Search: peachblossomsdebt
14 stories
Nine Tails of Twin Brothers

Twin brothers Mo Yuan and Ye Hua are both in love with the same woman without realizing it. Unfortunately for both of them, the object of their affection is the beautiful, reclusive and powerful goddess Bai Qian who has no idea that anyone is in love with her.As gods, Mo Yuan and Ye Hua have all the time in the world to woo their intended but even that may not be enough time for the twins to build their relationship and find love when they know one of them will be heartbroken in the end.

25.9K 21 881
Love is like a waterfall: Eternal love of dream fanfic

//completed//She has loved him for hundreds of years. He is a god who desires Nothing, but surprisingly he finds a fairy particularly interesting.She is the future empress of Qing que, Bai Feng Jiu, and he is Emperor Dong Hua, the most respected god in nine heavens.She was once saved from a beast by him. Feeling indebted she disguised herself as a fairy maid in his palace with the help of Si Ming, the fate god. She finally got a chance to pay back his favor when he fell into Ten evil lotus land. But she got tricked by a demon lord and gave up her fur in exchange of cultivation, turning into an ordinary fox.She was then picked by Dong Hua and became his pet. After spending a lot of time together Feng Jiu realized that to Dong Hua, she will indeed only be a pet. After hearing of Dong Hua's marriage with the Demon princess she decided to go back to QingQue. This story starts from when they meet again.---The characters are not mine as this is a fanfiction, but I may add some new characters by myself. All credits for the characters and setting are to the rightful owner.Best Rankings,#1 in eternal love of dream#5 in dongfeng#34 in immortal#140 in sweet#570 in magic#35 in god's#126 in life#13 in mischief#165 in romancefiction

125.3K 53 3.8K Full
The Best Kept Secret

Can you keep a secret?Dong Hua Dijun the former ruler of the universe still adheres with his firm beliefs that his life is destined to be without love. Bai Feng Jiu will go on living her life destined without being with her beloved. Not giving up on her love for Dong Hua Dijun she embarks a journey full of discoveries that will lead up to uncover the best kept secret of all times. What will it be? Who will uncover it and what will the outcome be? The answers are waiting for you to read...

204.5K 85 5.6K Full
My Love Story

It had been 300 years since Bai Fengjiu was crown as the Queen of QingQiu. She was said to be extremely beautiful and graceful only second to her Aunt who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the nine realm that even Heaven was jealous of them.Fengjiu had tried hard to forget her first love all these years just to be sway by him again..But she could no longer play around as she used to.She was now the Queen of East.She must not let herself bring shame to her people.She was force to attend her aunt and uncle in law wedding and perhaps it was the biggest mistake yet....the more she avoid him , the more fate bring them together. It is said that they are not meant to be together..yet why is it so hard to stop loving him?!Why is it so hard for her to stay away from him?!her feelings for him was resurfacing once again.and she couldn't deal was tearing her apart..knowing that he would once again reject herwhat would she do?would she follow her heart?or ...?// do note that I will use some character from the novel as well,all the characters in here does not belong to me, it is rightfully belong to Tang Qi Gong Zi//

120.8K 29 2.4K
The Path to Darkness (Joint poetry book by NthatiL and Nandileluke2)

Darkness...(adjective) 1. The partial or total absence of light. 2. Wickedness or evil.However you choose to see it, darkness is a comforter to many and hides true emotions in its wake.×××Book One of the CONTRAST poetry series

