Search: kamagraoraljelly
3,278 stories
Naabermaja mängur: mäng läbi

Tark hea tüdruk ja liigagi populaarne mõneti paha poiss, kes oma kooli hierarhia redelil seisid teineteisest samavõrd kaugel nagu Kuu ja Maa. Nad on kui märkamatu hall hiireke nurgas ja alati kõigile nähtav ning möirgav lõvi, keda imetletakse. Klassika, kas pole?Luke Henderson, ta on kooli kuumim tükk, iga tüdruku unistus ja iga korvpalli meeskonna staarmängur, kes on tõstetud jumala staatusesse. Kui Maa tiirleb ümber enda telje, siis Lukei puhul tiirlevad teljed ümber tema. Elena Meyer, see tüüpiline nohik, kelle peamine eesmärk on lõpetada kool heade tulemustega ning saada sisse parimasse ülikooli, et kindlustada oma tulevik hea diplomiga. Iga lapsevanema au ja uhkus. Neiu, kes on karmis teismeliste tüdrukute maailmas täiesti nähtamatu ja troonile tõusmiseks tuleb ohverdada paljuga, et jõuda hierarhia redeli tippu. Ometigi paljud üritavad, kuid vähesed jõuavad. Lukei pakutud mäng Elenale on läbi, kuid selle tagajärgedega silmitsi seismine on kahel noorel alles ees. Kõik, mis vaevu jõudis alata, ei ole jõudnud lõpplahenduseni ning sellest mööda manööverdamine ei ole kummagil noorel hingel võimalik.

2.8K 11 362
Sweet Love [Complete]

A Jaywon Fanfiction(Myanmar)

5.4K 12 340 Full
Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford

WARNING: slash, boy love, guy on guy. Don't like it, don't read. Mentions of rape.Read to find to follow the journey of Baljeet and Buford I DO NOT OWN: Chapters 1-10 I DO OWN: Chapters 11-12I decided to continue this storyline because my friend and I did not like how it ended. Nothing was changed from chapters 1-10 from the original writer I just added on my own original chapters (11+) to end it off in a good note :))Chapter 1-10 was written in 2012 by OG writer.Chapters 11* was written in 2021 by me. LolEnjoy the story!

3.7K 12 76 Full

Nekada davno postojala su tri kraljevstva koja su živjela u miru. Kraljevstvo ljudi, zemlja Arlondija, kraljevstvo vještica, Desdemontisur i kraljevstvo vilenjaka, Flourus. Nekoć su svi živjeli u miru, granice su bile otvorene i dobrota je vlada, ali jednoga se dana sve promjenilo.

127 18 24
My First & Only[ကိုယ့်ဘဝရဲ့တစ်ဦးတည်းသော]

Jeon Jungkook & Park Jimin 🐰🐣

35.8K 23 2.1K Full
The Power Within ~ A Phineas And Ferb Fanfiction

While searching for their missing pet Platypus, Phineas and Ferb find themselves at the mercy of a rising supervillain. Will they all get out alive? Will Perry be able to stop this new villain, or will Phineas and Ferb take it into their own hands? What secrets about themselves will they uncover along the way? Read to find out!Angst, hurt/comfort, and character death. All the good stuff lolI was #1 in the Phineasandferb tag once, pretty proud of that nglCover art is not mine !!!

13.7K 14 217 Full
Les Miserables Revolution

Jean Valjean leaves behind him his years of slavery and begins a new life. Then he adopts his daughters Cosette and Gabrielle, and his life truly begins. Cosette is innocent. She doesn't like hearing of fighting. She's the opposite of her sister Gabrielle. Gabrielle had her faults. She and Cosette had both had traumatic childhoods. Was she still getting over hers? Enjolras begins a revolution for the people. He wanted things to change for them. Why did he do it though? Courfeyrac was a young student revolutionary. He was in love though. [ I do NOT own any of the characters except for Gabrielle! This is based off partly the novel written by Victor Hugo but mostly from the 2012 film version of Les Miserables. ]

58.1K 32 864 Full
I droguar ne syte e tu

Dy te rinj te dashuruar ne kohen e tyre me te mire, marrin nje perfundim te ndarjes diçka qe ata nuk e priten. Por a do mund te takohen perseri dhe si do jete takimi i tyre pas kaq vitesh.

