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907 stories
Fairies & Goblins - The Prequel

Violet and her family and friends, along with all remaining fairies in Anguistan, are in hiding. The evil tyrant ordered the slaying of all fairies and they have been living in their underground world, Paltine, to avoid further detection. Life underground is rough, but they manage.Violet is in love with her families Gem Fairy, Darren, but she is engaged to be married to her best friends' brother in an arrangement of her father and the love between Violet and Darren must be kept secret.This all changes when Violet meets Kelten, the prince of Anguistan, and the son of the evil tyrant, Caltor. Violet has immediate connection and begins to learn the secrets of what is really going on above ground. Violet must make the decision to give up everything she knows because she is convinced that the fate of the fairy world rests in her hands.Will the relationship between Violet and Kelten and the knowledge they both possess bring the fairies closer to victory or are the fae doomed to hide underground forever?

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The mind of a Kpop girl

I am actually going to use my profile pic for the cover because it fits well with what I'm doing. In here you will find: rants, jokes, ideas, opinions, and much more. If you don't agree with me on something please be polite or keep it to yourself. Just because I don't support something doesn't mean I'm a hater. I know haters and I know I am not one. But just remember, my mind is a fangirl mind so if you're here feel free to fangirl (or fanboy, I don't judge) with me. Experienced and rookie kpop fans are welcome, I'm still somewhat a rookie myself. Enjoy!

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Who would've thought I would go from being the quiet girl that people don't look at twice to the girl that everyone suddenly recognizes. I've spent my whole school career out of the limelight since my brother is very popular and for very good reasons.People usual think that getting attention is only a good thing but from what I've seen... You can also attract the wrong kind of attention even if you don't intend it.The people I met along the way helped me grow into the type of person who could take on anything the world threw at me. Who knows, I may become famous for my own accomplishments.This story is in no way canon and the time frame is totally different, also some characters may behave a way that is considered out of character but it is just my interpretation and will change along the way. Please don't judge it too harshly based on that alone. I was going through a very tough time and this was the only way I could make myself feel better. GOT7 is the reason I found myself again and through them I discovered other groups, each with their own charms. Thanks to Kpop, I have grown and learnt to love myself.

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Allows the user to burn calories at a faster rate Keto is a crowd pleaser. Some are worse than others. Some may not. I'm feeling my oats now. It will require a bit of team work. It is the bottom line as it touches on Best Weight Loss Formula because many of them have blogs also. The only thing Enhanced Energy Levels has accomplished is to create this situation for plenty of wizards. I have a proficiency in High Quality Ingredients include in Regal Keto. It is marvelous. Better Heart Health can be annoying. Why does Improved Cognitive Performance need its own Improved Cognitive Performance? You'll do far better with Improved Cognitive Performance if you find an outrageous source for Improved Cognitive Performance.

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Always With You (Vampire! 2p Italy X Reader)

Vampire AU Reader is a simple human in a world that's been divided into two from a war between Vampires and Humans. There has been a barrier put up between both of the civilizations which only humans are only able to go in and out of the barrier. However, the humans are living in a world where they are in constant fear that they will be the next group of humans that will be sent across the other side of the barrier to collect the herbs and other supplies to help the humans continue living. Reader's life isn't that bad for the world she lives in, but she would like to be able to taste what true freedom is like and not live in a world where she is constantly under watch by those who wish to keep the humans in line. What happens when the Reader breaks the rules of the humans that she's been forced to follow every day of her life, and goes beyond the barrier only to get kidnapped and forced to commit to something she never expected.Cover not mine I don't own the 2p S nor you but the plot is mine

4.5K 4 132
Mori Senpai X Reader X 2p England - Detective heart of my romantic dreams (OHSHC and Hetalia)

Mori senpai is a crime fighting detective in disguise, and he is on an undercover stakeout following this gang leader thug who is actually.... 2P ENGLAND!? But nobody believes that 2p Engles is actually the leader, but you believe so it gets all doki doki and $hit. BUT THEN 2p England sees that you are important to Mori senpai and then he tries to court you, just to make Mori senpai jealous! But then he actually falls in love with you! And you don't know what to do! The calm and collected dandere Mori who is also a bada$$ crime fighter, or the sly and mischievous 2p England who has probably been convicted for murder of the first degree, but still has a few redeeming qualities!? MORI SENPAI VS CUPCAKE GANGSTA: WILL MORI SENPAI TAKE YOUR HEART IN THE NAME OF THE LAW OR WILL 2P ENGLAND STEAL YOUR HEART (and your wallet)?? TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THE ANSWER! If you like this, please also check out "My Butler/Boyfriend is also a Ninja/Prince/Cyborg!"Collab with @PockyCereal ( assembled the cover picture, but all art belongs to their respectful owners. (@^-^)/

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TERUNIK!!! +62 813-2666-1515 | Souvenir Kematian

Souvenir Kematian - Agen Souvenir Kematian ini adalah salah satu souvenir yang bagus untuk dijadikan sebagai souvenir untuk tahlilan kematian seseorang. Info pembelian hubungi kami di +62 813-2666-1515 via WA/Telp/SMS.

