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225 stories
Just Like Cake

❝Every crush I've had was just like cake. They were all different in their own ways, and extremely delectable in small amounts. You're always tempted to eat more but as soon as you give into your urges- the cake becomes bad for you.❞ - Theodore Anglien.Zachary "Zach" Webblin was like a slice of carrot cake. Underrated, but secretly delicious, a sweet-spicy mix with a little bit of nuttiness laced in.Strawberries and cream cake is light, buttery, and you can't help but keep wanting more. It has the perfect amount of sweetness and is unexpectedly soft, just like Isaiah Blazes. Ryder Coldstone could only be described as a black forest cake. It may seem a bit daunting from the outside, considering the daring flavour combination. But as soon as you get a taste of the slightly sour cherry chocolate flavour - you may think twice.Lemon cake is a bit of an acquired taste, despite how appealing it looks from the outside. When you cut it open, though, you realise it is much sourer than it seemed. Jake Brooks was a perfect example of that shiny exterior, horrible interior concept. Red velvet cake is chocolatey without being overbearing, scrumptious to a select group of people, bright and very colourful. It was the one cake that made Theodore question whether all cakes were really bad for you. It was like Nicolás "Nico" Alvarez, without a doubt.

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When a airport computer glitch results in Evelyn Greene receiving a unexpected upgrade to first class, she can't help feeling lucks on her side. On top of a recent acceptance for a work experience at one of the worlds fastest growing fashion houses, 'Hart' in NewYork things feel almost to good to be true.But things never did come easy to this design student from Manchester and with a pile of emotional baggage she'd rather leave at home, can Evelyn out run her problems? Or will she discover something more sinister on the Upper East Side?

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Marleigh Flanagan is the granddaughter of past Victor, Mags Flanagan. Growing up in District Four, Leigh knew she might eventually reaped to go into the games. She just didn't think it would be at fifteen. Things get worse when her best friend and love interest, Wilder Lindenwood, volunteers to go into the games to protect her. Will these games change her? Can she learn to live the life of a Victor?

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Royal confessions

Now life is different, now that ben has been coronated and mal and him are together everything has changed but Ben is hidding something.Monday night 7:05.Someone knocks at bens door, its Jay.Oh, hey Jay whats up. Says ben with his big, green eyesNothing just cheking and i...Well can i do something for you.Well actually...Right at that moment Jay goes inside bens room and throghs ben on the bed, he closes the door roughfly and starts nudding himself and ben at that same time, instead of ben stoping him, he just goes with it. How come youre not questioning this? Asked jay nudedWell i dont know why but im enjoying it. Says ben with a smileThey start rolling around in the bed like animals. Jay can feel how bens boner starts growing fast amd ben could feel jays boner from the start.Its time. Jay says roughly yet calm.Jay open bens legs and puts his giant cock into bens ass...Its 11:33. Ben and jay are satisfaid on the floor with only a sheet on them.All of a sudden someone nocks on the door...Who could thet be? Are ben and jay going to get caught? Are jay and ben going to have a thing?

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Chained To The Time

...How about this? I'll tell you a story of adventure. A story of daring and cunning. One of heroes and villains, running and hiding, of fear and love, high flying and low fighting, and of trust and betrayal. This story is one like none you've ever heard of before, and it's closer to our sparks than you've ever imagined.

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Nonpareil | Dance Moms

"ᴮᴱᴸᴵᴱᵛᴱ ᴵᴺ ᵞᴼᵁᴿˢᴱᴸᶠ."A young girl is turn upside down by the expectation of being undefeated and being perfect. Which everything is about to turn upside down with hate, jealously, and love com in the mix.Book one of the show girl series

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Diary Of A Hawaiian Clara 2: The Mouse King's Return

3 years after the events of DOAHC 1, Annabella's family have left on vacation, leaving Josephine and her 2 other siblings + Uncle Drosselmeyer to house-sit, but something oddly peculiar and strange is about to happen on Christmas Eve night.This is a sequel to Diary Of A Hawaiian Clara.(This sequel is loosely inspired by that one Nutcracker anime that was dubbed in greek, The Nutcracker Prince, Nutcracker Fantasy & Barbie In The Nutcracker)

