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71,468 stories
Till the End of Time

Olivia's been kidnapped by William Lewis. How will she escape? Will she call someone for help? Who will it be?

1.1K 3 29 Full
We're The Punk wannabes

None of the friends have talked to each other(except Zoey,Mike,Gwen , and Cameron) since the All Star final when the camp blew up. A year later, when everyone has healed from the burns and Duncan has been released, a reunion is held and let's just say things take a turn after that . Gwen is angry/annoyed at Duncan and his endless flirting is helping him out.

10.5K 14 300
The Final Goodbye

When Tess loses her boyfriend Michael in a car accident, she is utterly heartbroken. One year later, she still hasn't recovered. She's been hearing voices in her head and sometimes seeing hallucinations. Or so she thinks. Could Michael still be there?

27 1 9 Full

Me in her jacket

870 40 5
Element Academy

**աɛʟċօʍɛ tօ ɛʟɛʍɛռt aċaɖɛʍʏ **This mysterious yet enchanted school was built centuries ago for young people who could control the elements - Fire , water , wind and earth. When Kyra Mayford , a 13 year old girl , receives a letter from this school , it changes her life and she goes on a magical journey.Join Kyra on her adventure and find out about the Element Academy!

4.3K 19 195
Lego City Adventures RP

If you like LCA and wanna continue from where the franchise left off, this is the RP for you. All fans of this show welcome.

110 1 1 Full
The Phoenix Creation 🆕⭐⭐⭐⭐ (on Amazon)

Alya Clarendon must find out what her government is plotting and why teenagers living in East-Side keep getting arrested and sent to the Pen.Hybrids Alya and her best friend Hanuel can usually create enough trouble on their own, especially when they're flying. But when trouble comes looking for them things take a turn that set them on a path towards destruction.With secretive authorities suddenly interested in Alya, will she figure out who she is in time before things turn ugly on Continent One?Join this epic adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat and rooting for Alya to unleash her true potential as the one and only, Phoenix!#YA #YAForAdults #Teen #adventure #post-apocalypse #dystopian #dystopiansociety #comingofage #new

196 16 19 Full
All Kimchay Short AUs

A collection of short Kimchay AUs from angst to fluff to romcom and others

16.2K 19 620
The Year of the Horse (Book two of the Almair Series) (Completed)

(Read 'The Year of the Wolf' first.) It had been a year since Martha had found out that she was the Almair and the True One, and she had turned 16. However, there was a slight problem. Slight meaning that she hadn't started on her training as to become the next part of her journey. Has she tried to talking to her Alpha about it? Yep. And what does he have to say about it. Well, none other than 'she is not ready'. However, time was running thin for this Almair, because the Dark Forces were gathering their forces and they were about to attack again. There was another problem that Martha had to deal with, and that came in the form of a wolf, who thought that she was better than the Almair. That was not the worst of it. The worst of it was being blamed by this female into doing something that she hadn't done. Which in turn, lead to Martha's banishment of the pack and the leaving of her family. However, there was a good thing about leaving the pack, because she would find love as her prophecy had stated. But, will he love her or will he reject her. Can Martha become a Horse and live up to the expectations of the Almair? Will she find out if she is truly ready to be the Almair, or would she show everyone that she was just a phony? Find out in the second book of the Almair Series, 'The Year of the Horse'._______________________________________NOTE: IF YOU READ THIS BOOK ON ANY OTHER APP BESIDES WATTPAD THEN IT IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. I GAVE NO ONE PERMISSION TO USE MY BOOK AND HAVE NOT POSTED IT ANYWHERE ELSE, SO... YA. REPORT THAT BOOK.Thanks.~Rissa

60.5K 52 5K Full
Na końcu tej książki umrę

Zastanawialiście się kiedyś jak to jest wiedzieć kiedy się umrze? Ja się przekonałem o tym na własnej skórze. Zostało mi 48h życia, a skoro i tak mam zniknąć z tego świata to opowiem wam moją nietypową historię zanim to się wydarzy. Nietypową historię nietypowego nastolatka, który umrze zanim skończy 18 lat. Zanim zrobi tyle rzeczy, o których zawsze marzył leżąc w łóżku i nie będąc w stanie się ruszyć. Który żyje w sierocińcu, a prawdziwy świat zna jedynie z opowieści, książek i telewizora.Opowiem wam historię o wyjątkowej kobiecie, która dokonała niemożliwego. I o skutkach jakie to za sobą niesie. Mam nadzieję, że posłuchacie moich przemyśleń i wspomnień przed śmiercią, która do tej pory nie przyszła po mnie, mimo że nie raz miała do tego okazję. Jednak wiecznie mnie omijać nie będzie. Teraz już o tym wiem.

