Search: ovwfanfiction
6 stories
Entry Point, Operation:Trident

12 years after Phoenix Shut down Halcyon and it's Operations, Everyone started a New Life for themselves, and vowed to never Talk about their old life. However, this new city holds secrets, and The peace they seek can never come easy.A New threat comes in, Halcyon is back, this time, Wren In charge, And he wants revenge. Raven will have to fill her father's shoes and make deals with the devil to stop him. But that's not all, It seems that a new Organisation is in the city, And it seems their most trusted agent will be the most unlikely Ally to stop Halcyon. Operation:Trident Has Only Just Begun.This story brings something new: A Spotify Playlist. Listen to it here!

2.4K 6 36
Her Glorious Reign (Reader x Junkers)

You are a Princess, not even a figurehead of the nation of Russia. People have little to no opinion of you because you haven't done anything. But someone in the world wants you dead, and they've hired international criminals to take you out. Days have gone by and your fate rests in the hands of your people, your family, and two dirty stinking junkers who somehow haven't been caught yet.Wonderful.

5 3 0

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