Search: missedopportunities
10 stories
Confessions of  Heart Broken Girl

Janice and Ethan, two individuals whose lives intersect at various points, from high school to adulthood. Despite their deep connection and mutual feelings, they both struggle with expressing their love for each other.Throughout the years, they share intimate moments, such as prom, graduation parties, and taco crawls, where their bond grows stronger. However, external circumstances prevent them from fully acknowledging their feelings.Ultimately, the story explores themes of unrequited love, missed opportunities, and the complexities of human emotions. It highlights the importance of honesty, vulnerability, and seizing the moment to express one's true feelings before it's too late.

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Missed Opportunities // YOONMIN

Jimin is a siren. Yoongi is a sailor. When things begin to get a little more intimate between them, it becomes clear that Jimin might do good to remember to be a little more careful with his voice.

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Idk, I was sad and I wrote.

10 1 1 Full
Will You be Happy?

This happened because I was watching a drama, saw a scene that reminded me of missed opportunities, and felt the urge to write. I'm also kinda depressed right now, so yeah. Anyway, it's mostly Jimin thinking about a past friendship and then missing the timing when he could have made the friendship into a relationship.Also, I wrote this in like 2 hours and i did no editing.

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The aftermath - Part 3 Of

After their friendship broke up, both Magnus and Alec try to deal with the new situation.One disappears from New York without saying goodbye, while the other retreats to his room.Both just want to forget.

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Reconnecting - Part 1 of Time is passing by, but forgetting you I could never

After Simon had to be hospitalised while accompanying his fiancée on her tour, Alec flew to Seattle so Simon wouldn't be alone.He was in no way prepared for who Simon's attendant physician would be.

75 1 3 Full

The Earth has many dimensions, some overlapping and some in total oblivion of each other. This story will take place in the Rastl Earth. The Rastl Earth contains many kingdoms fighting for power of the Arthur continent, the continent that we, of Gaian Earth, know as Europe. Rastl has many different inhabitants, some similar to our own, but many different. There are the Earthwalkers, people who can control the earth they stand on. Like the Earthwalkers, there are Firewalkers, Waterwalkers, Airwalkers and Spiritwalkers. Most reveled of all are the Wielders, the mighty warriors of the Arthur continent, men and women alike who have been trained their whole life with one sole purpose. To protect the Arthur family. The Arthur family is the only family who can control the artifact, a crown that can control the seasons and therefore can also control the peace. But the crown was lost centuries ago and since that time the Arthur family has been endangered, and have been close to erasion many times, as there was no more use for the family of Elementalwalkers.A new danger has risen and again the Arthur family is endangered. Many Wielders have given their lives to protect the family and with none left to spare, the family has to look for different means of protection. Desperation sets in as they consider an outcast to protect the last heir of the artifact.

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Never Doubt I Love

He knew she was special from the first day they met.It took her 15 years to realize the same way for him.Now, she fears it may be too late.

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Whisper of the Heart

Once upon a time in a small town,There lived a guy with a heart so profound.He was hopelessly in love, but couldn't speak,His feelings for her were strong, yet so weak. Every day he watched her from afar,Admiring her beauty, like a shining star.But fear held him back, his words remained unsaid,As he silently carried his love in his thread. He saw her smile, heard her laughter's sweet sound,And his heart would skip a beat, spinning around.Her presence alone brought him joy and delight,But expressing his love seemed an impossible fight. He wrote poems, pouring his emotions on paper,Each line expressing his love, like a heartfelt caper.He painted pictures with words, vivid and true,Describing how he fell, how his heart grew. But fate played its game, as it often does,Time slipped away, leaving no room for fuss.For the girl he loved found another's embrace,And his chance to confess was lost in that space. Regret filled his heart, aching with sorrow,Knowing he could've had a brighter tomorrow.But he learned a lesson, bittersweet and profound,To seize the moment, to speak up, to astound. So let this be a tale, a reminder to all,To not let fear hold you back, to stand tall.For love is a treasure, meant to be shared,Don't let it fade away, leaving you ensnared. And if you find yourself in love's tender embrace,Don't wait for tomorrow, don't let it erase.Confess your feelings, let your heart be heard,For love is a gift, meant to be cherished and stirred.

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