however, for some reason, memories of Jeon-ee started hunting him after seeing a photo of his best-friend Noh Kang Joon through social media, and being tagged on that photo post is Jeon-ee, who once in the past have confessed her one-side love towards him. After almost 6-years, Ji-myeon went back to visit his hometown; and he planned to confess his love towards Jeon-ee, but he never got a chance to do it after his best-friend Noh Kang Joon introduces his girlfriend - Baek Jeon-ee. That is where the rest of their story unfolds.》Fictional Main Characters:• Baek Jeon-ee / Kim Hwan Hee• Kim Ji-myeon / EXO Suho (Kim Jun-myeon)• Noh Kang Joon / Jackson Wang》Plot Disclaimer:• Genre: May contains sensitive/mature fictional topics 🔞. If you opposed this type of story line/s please discontinue reading.• Names / Situations: This story is purely Fan Fiction, all fictional cast featured on the story doesn't depict actual person / issue / or situation. Any similarities are all fictional and doesn't claim any fact.• Respect: If you are too sensitive about your biases/Idols, please dis-continue reading.》First Episode Uploaded: 22.05.23 (Happy Birthday Suho!) Completed Date: 04.10.23》Achievements: Ranked #1 in suhofanfic - as of 14.05.24

260 11 14 Full
Ordinary Girl Meets Extraordinary Boy

"You going to tell me now what else happened that night?" he asked playfully, his fingers wiggling in my grip as a subtle threat."It's embarrassing to say out loud."His face softened into a serious curiosity."Then show me."I met his gaze, almost flinching at the intensity of his stare. My heart thudded against my chest.Before I even realised what I was doing, my finger came up to his Adams apple. My touch was light but I could feel the sharp intake of breath, felt the dip as he swallowed. When my finger brushed his lower lip, I realised that I had been leaning closer and closer to his face and I nearly jumped when his tongue came out to lick the tip of my thumb whilst his stare remained on mine.The alarm bells were ringing in my head as I came to terms with what I was doing, and I straightened back up."That's what you did," I exhaled a shaky breath and shrugged, hoping to shake off the thick tension that had built up in the room. I didn't dare look into his eyes as I made a move to get up but Logan's hands were suddenly at my waist. He smoothly flipped us so that I was on my back and he was on top.His eyes were dark with lust and he looked starved of something. I swallowed hard and his eyes immediately honed in on the movement."W-what are you doing, Logan?""It's my turn now," he said huskily.* * * * * * * * *Audrey Webb's life could be summed up in one word; ordinary. Logan Field on the other hand? The word would be extraordinary. As Audrey's life mainly consists of focusing on her café, she doesn't have a huge social life nor does she want to. She likes it this way; safe and sound from any surprises, so the chance of meeting charming Logan Fields, who is not only the lead singer of a famous boyband but a charming actor as well, is well...highly unlikely. But it happens nonetheless when Audrey's best friend makes her tag along to one of his concerts. That's when their ordinary and extraordinary lives collide and get turned upside down.

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The Girl in the Gym

A gym trainer in friendship with a scientist earns economic fortune after the extraordinary scientific discovery of portability of goods; She overpowers the geopolitics of earth by reversing the dominion of man over women in corporate, social and political lifeThe protagonist of the story Inaya is a gym trainer who is assigned personal training at The Zero Bulge Fitness to a failed quantum scientist Jack, who is well-built but had unfortunately gone to seed while cooped up in his lab.Inaya, a woman who seemed to be a cut above all others was able to hold her own against men and women. Calling her tough, stubborn, independent, difficult or aggressive would be an understatement, as her skill was unlike any other and when she moved, it was with just precision that one could almost hear the wind whoosh. She gave off an aura of calm strength, and that she was on a quest to heal the world, not conquer it. Underneath it, all was inexplicable anger, which was never evident but always perceptible. Despite her sweet face, most of her trainees begged to be assigned to someone else. She always pushed them hard and barely gave them time to breathe.Jack, like all of them, found it extremely tough to even keep up with her, especially during aerobics. However, he proved that he was made of sterner stuff, when he doggedly kept going on, despite panting and sweating all the time. Inaya looked after his fitness, weight training, Pilates and everything else that she could think of. Slowly, she found herself accompanying him even when it was not strictly required, like to the library to the juice bar. It happened without either of them realizing, they were becoming friends.

17.1K 61 12.9K Full
alstroemeria [ stories four ]

i can't believe i've got four fucking books worth of this shit [ NOVEMBER 2018- AUGUST 2019 ]

