Search: robintrepide
15 stories
male ! kim possible x reader

Season 1 only, season 2 in another book... maybe...Kim Possible is an ordinary high school student, except that in his free time, he saves the world from supervillains. Along with his best friend, Robber Robin, and Rufus, Robin's naked mole rat, Kim thwarts the plans of his enemies around the world. They can count on the help and vital information of their friend Wallace, the computer whiz, with whom they are in constant contact via the Kimmunicator. Between two missions, Kim reunites with her family and returns to her duties. So to summarize, it's Kim Possible but Male version. And of course, Y/n will be in the story. A romance between Kim and Y/n.It's not my work, I'm just making a fan fiction between Kim and Y/n.

297 3 11
Next Gen: Young Justice x Naruto OC

When you have a long and proud history of historically celebrated shinobi as your ancestors and it's your turn to take up the mantle, what would you do? A young kunoichi that is given the same responsibilities as the great Naruto Uzumaki suffers a great loss in which leaves her alone in her sorrow in her world. Because of the power that resides within her, she was shielded from the chaos in order to protect the power. Resulting in the loss of all those she called her loved-ones. To protect the village from any further blood-shed for her sake, she leaves to another dimension. Thus, enter Akira Uzumaki into the DC universe.I do not own DC, Young Justice, or Naruto. All credit goes to DC, Young Justice, and Naruto. Warnings: Bit of Blood and language

362.7K 49 7.8K Full
One Piece: Talent Copy System!

In the vast and perilous world of One Piece, where the seas are teeming with pirates, marines, and untold mysteries, a young man is given a second chance at life. Reincarnated into this fantastical universe, he discovers he possesses a unique and powerful "Copy Talent System," an ability that allows him to copy the talents and skills of others including devil fruits!!---------------------Advanced 15 Chapters

70.4K 85 3.3K
Not Robin Hood

Intrepid space pirates Captain Jamie and First Officer Tessa decide to dispense some frontier justice when a greedy CEO decides to charge his own haulers for goods stolen by pirates. A heist is in order, and the Captain and First Officer hatch a scheme full of antics, hostages, explosions, and only one serious head injury.

56 1 0 Full
My Shipping Book

A random book of pairings that I ship. Enjoy!

179.4K 160 1.8K
Eternity of Love (One Piece x Reader)

"Saṃsāra,The Wheel of Eternity"--An epithet to an old legend in Paradise. Of course, you were one of those who knew it wasn't the case, since you were the wielder.Though, in this life you had hoped you wouldn't become a Pirate. (Reader x Various!One Piece || Males && Females)

1.9M 199 81K
_RainFire_'s Random Book of Random


5.2K 200 1K Full
How can villains and bad guys be so attractive?

A book on villains and bad guys that are so evil, vile, ruthless, and yet so irresistible! We hate the things they do, but we love them so much! I do not own the songs, lyrics, videos, or pictures.Requests are allowed. Just message me.

65.5K 199 1.1K
book for songs and lyrics

in this book and i am planning to write down lyrics of songs and lyrics...that i feel like sharing with you i am planning to write different types of songs which include even korean ones so you people can try differet tastes so here ya go .......(and remember i would like to dedicate every chapter each song for some one but if you just be a silent reader HEY i can't read minds so DON'T be a silent reader..listnener or whatever) *read*listen *sing along*and watch the video (at a side) :D*most of all ENJOYand don't forget to VOTE....comment and follow :D

229.6K 123 1.8K Full
Insight Of Famous Author Interviews

This book is held with all types of different Author's you might know of or read their books before. We have given these wonderful Author's interviews hope you enjoy as you will get the insight of an Author.

4.5K 62 157
The Daily Sigh

Title is a tad bit misleading, I highly doubt I'll be posting daily in this. Nonetheless, I decided to stop filling my other books with news articles and such so I've created this one. In this book I'll be sharing articles, stories, and sometimes pictures or videos from the news with you guys to get your thoughts and comments since the comment sections on the actual articles are absolutely toxic. Anyways, some of these will be fairly interesting, some will have us all slapping our palms to our faces, and well some will have us doing a daily sigh... Welcome.

21.7K 183 3.1K
DC Comics and Marvel Summer Challenge

Je copie @Lolsita (avec son accord bien sur ! Elle me tuerait sinon) pour vous proposer un "Summer Challenge", chaque jour de juillet, une histoire différente sur plusieurs personnages issus des comics de DC. Puis au mois d'Août ça sera un épisode par jour en rapport avec les héros de Marvel ! Je suis désolé pour les fautes d'orthographe (n'hésitez pas à me signaler pour que je corrige cela) en espérant que ça vous plaît à tous ! Et n'hésitez pas à commenter, je réponds à tout ! Bonne lecture !

1.2K 64 267
Catgirl proffessor

Nya-w then, are you a catboy or a catgirl?

3.5K 196 197
Of Kings and Queens

Avarice Academy is one of the best, most prestigious and most expensive schools in the entire world- And when Robin and her twin brother Peregrine are offered scholarships, they can't wait to get on the plane and rush off to Ireland to start. Though, not everything seems to be so perfect when they get there and meet their roommate; Oliver Roscoe- A condescending, seemingly emotionless, ginger-haired teenage boy with an accent and a chip in his shoulder. Unbeknownst to them at first, they just entered a world where arranged marriages are the norm, and family rivalries end in bloodshed. As they navigate this new social construct, they both make new friends and new enemies. Will they realise that a war of power and pride is about to start before it's too late to return to their normal lives? Or will they stand their ground even though they're nameless- And therefore powerless, in a world based on a hierarchy of surnames called the 'Twelve Descendants.'But if they truly were so out of place, how were they the catalyst to set it all off?"Death before dishonour.From power your name has risen.With your crown they worship your ground,If you use you're voice they will listen.But if you leave, you will not be found,If you cut all ties they disappear forever.It is your most important decision."||SLOW BUILD||

2.1K 43 128