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50,941 stories
~Childhood Friends~ // Eddie Kaspbrak

thanks, Eddie Kaspbrak"Thanks for what?"for loving me wheezy

55 2 0
Your sky will be yours

hello everyoneThis is the story of prapaisky and payurain prapai a businessman fall for a cute and innocent boy sky but things will go opposite how will their love turn in their life rain sky friend a naughty boy fall for payu see their story of love

62.4K 39 1.7K
Bottom Dream Oneshots

This is my first ever book.. Now I'm quite experienced at roleplaying and lore making as well as poetry so I decided to write a fictional book specifically about a fandom I joined ages prior to this creation. Enjoy!Ah and Disclaimers and Warning, None of the characters described here are mine. They belong to the rightful creators. And I may add some characters outside DSMP, including Farfadox and yk.. everyone... (Most Requests I take are only men so if someone request for women, I may not write. But despite all technical difficulties, I may make another book similar to this one but the other is mostly for female charscters and such. Enjoy!

1.6K 6 19
jeune amour | Dylan Hoffman

two young stars come into each others lives at the perfect time, unbeknownst to the beautiful future that just unfolded.

1.1K 2 9

Jesteś ciekawy w jakim klanie będziesz żyć i walczyć, kto będzie twoim mentorem? Kim zostaniesz w swoim klanie i jaką przepowiednie ześle ci Klan Gwiazdy? Teraz możesz to sprawdzić z pomocą twojego numeru z dziennika! Dzięki temu masz szanse stworzyć swojego własnego kota. Zapraszam!

2.1K 5 99
Tozier's sister | IT fanfic

Jenny Tozier is Richie Tozier's twin sister. Jenny has always been invited to hang out with Richie's friends, the Loser Club, containing; Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, and Stanley Uris. The Losers Club are not Jenny's only friends, in fact, her best friend is Beverly Marsh. Beverly and Jenny both have rumors spreading around about them, and they try their best to ignore them. Last year when Bill's little brother, Georgie went missing everything changed. What will the Losers experience this summer? Read to find out.Credits to the amazing Stephen King for the characters and major part of the storyline.warning: this book contains major spoilers for IT chapter 1 and 2 so read at your own risk.

96 7 7
A Book of Poetry

A book of multiple poetry based off real and fantasy things.

133 14 14 Full
What I needed to Hear

It's this poem about depression and how I truly feel how my life is going right about now.

150 8 16 Full
Flames' Opinions On Ships

Hey Guys! Flames here! And I'm going to start a "Opinion On Ships" Series! So comment what ship you want me give my opinion on and I'll do it as soon as I can! It can be from any fandom and can be anyone! OC X Character, You X Character, Or Character X Character! You name it, you got it!Comment your ships and I'll get to them ASAP!Thanks Guys!~Flames ShrineGravity Falls belongs to Alex HirschAll other Fandom's belong to their rightful owners

3.2K 66 220
Reborn as a techno organic

Starscreams little sister. Before the war got bad enough they left their home, got sick from a virus. Promising the seeker they would reunite at a later time.Now reborn on earth, with all her memories from when she was Cybertronian. Solarstar now known as Mera Namial struggles to survive as a half human. And finds some new and old friends.

2K 6 100
January Embers (Benverly)

‼️There will be NO IT CHAPTER 2 content‼️

2 1 0
God Au // Quackbur //

Hello yes I'm gonna write a new Au this Au was already planned out so I wanted to write it here hope you enjoy reading it contains quackbur

22.1K 25 369
Warriors Into The Forest

-2017-Book 1 of Warriors: Dawn of Battle-Takes a while for things to click

265 20 1 Full
When You Know, You Know ♡ Walker Scobell Story ♡

"You know you're pretty right?" Walker says."Walker..."

323 5 4
『Artificio』[Brothers Conflict - One-shot]

[¡Atención!]Esté One-shot podría tener contenido "Yandere" (término japonés usado para referirse a un individuo con personalidad dulce y/o agradable por fuera, pero hostil y agresiva por dentro. Equivale al arquetipo occidental de "lobo con piel de cordero". En algunos casos, hasta puede llegar a asesinar personas con el fin de que no se interpongan en sus objetivos personales), es por esa razón que si no les gusta esté tipo de historias, se abstengan hacer criticas, insultos y otro comentario parecido. ...[Trilogía de la posesión y el engaño 2/3][Para entender mejor la historia, deberá leer primero: Infundio.]El mayor de los Asahina fue cautivado por la presencia de la nueva integrante de su familia, sin embargo y por el contrario, ella ni siquiera le ha prestado interés.¿Qué hará Masaomi para ser "el único" para ella?『Yo puedo complacerte con todo el cariño que necesitas. Sólo yo.』(Brothers Conflict - One-shot. MasaomixEma) (?)[Los personajes de Brothers Conflict no son de mi propiedad, sólo utilizo a los personajes para una historia ficticia.](Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio. También queda totalmente prohibida la manipulación y alteración total o parcial de este obra.)©

176 1 15 Full
The Cali meets Virginia

Ronni Bass starts his new school and meets an unlikely friend. Brooklyn Walts is a pretty girl and incredibly smart. Rumors, about Ronni and Brooklyn, start flying around school. Ronni doesn't know whether to ignore the rumors or let her go. While he was trying to choose Garry comes and takes his place...