8.6K 179 189 Full
The Epic Journey To The Great Palace of Non-Judgment

A hapless, feckless, lonely refugee from a psychologically-oppressive country stumbles, quite accidentally, into a nation he's never heard of. The very existence of this society is a living disproof of everything he's ever been taught. He is seemingly drawn inexorably into the very center of this civilization by every question he asks and every person he meets. As he moves through an exurban landscape into a suburban landscape, he encounters people who handle virtually every major issue in life in ways which are forbidden in his native land. As he seeks to learn more and more about where he is, he finds himself drawn into the center of the Capital city itself. And though it seems to him that his movements are somewhat spontaneous, he later comes to see that these events are more planned than he had any way of realizing. What he doesn't suspect is that the entire protocol for immigrants centers around tricking them into learning things that would not have seemed believable under ordinary circumstances.I am influenced primarily by older Russian and French literature, which is highly psychological in nature. Almost everything I write eventually comes down to looking at the inner workings of culture and ultimately tries to point to what is authentic and alive versus what is lifelessly hypocritical and unproductive. I am, predictably, a bit bored by much of Anglo-American literature, (with several major exceptions), with its emphasis on technique and storytelling for its own sake. Against virtually all conventional writing workshop wisdom, I reveal my agenda quite readily, and I have a point to make. (Although I proofread my work, there are generally too many typos; but, eventually, I finally must post my stories, since I never stop finding errors. Also, the reader is free to copy my stories and send them to friends or associates. But please inform me before any commercial usage.)

11 1 0 Full
DANMEI Reading List (RAW)

List of danmei novels that I've read, currently reading, planning to read and some impressions. Includes not-yet-translated CNs/WNs~ Spoilers beware~~

339.3K 200 3.5K
You Remind Me

"You came into my life at a bad time when I truly hated who I was and what I had become. I was broken, damaged, fading. But yet, you somehow fought your way in and saved me. You loved me and by doing so... you reminded me to love myself too."_______________________________________________________________________Once upon a time, Aurora King was once the life of the party. With her sparkly smile and eyes, she naturally had more friends than she could count and was out having fun constantly. Involved in almost everything at school, somehow keeping perfect attendance and straight A's. As head of the student council, she was the most friendliest person in the school. That is.. until her best friend passed away in a horrific accident. Ever since then, she has been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and social anxiety - making her shut out everyone and everything she once loved. She has lost herself and starts falling into a dark place no one thinks she will ever be able to get out of.Then the new boy Colten moves into town, shining like the sun with his positivity and compassion, and is drawn to Aurora for reasons he can't explain. He can't seem to get her out of his mind and desperately wants to know everything about her. Aurora can't help but pity him as she knows his attempts are useless. But are they?Somewhere between forced coffee shop talks and long talks under the stars, the truth starts coming out between the both of them and a connection sparks. Is Colten as happy as he seems? Will he be able to get Aurora out of her rainstorm? Or will they eventually clash and end up ruined like it always seem to? Read to find out their story!

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Walking Forward to the Beginning (Book 5)

Starting August 2nd, 2016 until September 3, 2018......these poems will be describing the onward journey in remission as well as how I continue walking forward to the beginning.....after all, only from the past can you grow in strength to face the future. The cover symbolizes being in a present place but the doorway is to the past which one must come to terms with and forgive before moving forward into the future. Cover done by @theendofeverything03.© All Rights Reserved to Olga Pinsky

4.9K 199 779 Full
The Almost Man

"There are times you win, there are times you lose. But there should never be a time you give up. Quitting is an option given to cowards who only know how to turn back and run. The powerful never quit. They move forward. I moved forward." Her stare didn't waver, didn't soften nor show any emotion. It stayed glittering in the darkness, slowly pulling him in."Then why do you look like you're ready to bolt?" "Oh, didn't I mention?" He smiled weakly. "I am now a coward." Life is good. Correction: Life WAS good. Well, at least for Gray Anderson. After the incident that transpired a year before, he had turn into a zombie. Scary zombie. The ghost of his past all-smile and positive self have become a passing memory, replaced by a depressing and angry hermit who doesn't want anything to do with the rest of the world. Tired and alone, he is driven to the edge by everything he went through. He's about to give up... Then his sense of obligation blackmailed him into doing the last thing he wants to do: Travel. Enters the queen of nosiness and hilarity, Liz Demiro. After receiving an offer to work for the top social magazine in the city, she's close to reaching her dream but she has to pass a test first. Her trial: write the latest story about the city's most popular crashed and burned businessman, who also happens to be her fantasy. Something she is and is not looking forward to. Both force into a journey they don't want to take, Gray and Liz will discover a new world, new people and what possibly might be, new love. Although, with an annoying boss, an old flame, a deadly assassin and especially, a persistent match-making mother on the side, their journey is about to be a bumpy one. Will they finally reach their stars and dreams or will they turn out to be just another blazing comets in the night, destine to burn out and disappear?

726 17 34
Climate Change Resistance: Tip of the Iceberg

It's the year 2038 and Jenny Parker has just decided to join a clandestine resistance movement to rescue the planet from her own country. Like most fifth graders, Jenny never planned to take on the United States government. At least not when she believed the U.S. had single-handedly ended climate change back in 2033. But when Jenny's parents suddenly move the whole family to Antarctica, that world turns upside down. After nearly plummeting to her death through a monster hole in the Antarctic ice, Jenny realizes everything she's ever learned about the planet may have been a lie. Her parents confirm this when they reveal they are part of a top-secret network, called CCR, working feverishly to prevent the world from destruction. Jenny's Mom and Dad swear her to silence to avoid endangering the network, and their lives. But if you knew you had special skills that could help save the world, wouldn't you use them? Jenny and her friends launch a covert operation to tell America that the planet is in peril. They operate in pure secrecy, hidden even from the clandestine network they are trying to help. It doesn't take long before they are in the struggle over their heads, though. And by the time their parents discover what the kids are up to, it's too late. CCR has started a new phase in its struggle - with a new generation at the helm.