8.9K 41 389 Full

ADELIANE MEJER èshtè njè vajzè 18 vjecare, jeta e sè cilès shkatèrrohet para 10 vitesh kur i ati Adeon Mejer, nje shef policie ose Sherifi hero qè i thèrrisnin nè gjithè Londrèn vdes nè njè aksident tè dyshimt. Pas vdekjes sè tij Adeliane gjenè dhe punon punè nga mè tè rèndat pèr tè mbajtur familjen , maman e saj shtatzènè dhe gjyshrit. Pavarsisht jetès vajza u rritè e fortè dhe kryelartè. Ishte nje fèmijè i pafajshèm qè rrezatonte dashuri, ndaj te gjithè nè atè zonè te vogèl, por plotè lumturi te Londrès, nuk kishte njeri qe mos tè donte vajzèn e nje heroi. Jeta e Adelianes vihet nè lèvizje kur njihet me AIDEN WILLSON, njè biznesmen qè vjen nga njè familje e lartè vrasèsish. Pas njohjes me Aidenin surpriza tè reja do ti sillte e ardhmja, ndèr to sozia dhe njekohèsisht e kundèrta e saj HELENE DAVAS, njè 18 vjecare e pasur dhe rebele, qè nuk i interesonte askush vec vetes, famès, pushtetit dhe pasuris, madje as jeta e prindèrve te saj, te cilet ia plotèsonin te gjitha dèshirat. ADELIANE DHE HELENE, DY SOZI TÈ KUNDÈRTA. NJÈ DJALL DHE NJÈ ÈNGJÈLL, QÈ KANÈ TRASHÈGUAR NJE FYTYRÈ, POR KARAKTERE TÈ KUNDÈRTA NGA NJÈRA TJETRA. TRE FAMILJE TÈ LIDHURA NGA E SHKUARA DHE TÈ NDARA PREJ SAJ. TRE FAMILJE NÈ SKUTAT E HARRUARA TÈ SÈ CILAVE FSHIHEN SEKRETE, ZBULIMI I TÈ CILAVE DO SILLTE URREJTJE DHE HAKMARRJE. " Pse ti ende mè sheh nè atè mènyrè mèshiruese Adeliane. Ti je èngjèlli dhe unè djalli. Me urre! Urreje te kundèrtèn tènde! ""Ne jemi sozi te kundèrta Helene, por pèrsèri jemi TE KUNDÈRTAT E NJÈ BOTE ". Tè dyja jemi tè gjalla, jetojmè, frymojmè ,ndjejmè, dhe kemi lindur nè te njèjtèn botè".E SHKUARA FSHEH SEKRETE, E TASHMJA SJELL TE PAPRITURA, KURSE E ARDHMJA DO ZBULOJÈ PLAGÈ TÈ VJETRA.😇😈

16.3K 59 1K Full
Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

Nastavak priče o Eleni i Mihajlu, njihovoj ljubavi i životima. Naprotiv tome što ni jedno od njih ne želi da se ponovo vide sudbina ih nakon dve godine ponovo spaja. Ovoga puta njih dvoje su dve odrasle i zrele osobe koje imaju zajedničko dete, ali pitanje je da li će se tako i ponašati. Da li Mihajlo idalje lomi srca mnogim devojkama od kojih je jedna i sama Elena? Kako će se poneti sa time da je propustio prvu godinu života svoje ćerke zbog toga što je on to tako želeo? Da li će uspeti da bude dobar otac svojoj ćerki ili tu ulogu bolje obavlja neko drugi?

5.4K 21 190 Full
The hurricane (Phinbella) complete

Phineas and Isabella haven't seen each other since highschool. What happens when she ends up stuck at his apartment with him during a hurricane?DisclaimerI don't own phineas and ferb. Those rights belong to Dan Povenmire, and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. I also don't own the cover art.

