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209 stories
Thoughts I Never Posted

11/23/2014-I hadn't seen you in months.Months! Can you believe it's been that long?From everyday together, for years, to never at all?God knows if I even remember the night properly. I can't even count how many substances were in my system. I wasn't expecting you. You weren't supposed to be there. Hell, you were never supposed to be anywhere you showed up to.I couldn't see straight, but that's okay. I was feeling on cloud nine! Just like you do! Can't you see how much I've changed?You hugged me, an embrace so strong it could have snapped me in half. A thousand words were said in those thirty seconds.But nobody knows what those words are. Not even us.I miss you? Who are you? Why are you here? What are you on? Do you remember me? You got tall?"I missed you! How have you been?" Don't. I wasn't sober, but not that far gone."You too." What are you doing here?I hadn't prepared myself! I wasn't expecting you here! I haven't thought about you in months!It was scary to realize how quickly things had changed.Because, two years ago, I would never have even been at that party. I knew better two years ago, would never have found it enticing.But then again, four years ago, you never would have been at that party either.

13 2 0
The Great Princess in Action!

Belle Thorne as 'Katherine' and using pics from "Famous In Love" Jacob Elordi as 'Cole' from "The Kissing Booth"Nicola Correia-Damude as 'Carly' from "Shadowhunters"Peyton List as 'Alexis' from "Jessie" Lucy Hale as 'Jenna' from "PLL and Truth or Dare"My story is not copyrighted, and will never be, but I thought that I should spice things up and make something fun, even though most people love all those celebs and movies and shows stories off of Wattpad, so I just made sure that I used some very famous famous famous people starred in my book and if this book gets a lot of votes and reads I may continue. READ BELOW FOR DESCRIPTION!!A young girl, who goes by the name Katherine believes that she can have a life out side of the castle and her whole country, so she decided to move to America to live with her mothers sister that no one knew about. When, Katherine first arrived she met a boy, a young and very handsome looking boy and she believed that he may go to her very, very expensive private school. And after Katherine had met her mysterious might be lover, she realized that he had dropped his wallet and she sets out to find him, to give his wallet back, but Katherine remembers she still has to go to school. As Katherine arrives on the first day, she meets the school bully, Dave and the snobby rich daddy issues girl Jenna and the impeccable Alexis who is very, very shy and might set out to be Katherine's best friend, who eventually finds out Katherine's identity. When, Alexis finds out she helps Katherine make sure that she is safe, and Katherine tells Alexis about her mysterious lover boy from a round the corner. But, is the mysterious lover boy, her actual lover or is he her downfall? Well, read to find out!! This is my very first Wattpad story, so might not be good. PM me any ideas you or a friend might have. And please leave in the comments some good apps I can get to make edits and pictures for this amazing and fantastic new beginning! Thank You!

38 3 0

Just a bunch of random crap that nobody asked for!Kinda like a diary, but knowing me, probrably unlike any diary you've ever seen, and will probrably give you nightmares!Unless you're Ginny Weasly, in which case, you've seen worse.Now come! Come into my wonderful world of grammar and spelling mistakes and just all around craziness!!!(Any art or videos I use are not mine unless I specificly say)

3.5K 193 297
Behind the suit

Even when you're an adult, your childhood is never really over, and that's what Jadari kaiser is really like. But Talia Opalia was never particularly a fan of her childhood. *********Silent. Reserved. Strict.24 year old, Jadari Kaiser is the son of the former CEO who has now retired and given his business to his son. He runs it silently and very little people know about his personal life unless close to him - Until his family were forcing him into a marriage to a woman who seems...vaguely familiar.Introverted. Cheery. Classy.24 year old, Taila Opalia tries at least to be a good, classy daughter for her parents but, ever since the family business started, they became money hungry and forced themselves to be 'elegant' and 'Nobel' people.She barely remebers Jadari Kaiser..only hearing stories about them as children and talking with each other briefly. But it all changed when she's forced to marry him to cover up what her family has done in the past.Falling out line wasn't an option for them but is falling in love one?

16 3 0
Lost In You | Game of Thrones | Book I

*NOW POSTED ON MY OTHER ACCOUNT Viserion_Fury*READ THERE!"What a silly question, of course I mourn. I'm just not foolish enough to act on my emotions. That seems to be a mistake many people make."~~~~~Carmen Droca Stark is the third child and second daughter to have been born by Ned and Catelyn Stark. Carmen is the younger sister of her brother Robb and sister Sansa and elder of her sister Arya and brothers Bran and Rickon. She is also the half-sister of Jon Snow, her father's bastard. Carmen Stark is no fool and will do everything in her power to keep her family safe. Carmen may not be a bastard but nobody ever paid that much attention to her nor did they talk to her. Yet they listened when she spoke. Yes indeed they did and will continue to do so. Carmen was always a lone wolf, an omega so to say. Though omegas can rise to power and that is the path Carmen plans to lead her life down. Not only does she plan to avenge her fallen family but to continue living for them and protect the ones still alive.Join Carmen on her journey through the hardships of loss, love, deceit, joy, vengeance, and much more. _____This story will follow the television series and will be following the storyline. Not strictly but also not loosely either. I will be making some changes that may include certain character deaths either being eliminated or added, etc.. Suggestions are welcome if you wish to inbox me any for this story and where you'd like to see it lead.DISCLAIMER: I own absolutely nothing that you recognize. Everything belongs to the rightful owners and creators. The only things I own are my original characters and original plot lines.