30 12 11 Full
Summary of Peach Blossoms Debt

This summary is what I remember from reading the translation found on this site: and thanks to this translation, I grew to adore SongYao & HengWen.The original book can be found here: - 1st Feb 2019@Anne4356 found this English translation: the quality is excellent (I'm very picky on language) from what I've seen today, and hope the translator will continue soon. Pinyin names used are base on what I believe are equivalent to the names in Vietnamese, which may not be correct, feel free to correct me on the pinyin names. Songyao = TongDaoGuangXu = QuangHuLi SiMing = Ly TuMinhQin YinMo ≠ Tan UngMucHengWen = HoanhVanZhaoHeng = TrieuHoanhTianShu = ThienXuMo RuoYan = Mo NhuocNgonDo YuanMing ≠ Do UyenMinhNamMing = NamMinhDan ChengLang ≠ Dan ThanhLanCang SongTac ≠ Khuong TongDacBiHua = BichHoaXuanLi ≠ TuyenLyLi SiXuan = Ly TuHienLi SiYuan = Ly TuNguyenLi JinNing = Ly TanNinhLi JinShu = Ly TanThuYaoXiang = DaoDuongQingXian ≠ TinhTienYueYoan ≠ NguyetDoanXa JingXuan ≠ Ha KinhHien

676 1 13

Kevin Griffin is a lonely errand boy working for a powerful drug lord in a lethal underworld. He suffers severely from depression and anger as a biracial teenager with an incarcerated black father and an alcoholic white mother. With a cold-blooded mind, Kevin carries a switchblade knife as he collects debts from gamblers and drug buyers all over Massachusetts by boarding the Commuter Rail to complete his assignments.

12 1 0
Soul Reader

Es gibt in der Welt nicht nur eine Ebene. Die Menschenwelt, ist durch Portale mit Himmel und Hölle verbunden. Es ist nicht die religiöse Vorstellung, die hinter den beiden Orten steckt, nein. Himmel und Hölle werden von zwei unterschiedlichen Spezies regiert. Reinen Dämonen und reinen Engeln. Bevor der große Krieg zwischen den beiden Reichen begann, lebten sie zum Größtteil auf der Erde. Die Engel schützten die Menschen vor den Dämonen, welche versuchten diese in Versuchung zu bringen und ihre Seele in die Hölle zu ziehen. Doch die Portale wurden nach dem Krieg zur Sicherheit der Menschheit geschlossen und von den Mischblütern, oder Halbwesen bewacht. Denn es ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Und dieser Fehler war Lacrima. Ein Mädchen, welches beide reinen Seiten in sich trägt. Sowohl Gut, als auch Böse. Doch was, wenn Lacrima ungeahnte und gefährliche Kräfte entwickelt? Was, wenn die Welt wieder aus dem Gleichgewicht zu fallen droht? Was, wenn die Tore der Parallelwelten wieder geöffnet werden?

73 3 5
Between Heaven and Highschool

Have you ever wondered about God's angels?The celestial beings that He created as his soldiers and protectors of humanity?The ones that have a sword and wear a glowing halo above their heads?But what if instead they wore Converse and used switchblades?What if you walked past one of these angels in disguise everyday?Maybe even you're one of them.This the story of three kids who were just that,angels.

97 18 5
Inuyasha - Der Weg des 9 schwänzigen Fuchses

Im modernen Tokyo lebt die Familie Higurashi auf dem der Familie nach Erbrecht gehörenden Shinto-Schrein, auf dessen Grund auch der uralte Baum Goshinboku steht. Kagome, die fünfzehnjährige Schülerin einer Junior High School, sieht die Geschichten ihres Großvaters eher mit gemischten Gefühlen. Mystische Wesen und Dämonen sind in der heutigen Zeit eher Märchenfiguren. Auf der Suche nach ihrer Katze, Buyo, betritt sie das Gebäude mit dem Knochenbrunnen, über den der Großvater Schauergeschichten erzählt hat. Plötzlich durchbricht ein Tausendfüßler-Dämon den Verschluss und zerrt Kagome mit sich hinein. Als Kagome am Grund des Brunnens wieder zu sich kommt, steigt sie hinauf und findet sich in der Sengoku Periode des alten Japans wieder.Doch in dieser Geschichte, dreht sich die Geschichte über eine Kitsunin auch 9 schwänziger Fuchs Dämon bezeichnet namens Asuna Kikore. In dieser Atemberaubenden Abenteuer, zeig ich euch die Welt aus ihren Augen.

78 3 3