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On the Transient Nature of a Rainbow

As a hard rule, Oliver Kirkland chooses to look on the bright side of life. That being said, it is rather difficult to stay positive when he's been split from his body, which lays unresponsive in intensive care. As but a disembodied spirit, he's restless and bored out of his mind with only a callous angel for company until catching the unlikely attention of one Lilian Bonnefoy, who's about as isolated himself. Turns out the gilded prospect of working abroad isn't nearly as splendid as it was supposed to be, but going home may be the one thing harder than trying to stick it out in England. Being caught between a rock and a hard place has taken its toll on him, but Oliver provides a rare distraction. Seeing as how neither of them is exactly having the time of his life, they quickly become close, much closer than either of them expect. Who knows, maybe the rainbow at the end of the storm will make it all worth the trouble......Published: 16 February 2021Last Updated: 5 June 2021Chapter Completion: 2/12Completion Status: 16.67%Number of Pages: 19Cumulative Word Count: 6,292

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Dreamscape: A Literate RP

"WE ARE AT THE EDGE OF APOCALYPSE."In the somewhat near-future, a disease unlike any other threatens to destroy the world as we know it. Humans and supernaturals alike are being given the chance to save them before they too are infected. Meanwhile, Earth and its Colonies are facing natural disasters unparalleled, with evolution beginning to turn the clock backwards--and this leaves people nowhere to go...But within.[More information inside, and warning, this is an ULTRA-literate roleplay.]

11.1K 18 293
2p!Hetalia x Male!Reader Oneshots

REQUESTS OPENThe title says everything. This is my coping mechanism for the breakup I'm going through after 3 years of giving my all.This story will contain fluff and ultimate jack-assery! I don't just write malencholic toxicity, in fact I hardly ever write those genres- HOWEVER.So far.This story contains dark, toxic, and severe aspects of relationships, characters, and events. Please read at your own risk, there will be mentions of many triggering topics such as gang violence, kidnapping, murder, gore, mutilation, and toxic relationships. Before each chapter, I will tag the trigger objects, I.e., guns, heavy mutilation, drugs, murder, and suicide. It's important to note that I do not support these relationships or any actions that the characters perform if they are harmful to another person or themselves in any way. This is a warning, don't take it lightly.

279 2 7

It was a dark night for the pirates of what they called East Bay. The moon shined down on the many ships parked in the bay. The ships were full of laughter and drinking, music playing in the background. Little did they know that right under them was a kingdom of the sea. A kingdom of Mermaids and Mermen.Below, the kingdom of the Merkind were also having a gathering. There they ate wonderful foods and drank many different kinds of wine and other beverages. Everyone in the Kingdom was invited, which was a rare experience. Little did the two kinds know that one Merman had ventured to the surface, a former human. He had no memory of his former human life, and he didn't even know he was a human before. He always seemed as if he was brought to the human activitiy. This was a common spot for humans to come. One human in the boat, a very handsome Spaniard, was always what catched this young Italian's eye. They seemed to be the same age. Maybe he had something to do with his former life? But the Merman wouldn't know, as he was never told, and never will be.He would have to figure it out on his own.~~~~⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️Lots of cussingSome romanceHetalia Fanfiction~~~~Hey guys! Please go check out my other stories, which are both Hetalia Fanfictions! Static - Us2pUk (( America x 2PEngland ))A Promising One - GerIta (( Germany x Italy ))❗Soon to come! ❗A Snowy Day - Hetalia x ReaderMaple and Birds - PruCan (( Prussia x Canada ))For my MHA ( My Hero Academia ) readers ~My Future Was Here All Along - Bakudeku (( Kastsuki x Midoriya ))Wilted Flower in a Patch of Green TodoDeku ~(( Todoroki x Midoriya ))That's all for today my poppets! Please enjoy! I will try to update all my stories on the same day once a week. My chapters are 1000 words each, and if they are any less, it is because I ran out of time to write and have other things to do. If I don't update within a week just know I am ssssssooooo sorry! I hope you enjoy!My love,The Be

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Before people start freaking out, this is a re-upload of a story I did on my other account(Frickle_de_frackle_). I somehow logged out on accident and don't know how to get back in. I also changed the title because why not?__________________________________________________Greetings and salutations. I am not an extremely amazing writer but I do try my best and quite enjoy it. Also, I will update this slowly, since I easily get into a writer's block. This book will mainly contain 2p!Countries x Readers, but of course you can give me ships to work with as well. I'm a bit rusty with the characters, so I apologize if some are out of character. For all those who may be new or don't know a lot about the 2p universe is that it's strictly (most of it is) fan made. And since most of the 2p universe is fan made, I have my own headcanons for characters and I would appreciate if you would respect that.And of course, requests are definitely open. So, if you enjoy my writing or just want something for your fangirl/fanboy minds to squeal about, then you can request anything you want. But, when I don't have requests, I'll mainly do the 2p!Axis and 2p!Allies including 2p!Prussia and 2p!Romano. Other characters are of course welcomed other than the ones I already listed.For those who may have forgotten, the 2p Axis contains:2p!Italy/Luciano Vargas2p!Germany/Lutz or Siegfried Beilschmidt2p!Japan/ Honda Kuro (Kuro Honda)(And for the other two I guess they're technically in the Axis?)2p!Prussia/Klaus or Gillen Beilschmidt2p!Romano/Flavio VargasAnd the 2p!Allies are:2p!America/Allen or Alexander Jones2p!Canada/James Williams2p!China/Wang Zao (Zao Wang)2p!Russia/Viktor Braginsky2p!France/François or Vincent Bonnefoy2p!England/Oliver KirklandA little explanation about the whole two names thing for each country is that I'll be using the ones that is listed first, but those are possible names that I've heard of and at one point it may switch.

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