468 3 19
The Course Of Dreamed Falseness

A cry of help that in life many of us ignore. So many people are hurting broken beyond belief. The awareness that should be there is not there. These are their faded memories.

88 81 0
Martin Luther King, Jr.

No one in America's civil rights movement has served as a more inspirational and influential leader than Martin Luther King, Jr. Born in 1929, the son of a Baptist minister in Atlanta, Georgia, King quickly followed in his fathers footsteps. At age 15, he entered Morehouse College to study religion and was ordained as a minister 4 years later. He then received advanced degrees in theology from Crozer Seminary and Boston University before returning to the south in 1954 to serve as a pastor in Montgomery, Alabama. The following year, the eloquent King became a leading spokesman for the Montgomery bus boycott, a citywide protest against local segregation laws. AHe then established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to coordinate civil rights activities in the South. Nonviolent resistance was the SCLC's governing principle. "We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love," King counseled his many followers during the rallies and marches he organized to foster racial equality. King's philosophy of nonviolence soon spread to other acts of social protest-including sit-ins, interstate bus rides, voter registration drives, and huge march on Washington, D.C.- and earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Then, on a cool spring evening in Memphis, Tennessee, four years later, his voice was suddenly silenced by an assassin's bullet. Yet we still hear King's call for a just society, and his grand vision of a prejudice-free nation remains the greatest of all American dreams

36 2 0
Thin Line between Love and Hate

Fuck Sebastian.Fuck Sebastian.Two meanings for those words yet I always assumed I felt like the first. There's a thin line between hatred and love.I might be the first to be stupid enough to use said line as a jumping rope, and not realize that I was switching sides.---Sebastian Callisto. Secretive. Obedient. Kind.He's unbalanced, or so people think. Nobody knows what kind of person he is, and nobody wants to.Sebastian has been prone to bullies and teasing from his classmates ever since elementary. The reason? Because of one 'secret' that everyone knows about.He's gay. Openly gay.That's the only thing most people know about him, and they took that to advantage.Xavier De Relux. Firm. Smart. Hypocrite.One of the teasers in Sebastian's life. Following him like a dog.Not like a puppy, where it whines for attention and circles around their master's feet.No. He follows Sebastian to bite, scratch, and hurt him.Hurt him for what he is.Hurt him for what Xavier is.--The two loathe each other will all their heart, well, that's what De Relux believed. However, when a misunderstanding makes them closer than they wanted to, said misread interaction between the two of them was stuck in one of their minds.And when he realized how obviously he was drowning in denial, he strived to release his affection to his classmate in high school--now course-mate in College, eager to make things right if it meant lowering himself onto his knees for the very first time in the 23 long years of his life.However, what if the other man happens to be already taken? Or more likely, forced to be taken against his will?

48 3 2
Mi 1er Libro:Parte 30/My 1st Book:Part 30

Kun:Saludos,Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Voy a Tener Otro Nuuuevo Libro,(Parte 30),Que Es En Donde Escribiré 200 Relatos Como,"Berryjuice","Respekt","Warriors:Legends", "Devil's Freakshow","Demonarium:Kazu In The Human World","!You Mortals Are Ugly!","Marvin & Antisepticeye:!Showtime!","Late Nights Through The Graveyard","Still Us","Chernobyl:Poly Edition","Mirrors Into Light","Hell's Funfair","Diabolical Killings:A Nightmare Squad Story", "Weird Endgame","Ugly Jon Toons","Youtuber Universe: Reborn","Midnightborn","Get 'Em,Evan","Rainbow ABC", "Firechild","Valle De Las Sombras","!Happy Mother's Day, Y'all!","El Enano y El Brujo","El Zorro y El Pastor","Nana Pa Un Niño Travieso","

333 200 125

She wants the crown and she wants love.Rheda is a free spirited girl brought up by strict parents who has always taught her to behave and play by the rules, to be an ideal princess that obeys the customs, she dreams of leaving a life free to make her own choices and free of the absurd constraints of her kingdom. she envisions these dreams coming to life when she meets a dashing young man who cares deeply for her and always runs to her rescue.Her dream is a society where women are not restricted and limited to be homemakers alone, but to leave in a society where the women opinion mattered and trusted to make reasonable decisions for herself and her society and allowed to take up important leadership positions, and not hide behind her husband unable to express herself.Rheda turns rebel to prove her ideologies but is constantly shuned. Not until her dreams are shattered by constant betrayal filling her with contempt and anger, she realizes the role power plays and why she must weld it, she manipulates her way to the top eliminating anyone that challenges her, will she ever learn to love again and forgive. Will she ever realise her dream to rule and live a life full of love? Or is it true that power and love cannot coexist, can a reigning monarch really not weld power, avoid betrayals,fake supporters and be surrounded by those whose love are true or does the crown only attract vipers. To weld power must she constantly betray and be betrayed.