85.2K 49 1.3K Full
Naabermaja mängur

Tark hea tüdruk ja liigagi populaarne mõneti paha poiss, kes oma kooli hierarhia redelil seisavad teineteisest samavõrd kaugel nagu Kuu ja Maa. Nad on kui märkamatu hall hiireke nurgas ja alati kõigile nähtav ning möirgav lõvi, keda imetletakse. Klassika, kas pole?Luke Henderson, ta on kooli kuumim tükk, iga tüdruku unistus ja iga korvpalli meeskonna staarmängur, kes on tõstetud jumala staatusesse. Kui Maa tiirleb ümber enda telje, siis Lukei puhul tiirlevad teljed ümber tema. Elena Meyer, see tüüpiline nohik, kelle peamine eesmärk on lõpetada kool heade tulemustega ning saada sisse parimasse ülikooli, et kindlustada oma tulevik hea diplomiga. Iga lapsevanema au ja uhkus. Neiu, kes on karmis teismeliste tüdrukute maailmas täiesti nähtamatu ja troonile tõusmiseks tuleb ohverdada paljuga, et jõuda hierarhia redeli tippu. Ometigi paljud üritavad, kuid vähesed jõuavad. Kui kahe noore teed juhuslikult ristuvad, viib see mänguni, mis võtab ettenägematu pöörde mitte ainult Lukei ja Elena jaoks, vaid mõjutab neid ümbritsevaid inimesi. Mäng, mis paneb nii mõnegi tegelase saatuse paika. NB! 16+! Käesolev sari sisaldab mittetsensuure keele kasutust, seksuaalseid teemasid, vägivalla stsenaariume, alkoholi tarvitamist.

18K 52 2.4K Full
No String attached /AlJen

Isang city hunter si alden pinapaslang nito ang mga masasamang loob at mga politikong baluktot ang paniniwala sa gobyerno at pati na rin ang mga currupt na pulitiko jindi niya inaasahan na makilala pala niya duon ang isang babaeng magpapatibok ng kanyang puso wlang iba kundi si jennylyn mercado isang psg din ang kanyang ama at tulad ng kanyang ama ay gusto nya maging katulad siya nito..Abangan..

1K 75 84 Full

Jean Valjean is the protagonist of Victor Hugo's 1862 novel Les Misérables. Hugo depicts the character's 19-year-long struggle to lead a normal life after serving a prison sentence for stealing bread to feed his sister's children during a time of economic depression and various attempts to escape from prison. Valjean is also known in the novel as Monsieur Madeleine, Ultime Fauchelevent, Monsieur Leblanc, and Urbain Fabre.Valjean and Police Inspector Javert, who repeatedly encounters Valjean and attempts to return him to prison, have become archetypes in literary culture. In the popular imagination, the character of Jean Valjean came to represent both Hugo himself and leftist sentiment.

3.1K 67 121 Full
Kitten (kenma x kuroo)

🐸/angst/fluff/🐸this story will involve boy on boy material so if you don't like that this may not be for you this is my first ever story so i'm open to any criticisms you may have!

38.5K 10 497
Phineas and Ferb: The Bully

After a long, yet fun summer, the gang start their 8th grade school year. Everything seems to be going well so far; Isabella still has a major crush on Phineas, and Phineas is oblivious as always. However, things do turn in the wrong direction when the new kid, Josh, starts to bully Phineas and the gang. Will the gang find out how to stop it? Will Phineas actually reciprocate Isabella's feelings after 8 long years? (P.S. there will be a hint of Phinabella and possibly Ferbnessa, so enjoy!) This is also my first story, so if you have any recommendations or see anything wrong, don't be scared to comment!

5.5K 16 143 Full
letters to you | vminkook

"your smile is so bright it makes the sun jealous."-min

151.7K 34 6.4K Full

Dorotea je pametna i obrazovana i radi kao doktorka i ona misli da se ponaša čudno i da je mentalno poremećena ali ona je zapravo princeza planete Melen.Eragon je princ planete Hoel odlučan, prelep, pravo božanstvo. Eragon dolazi na planetu Zemlju i upoznaje Doroteu na letovanju na Maldivima i predstavlja se kao Hunter Norman iz Amerike. On ne zna da je Dorotea princeza planete Melen koji su roditelji poslali na planetu Zemlju zbog rata.

