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8,647 stories
Make Your Wedding Day Special with Our Bridal Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist

Every girl wants to look like a princess on their wedding day. Bride is the centre of attraction in Indian weddings. If want to look awesome on your wedding day then simply hire the best bridal makeup artist and best hair stylist. An expert wedding makeup artist will look into the natural characteristics of your hair and skin before making an extreme styling that will suit your hair and skin consummately. It is essential to hire the best bridal makeup artist in Hyderabad on the grounds that an expert will guarantee your skin is impeccable and gorgeous. BobyBrush is known for Best Bridal Makeup in Hyderabad, they trust that each bride should look gorgeous on their wedding day. On the off chance that you lack time to look into on the items or cosmetics brands that will suit your skin. Try not to stress, BobyBrush for Bridal Makeup Hyderabad, will choose and utilize just those items or brands that will suit your skin. This helps in no smearing of cosmetics or any skin rash or hypersensitivity. Our Best hair stylist and Bridal Makeup Artist has the knowledge of all the most recent trending styles in hair and skin and will run with the correct decision that will suit you the best. One should take an arrangement ahead of time with BobyBrush Bridal Makeup services Hyderabad to keep away from any disarray or disillusionment on your big day. Our Bridal Makeup Services Hyderabad will give you a gorgeous look. In case, the bride needs to experiment with different looks, our Bridal Makeup Artist Hyderabad is ready to provide the trial which helps the bride to pick up the best satisfied style. Our best hair stylist and bridal makeup artist are always well coordinated. Our Bridal Makeup Services Hyderabad will guarantee their best hair stylist and bridal makeup artists will dedicatedly do their work on your wedding day, and everything will be done perfectly. To trial the Bridal Makeup give a call at +91 9985844449 orFor more visit:- http: //

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Car crash (Colby Brock)

Colby POV: I get in my car to try to take off my stress, I don't know where I am going but I need to leave my apartment before I hurt my self again. Lilliana POV: I am finally done with my life I am alone and sad I am worthless and nobody cares about me, I am going to the closest highway and i am going to jump.

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Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Flint's Older Sister)

This is the Story about Flint Lockwood and his Over-protective Older Sister. Join Flint, Sam, Steve and Willow in a Food Raining Adventure. I do not own the Movie

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The Accident ( The Loud House )

Lincoln Loud was a boy in a family with 10 sisters, which as you know, would be incredibly difficult to live with, but he was accidentally transformed into a lizard human hybrid when involved with an experiment with his little sister Lisa. What will he do in this new reptilian form? How can he have a normal life when him being like this is the new normal? What will his family think of him? Find out now!!!

1.1K 2 10
New life

You areCorey's sister your 21 and you live with your mum and dad but one day your life took a turn for

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DRACARYS. ( misc\rant book. )

Mostly ranting.--------MADE BY BRCOKLYNBABY.

1.3K 96 137
waste of paint. ( FILLIE )

i sped up and turned around the corner, my boots squeaking on the newly polished eyes fell upon the closest employee.he was a tall, lanky boy that was stocking all sorts of tape as he hummed along to a song which, if i'm being honest, sounded utterly horrible. that could just be because he's a bad hummer though.i need to stop being to quick to judge, gosh. i approached him, putting my hands together in front of me. "hi uh - ..tape" i nervously stammered out. i felt my cheeks flush a bright shade of pink once i realized how stupid i must've sounded to the very kind boy whose name was finn by the looks of his name tag, but you can never trust anyone. who knows, he could be an undercover spy put to work to try and find out who stole five packs of neon coloured pipe cleaners last monday. i vigorously shook my head to break my obnoxious, horn blowing train of thought as i realized he was speaking to me."you need tape miss? we have regular, extra adhesive, double-sided, duct tape, and decorative tape," he said, seeming out of breath from his speed of speech. "and well, we're getting a shipment of packaging tape tomorrow because we went out of stock when this freak old lady who was really short, and i mean really short, raided us of it. i was there and she just pulled all of the rolls off the shelf and threw them into her basket, i was shocked," he blabbered, talking very crazily with his eyes widened, maybe he didn't think i was awkward with the way i messed up that sentence if he never knows when to stop talking. hmm, i wonder if his mind is constantly rushing with a thousand things at once like mine. but anyways.. "no, - ahem," i said, clearing my throat. (hey what can i say? it's february and my doctor says that i'm at peak for post nasal drip this month). "i'm looking for a pebble."

1.2K 4 72
Angst and Rainbow Insta Posts!

Just look at it, betch.

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The Room || A Colby Brock story

Cammie has had a interesting life. She is an aspiring youtuber who always seems to choose the most terrifying things to do. She has been to many haunted places and has seen many things, but nothing prepares her for what she sees in that room. Cammie was exited to go film a collab with Sam and Colby. They decided to go to the famous Blackheart Manor, a mansion known for many things. The most famous is "The Room". A room that has been locked for years, but people hear screams and cries coming from behind that door. There is no key, and no one has ever gone in there since the 1800's.What happens when Cammie walks by and the door is wide open?

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Papercuts [Hangman x Rooster]

"Bradshaw, as I live and breathe." He grins because of course he does, all too familiar green eyes crinkling in the corners."Hangman." Bradley sighs, a sardonic smile claiming his own lips at the sight of those hands grabbing a cue from Bob mid-strike. "You look," he tries to pick a jab, but the pause probably speaks for itself, so in the end he settles on a simple, "good.""Well, I am good, Rooster." The man replies with a pointed non-smirk, sending a ball in a hole with one smooth stroke. "I'm very good."~Or the one where I know nothing about the Navy or aviation, so I made it about the other subject I know nothing about - heists.Bradley and Jake have a past, but they've got to work a job together again and possibly even confront everything that went wrong between them before.

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❤To love an Animator❤// Spencer x Kidnapped! Reader

You've been kidnapped by famous internet celebrity LuckySpark42! Oh crumbs! He's kind of hot tho................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