4 3 5
Fandom Memes

What the title says....

5.6K 84 353
Plague Zone

Ingrassia 54AD. Admiral Hornigald, representative of his majesty the King. Him was a man once, until he became an infected fiend at the unnamed valley of Rufus Island. Meanwhile his wife Elizabeth is the daughter of Chancellor Jaha of Polis. It's been hundreds of years since the news about Admiral Hornigald being fiend and no one ever tried to go to his valley but some of the people still want to know the whole story of Hornigald. This people are risking their lives wanting to know the truth because the Kingdom has a rule Exodus XVIII stating: "Thy shall no people inside this Great Kingdom tries to explore, cross, or talk about the sacred valley". And the punishment for those who got caught will be hang to Baobab Tree until death.Even though the rule is violent, Shantall the heir to Bekka Pramheda of the Nobel family of the Kingdom, invited 10 adventurers to join her on secret adventure to the sacred valley the adventurers hesitated at first but when Shantall showed them a bag of gold they happily agreed. Shantall was about to leave her Mansion when two guards stopped her at the gate asking: Where do you think you're going Shantall? Shantall responds in a calm voice: I'm going to Augustus is there any problem with that?... The guards didn't answer her and pulled their tridents aiming to her head saying: Just so you know, we have orders from Xavier to not let you her little sister go out without his permission. Do you think I'm still a kid?! When the guards are about to grab her, she moves first like a cheetah pulled out her knives and slit the throat of the guards. She immediately ran to an open gate...

16 5 1
Diddy Wah Diddy Blues

Keep on trucking mamma, trucking the blues away with prosaic, unimaginative, uninspired, matter-of-fact, dull, dry, humdrum, mundane, pedestrian, heavy, plodding, lifeless, dead, spiritless, lacklustre, undistinguished, stale, jejune, bland, insipid, vapid, vacuous, banal, hackneyed, trite, literal, factual, unpoetic, unemotional, unsentimental, clear, plain, unadorned, unembellished, unvarnished, monotonous, deadpan, flat, in short pure lifeless poetry, not even larger dan the average pork belly or rib-eye steak lifespan.

412 118 1
Music is ❤❤❤

"I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."

1K 122 2
My list of songs

This is my first work/story thingy. This is basically just a list of some/all my favorite songs with lyrics of course lol

949 77 80
Bleach your eyes while you can

most of this is shit except the last few chapters so

12.4K 200 1.8K
Fall Out Boy Lyrics

Fall Out Boy LyricsSong lyrics to Fall Out Boy songs~copied from lyric sites so may not be accurate~~I know there is a debate over what it say in "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" some people think it says hips or cars, hips or hearts (what it says in the booklet for the CD) and I've also seen heaps of cars~Just in caseALL RIGHTS GO TO THE AMAZING BAND FALL OUT BOY I DON'T OWN OF THIS

1.3K 119 19
Silenced Girls - Manchester Bay Mysteries - excerpt

Copyright © Roger StelljesThe beautiful young woman is perfectly still, curled up in the trunk of the car, her long dark hair hiding her face. Her cotton blouse has ridden up a little, revealing two small dots an inch apart on her back. Just like the others.Guilt has kept FBI Agent Tori Hunter away from her home in Manchester Bay, Minnesota for twenty years, ever since her twin sister disappeared on the Fourth of July, when the girls should have been together. But when she receives an anonymous newspaper clipping about another missing girl, Genevieve, Tori is dragged back to the past. Just like Tori's sister, Genevieve vanished without a trace, her empty car abandoned on a lonely lakeside road as Independence Day fireworks lit up the sky overhead.Returning to Minnesota lake country, Tori finds Genevieve's distraught parents desperate for answers. How could their beautiful, popular daughter be snatched so near her own home? Under pressure to make an arrest, the police have no time for Tori's theories. Besides, they already have a suspect for Genevieve's abductor: a local man seen flirting with her the night she disappeared.But then the suspect is found dead in his isolated cabin, days before another girl's body is discovered bound and strangled in the trunk of her car, two strange dots on her back. The bloodstains surrounding her body belong to the one man Tori thought she could trust. Reeling, Tori knows the closer she gets to the truth, the more her own life is at risk. But can she catch this killer before it's too late for Genevieve?An absolutely addictive mystery thriller that will have you turning the pages late into the night. Perfect for fans of Kendra Elliot, Robert Dugoni and Tess Gerritsen.Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Audible, Rakuten Kobo, Google Play and Apple.(Published by Bookouture)

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