1.2K 10 8
Melody of Soul [Leseprobe]

Gefühle sind das, was uns Menschen ausmacht.Dabei ist es egal, ob sie gut oder schlecht sind. Ob Verzweiflung, Angst, Liebe, Glück, Sehnsucht, Hass, Geborgenheit oder Trauer vorherrschen. Sie sind ein Teil von uns.In ‚Melody of Soul' möchte ich all diese Emotionen zwischen den Seiten festhalten und dir mein Innerstes offenbaren. Niemand soll sich allein mit dem fühlen, was ihn beschäftigt. Wir alle dürfen wir selbst sein - auch du.„Wer hätte gedacht, dass Düsteres so schön sein kann?" @federundeselsohrÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1NRFLLLW7TQSM&keywords=melody+of+soul+melanie&qid=1652113429&sprefix=melody+of+soul+melanie%2Caps%2C65&sr=8-2

2 2 0 Full
Broken and gone// Chris Schistad (book 2)

"What happened?" "We broke each other."

61.4K 31 1.2K Full
Five Hargreeves in love ?

Es ist der 16.03.2021 in der Academy herrscht viel Aufregung ein neues Mädchen würde bei ihnen aufgenommen werden ihr Name ist y/n sie ist ein sehr schüchternes zurückhaltendes Mädchen ob das gut geht ?

297 16 12
Ten Reasons Why

When 11 teenagers find a strange package with there names on it lying on their porch, they think nothing of it. Until they realize that in the box there were several cassette tapes recorded by Finn Wolfhard - they're classmate, a beautiful, brown-eyed boy - who had mysteriously disappeared. Finn recorded tapes which mentioned that there are eleven reasons why he suddenly disappeared.Two weeks after Finns disappearance, Finn is still missing, no ones been telling the whole truth about what happened the night before Finns disapearance nor about what they did to him before it happened, Finns family and teachers have secrets of their own to hide, and they all discover something that changes their lives forever. Someone knows where or what happened to Finn, and they're not telling. But, they are watching everyone else. When Finns nowhere to be found, his family has decided to give out two million to whoever that finds him.Will the eleven teenagers be able to ignore how much they hate each other and join forces to find Finn? People start getting abused, killed...Someone starts sending the 11 teenagers, along with everyone else who hurt Finn or had something to do with his disappearance, threatening letters that makes them all fear that they could be the next victim. is Finn sending these letters? Will they find out the truth before its too late? Who's gonna get there hands on the money?The mystery deepens as they break through optical courses, stealing, discovering, the truth unfolds, breaking into buildings at the middle of the night, arguing and much more.

1.8K 19 88
Endearment ➳ reddie

Richie and Eddie are just two boys that go to the same school, they aren't friends. Richie has always been the schools typical, popular bad boy while Eddie has always been a goodie two shoes, until a problem occurs with one of Eddies English assignments and Richie decides that it would be a fun task to take Eddie out to have some fun.

1.6K 9 48

Lochinvar is a poem written by the poet Sir Walter Scott

15 2 4 Full
Kakuzus Geheimnis

Pains Experimente, wie auch der Wiederaufbau von Amegakure, werden immer teuer. Noch bevor er Deidara und Sasori nach Sunagakure schickt, um den Einschwänzigen zu holen, entsendet er Kakuzu - mit seinen neuen Partner Hidan - um die Finanzen unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Kakuzu hat auch einen Plan, dieser führt ihn zurück in seine Heimat, konfrontiert ihn mit seiner Vergangenheit. Auch Hidan wird dadurch an vieles erinnert, was er längst verdrängt hatte. Diese Mission hat Auswirkungen auf alle Mitglieder der Organisation, und bringt ihr Innerstes zum Vorschein. (Mein erster Versuch einer Fanfiktion, ich hoffe sie gefällt! Bei Wünschen, Kritik, Anregungen etc. könnt ihr gerne ein Kommentar da lassen! Ich bin auch für Hinweise auf Fehler etc. dankbar (: Lieben Dank, euer Treplew)

94 6 0
Alduin x Odahviing

Alduin, the world eater is defeated by the dragonborn for good... or is he? Alduin must learn to walk, talk and basically be a nord when he is cast down to skyrim- but he is not alone...

2K 5 43 Full
Regret {Kinnporsche}

Kinn and Porsche was a happy couple that everyone know.Kinn is a CEO, a Mafia boss, and known as the Head of the Major family.Porsche is the Head of the Minor family.What happened if Kinn cheated on Porsche while Porsche is pregnant?How would Porsche Reacted when Kinn cheated on him?

9.4K 11 226