50 3 9
Random Rants

I'm trying something new. This will be a collection of the random topics that waltz through my head. Come in, have a seat, and take a dip into my head. Comments always welcome!I will no longer be updating this. I recently made a blog where the rants are on plenty!

17 3 2

In the moonlit embrace of Claire de Lune on June 27th, 1982, young Ella, driven by compassion for animals, catalyzed a profound transformation in her town. Gathering people beneath the full moon, she inspired them to redefine their relationship with animals, pledging to cherish and protect them. This ignited a global movement, leading to legislative changes, the creation of shelters, and widespread empathy. Ella's legacy endured, reminding the world of the power of love to reshape society.

20 1 1
Honeycomb 🍯

Living in a small town for your entire life can be a good thing. Then again, it can be a dreadfully suffocating thing on the same side of the coin. Growing up with the same group of people for 16 or so years of your life during school can be cutthroat or one of the most fulfilling years of your life. Some would even say that it's almost like a hive system of bees, where one false movement in the monotonous dance could cost you your position- and social life.

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Neue Geschichte

Story Idea: Germany wins WW2, America invaded by Axis powers, Axis World Government (AWG) controls almost every aspect of life, Militia's develop and are considered "Insurgents-an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country.", "The Red Riders" are the name the insurgents pick up after a famous incident, Insurgency spreads across America, Tensions and action rises to climax.

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Indian culture

India culture In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of lord. In some houses it is lit at dawn, in some, twice a day - at dawn and dusk- and in a few it maintained continuously (akhanda deepa). All auspicious function and movements like daily worship, rituals and festival and even many social occasions like inaugurations commence with the lighting of the lamp, which is often maintained right through the occasion• Why do we light a lamp?Light symbolizes knowledge, and darkness ignorance. The lord is the "Knowledge Principle" (Chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivener and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshipped as the lord himself.Knowledge removes ignorance just as light removes darkness. Also knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievements can be accomplished. Hence we light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth. Knowledge backs all our actions whether good or bad. We therefore keep a lamp lit during all auspicious occasions as a witness to our thoughts and actions.Why not light a bulb or tube light? That too would remove darkness. But the traditional oil lamp has a further spiritual significance.Why do we .. symbolizes knowledgeIn almost every Indian home a Light symbolizes knowledge, and darkness ignorance. The lord is the "Knowledge Principle" (Chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivened and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshiped as the lord himself. lamp is lit daily before the altar of lord.

30 1 1
Unnatural Events

The "Unnatural Events" universe is much like ours in the fields of technology, government and economy. The main difference between the two are the Unnaturals, as they are called, who possess uncanny abilities. The power of the abilities vary between different people. Most people who develop unnatural abilities start at the age of 8. Almost no Unnatural attains their ability from genes. All Unnaturals are hated by society, often receiving less empathy than weeds in a flower bed. There are camps set around the world to help Unnaturals hide but they are scarce and extremely hard to find. Unnaturals tend to either find or create a group of Unnaturals for protection or remain alone in the world and distant from others. There is no in between. If an Unnatural has the fate of being turned in to authorities for one reason or another there are special technologies made to contain their abilities. Things like medication that turn their brains to mush and bindings to restrict movement. Our story follows August Witter and his experiences in the world as an Unnatural as he bonds with unexpected friends.

10 2 1
When learning meets technology

Today, digital learning is now becoming the norm, especially in the age of pandemic and social distancing. While it lets students be in control of their learning, with lesser distractions and more certification options, & is also cost-effective, it is still an evolving discipline. Here's what the future of online education looks like:Gamification: It is the process of introducing game elements - VR, avatars, simulations, &task-oriented approaches - to convert learning into a fun-filled game. Learners can benefit from increased engagement and better retention, (2011 study - University of Colorado).Mobile learning: Cheap smartphones and affordable data packs have galvanised India's digital movement. With learners' convenience in mind, courses will be built to suit the mobile interface, allowing e-learning to reach households without computers.Microlearning: To reduce cognitive load, e-learning has been focusing on microlearning, or converting information into easy, "bite-sized pieces." These nuggets obviate the need for long-course formats and can be easily consumed by learners on their mobiles.Big data: It lets learning systems understand the needs of individual users and brings a personal touch to the learning experience. Assessing the data also helps improve the courses and tackle the challenges almost immediately.Artificial Intelligence: It has been transforming e-learning by integrating smart content, smart tutoring systems, and content analytics and bridging the gaps. Many fear that introducing AI into learning may make human instructors redundant. But AI will, in fact, aid teachers in understanding the learners' competencies and allow them to craft the best instructional approach. Despite all this, we are only beginning to scratch the surface of how technology can revolutionize digital learning.The writer is CEO, EduBridge India,

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