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CREATURES~Leila's Sicht

Zu Beginn: Das ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit the one and only Laughflashqueen (XD). Mein OC heißt Leila. Ihr OC heißt Raquel. Die Geschichte wird auf den 'Kanälen' von uns beiden veröffentlicht, wobei die Kapitel von ihr auf ihrem 'Kanal' veröffentlicht werden und meine Kapitel auf meinem. DAS HEIßT: Wenn ihr die komplette Story lesen wollt dann müsst ihr abwechelnd auf unseren Kanälen vorbeischauen (vielleicht kennt ihr das Prinzip schon von ein paar Youtubern...). Jedes 2. Kapitel kommt bei Laughflashqueen. Die ganze Geschichte haben wir auch schon auf gemacht, deswegen werden die ersten Kapitel sehr schnell erscheinen weil wir die ja schon geschrieben haben. Wenn wir mal länger nix schreiben sind wir nicht gestorben. (Vielleicht macht einer von uns einen Kurztrip nach Australien) So jetzt kommt wirklich die Zusammenfassung: Leila ist 15. Die Apokalypse ist ausgebrochen. Vampire, Menschen und Werwölfe führen einen Krieg. Leila ist ein Werwolf. Dann platzt Raquel in ihr Leben... HINWEIS: Dies ist KEINE Lovestory. Dies ist auch keine Wir-haben-uns-alle-lieb-freundschaft-ist-alles-was-zählt-und-ist-extrem-kitschig-Story. Es geht zwar um Freundschaft aber auch um Spannung!

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This Fragile Life

You love your best friend. You trust her with your life. But could you give her the most precious gift of all? Alex's life is a mess. She's barely holding down a job, only just affording her apartment, and can't remember when she was last in a relationship. An unexpected pregnancy is the last thing she needs. Martha's life is on track. She's got the highflying career, the gorgeous home and the loving husband. But one big thing is missing. Five rounds of IVF and still no baby. The solution seems simple. Alex knows that Martha can give her child everything that she can't provide. But Martha's world may not be as perfect as it seems, and letting go isn't as easy as Alex expected it to be. Now they face a decision that could shatter their friendship forever.

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Storm on the mainland ⛈Poteruniverse

Highflying hypocritical Auror E V Kelly is supposed to have everything: dream job, relationship with childhood crush, supportive family.But when said crush investigative journalist Izaac, is arrested and put on trial. E v's self made perfect World implodes from her own ambition, pride, and neglect.Potter universe with own characters based in 1982.

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When It Snowed

"-and the dengue rates this year have been low. Thanks to the governments effort in launching campaigns in the past ye-" The TV burst into static. "And now, an emergency broadcast by the Prime Minister.""Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Prime Minister speaking, in the past 2 hours, 47 cases of a plague-like virus has been identified. The nation is going into a state of national emergency and all citizens are to remain calm, and stay indoors. The curfew will be lifted by alarm blasts from the Singapore Civil Defence Force. Meanwhile, we would like all citizens to remain calm, and be vigilant for signs of the virus." A series of pictures flashed on the screens, each showing white spots on people's faces. Some cases so severe, the spots broke out into open sores, with pus flowing out. "Thank you for your co-operation, and may god help us all."That was a TV news report 2 months ago. Now Singapore lay in ruins, looking like a ghost town in the middle of a radioactive zone. Sam had been holed up in his apartment since then.He had seen it, he had feared it and then he watched it snow"Even from my sickbed, even if you are going to lower me to the grave and I feel that something is going wrong, I will get up."-Mr Lee Kuan Yew

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Lionel Carralejo and the Book of Ibaniorox

In the Empire of Geonorma, there once stood four nations that lived together in peace: the Flying Nation, located in the clouds and sky; the Shape-shifter Nation, located in nature; the Super-speed Nation, located in the trees; And, the Telekinetic Nation, located underground. The natives in each nation are "Highflyers", "Shifters", "Speedsters" and "The Mind".. . .But, once upon a time's only exists in fairy tales, and this was no where near it. Kids, when just born, are selectively bred to have a gene in which allows them to shape-shift, fly, have telekinesis, and run fast. Growing up, their family who lack this gene are executed, or taken away. All families, except for a selected few, are torn apart. A man named Victor Shadysky plans to take the system down, one by one, person by person and nation by nation to retrieve what him and his clan believed was his- the lost book of Ibaniorox, which just so happens to hold the secrets and truths about their world.

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Destiny : Decisions Made By God 🌷

Hello everyone🌷🌷This is my first story which i am gonna write .If any grammatical error occurs please do forgive.Story contains feminine empowerment , rivalry, action , guilt , hate to love and dark romance with immense love , care and mutual respect. ......Here we have male character Achintya rathore Williams is 28 years old ceo of Williams group . He is billionaire with Strong influence in dark world but he never kills any innocent. He is half indian and American his mother was indian but father was American He lost his father during his childhood He was raised by his mother who started running her husband's bussiness after his death He is very rude personality with dark aura , 6.2 ft tall with sharp facial features , well toned body , sexy abs and shoulder.He can make any girl to drool over him ....Female character Shrinka shivaay is Strong female character She is 25 years old working women who is coo of highfly Airways.She is highly talented , great devotee of radhekrishna, maa durga ,mahadev and maata mahalakshmi. She is qualified sword fighter with the grace of maa durga .She doesn't fears anyone except GodShe is very beautiful whenever she smiles it feels like lotus is blooming .She looks very feminine Her dance ability is excellent. She is woman of honor .Her height is 5.7 with great feminine figure Let's see what happens when achintya and shrinika tied knots together. 🌷🌷🌷🌷

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