796 28 130
To Love Gabriel Harris [B×B] ✔

[ COMPLETED ]An unexplainable spark ignites within Gabriel when he meets his brother's best friend, Alexander, the perfect example of a walking sex bomb. Little does he know that Alexander might not be as perfect as he seems, hiding many sinful secrets himself...[ Previously known as ' It Starts With You ' ]*** Extended Synopsis Within ***🔱R e v i e w s🔱@scrambleddragonegg' I'm about a half step away from sobbing my heart out? This is amazing, this is so good I think I might cry...'@The_fangirls72' The story was compelling, emotional and well thought out piece of writing. I completely loved every minute of reading this! '@x-RoyalJelly-x' I was dreading the end since the beginning, such a lovely story with powerful words and passion, I cried a few times, although Alexander and Gabriel are not real, I still am proud of them.'@AwkwardGrandma ' I love this book!! I've never voted twice on the same book, yet here we are!! Thank you so much for this wonderful masterpiece!! '

1.1M 40 44.2K Full
✧ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐. ✧

Summary Tags:KiriBakuDeku, Acting/YouTube/Judo career AU, discussions of abuse and past physical and sexual assault, profanity, symptoms of survivor's guilt, hurt/comfort vibes, Baku and Dekusquad, sarcasm, and humor.Syllabus:Bakugou Katsuki is known for constantly wanting to be in control. But after a vicious attack while in America, his current stance on complete autonomy is put under scrutiny. After months of non-stop pressure from his boyfriend, Eijiro, he breaks, agreeing to try out having a bodyguard for a single week. Katsuki expected to drop the whole thing as soon as the seven days are over, but upon meeting Midoriya Izuku, who was previously on Team Japan for the Olympics, the decision becomes harder and harder, and suddenly, a week turns into two.

158.5K 18 7.1K Full
Waiting Here/// Les Mis.✔

little they know the one who sparked the revolution still waits in the tiny room of the Cafe Musain, his little Patria. "Welcome To The Revolution Our Dear Apollo", her eyes glinted with mischief. "Oh buzz-off Clara", he puffed and tied his loosen cravat.

23K 24 370 Full
ᴀ ᴛᴡɪsᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇ

ʟɪᴠᴇs ᴏғ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ, ᴛᴡɪsᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ɪɴ sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪғ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴛʀʏ ᴛᴏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ғʀᴇᴇ, ɪᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇᴍ. ғᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴀs ᴘʟᴀʏᴇᴅ ɪᴛs ʜᴀɴᴅs. ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ᴄʜᴏsᴇɴ ɪᴛs ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴅᴇsᴛɪɴɪᴇs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ʟᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ɪs ᴡʜᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀ ᴘᴀᴛʜ ᴏғ ʀᴏsᴇs ᴏʀ ᴛʜᴏʀɴs.

6.7K 13 280 Full
Instagram Girls

This is a book of Face Claims!💕 I really hope that you find the girl you want or if you're just here to read it. You do you boo, I don't judge. ~ Enjoy💕STARTED MARCH 14 2019

79.2K 200 600 Full
HOGYAN GONDOZD AZ ÍRÓDAT? -nagy önismereti teszt olvasóknak

Némiképp didaktikus és szórakoztató kérdések ÍRÓSIMOGATÁS témakörben. Ez a teszt segít abban, hogy jobb olvasóvá válj, esetleg megerősít a kiválóságodban. Lássuk be, egyik eset sem árthat. :D (Ismét elmondom, hogy az egész komolytalan és szakértelmetlen, szőrszálhasogatók kíméljenek! :D ) Jó kitöltést!

687 20 134 Full
One Way to Go On- A Les Miserables Story

What if Eponine wasn't quite dead after the barricade, and found Javert at the Seine?*this is not a ship, why would this be a ship, ew no*happy endingi thinkcover by me

181 7 21 Full
You're My New Step-Brother?

Lucy su usta skoro pala,kada je otvorila vrata i videla poznato lice.To je bio Harry,decko u koga je bila zaljubljena svih godina.

167 4 9 Full