158 9 11
The beast returned

Law and order svu. Amanda rollins is coming home form work one night to find the beast in her living room with a gun to her head will olvia's worst nightmare become amanda's worst nightmare?

9.5K 29 274
The Will To Watch

Grian knows what the Watchers want. They want them to go through the rift, face whatever is on the other side, and take the hermits with him. He knows it's not safe, but defying the Watchers isn't something to be taken lightly. He must do what they want, or they'll burn his world and make him watch. In the land of Empires, everything is peaceful, and no one questions the purple rift that had opened up a few weeks ago. But as all the empires gather for the annual Olipelligo Festival of Light, something happens to the standstill rift. It opens.This is the story of how two completely different sets of peoples are brought together by the Watchers. And one day, very soon, the same otherworldly beings will tear them apart.These characters do not belong to me, they belong to the awesome people who create the videos I love to write about!Started on May 8th, 2024.

421 9 9
Reset-A Camp Minecraft S3 AU

Everything had fallen apart. Biffle and Alxton were gone, Everyone else had been sent who knows where, and an unsuspecting town becomes a lot more lively when the Camp Minecraft members crash-land, in a completely different world. Tensions are high and there might be some war, who knows?

1.5K 16 93
always forever - isaac garcia


41.7K 21 875 Full
Cry For Me

When Andrea got involved with an older guy, she had no idea that it would bring her an unexpected pregnancy, major heart break and a world of pain... ***Andrea Dos Ramos is the youngest daughter of the pious and successful Emilio Dos Ramos. She had always been one to play by the books, but one slip up in her rule abiding ways has her heading towards a downward spiral. To make matters worse, she's about to mother the child of the dashing yet arrogant Omar Pedrad, a good friend of her sister's husband.At first, sparks flew between the two in a hot summer fling, but they certainly hadn't expected the rippling aftereffects. Having a child is the last thing that the two want, and it seems there are not the only ones against it. Soon, secrets begin to unravel, and a sinister plot is set into motion by Omar's father, who has a knack for scheming and a chilling personality.Their relationship might be unconventional, but that does not mean love cannot blossom in the weirdest of places and in the most mysterious of ways. But when things start heading south, will the love story between the two opposites save the day?

33.7K 37 2.2K Full
Getting Chased

Ava DeMarc believes in luck, so purely it would seem she's obsessed. But really, all she wants is a small omen to help her through. She's been an alcoholic since before she could legally drink, which leaves her with a slew of one night stands and sadness. Ava seems so put together, though, that no one could ever assume she had any issues besides what to wear in the morning. They're all innocent bystanders.Sam Deign is an innocent bystander. The moment he sees Ava, he is sure he wants her. He's never seen someone so kind, so friendly, and he automatically turns up the charm. But he has no idea what a mess he's jumping into.••••••Excerpt- Truthfully, I'd love to give Sam a chance. He seems so genuine, it really hurts to turn him down on the bumpy coast of a dirty subway. But, honestly, how can I devote myself to someone when I don't even care for who I am? How can I love another without loving the person inside me first? I can't. "Sorry, Sam. I'm going to have to pass." He just grins like he won't take no for an answer, settling into the seat beside me. I enunciate my words. "I said pass. Like, a hard pass." His eyes twinkle in uncovered amusement, and when he opens his mouth, I know it's far from over.

5.4K 25 566 Full
Disney and DreamWorks highschool

this is a school where Disney and DreamWorks characters go.

114 14 0
House Of Anubis (MySeasonOneComplete)

This is a story that's based on the British TV show, House Of Anubis!! It did finish in 2013 but I am gonna write about what I think happens after!So...the gang return to Anubis for college where a new mystery is brewing. Romances are rekindled and friendships are renewed. But will all that be destroyed by the return of an old villain?? And will the gang have to find out a way to destroy them once and for all??Read to find out!!

9.3K 39 159

តើមនុស្សលោកសព្វថ្ងៃរស់ដើម្បីអ្វី? ពិភពលោកិយ៍ដ៏ធំល្វឹងល្វើយនេះបានបៀមទុកនូវរឿងរ៉ាវនិងអាថ៌កំបាំងច្រើនរាប់មិនអស់ ធ្វើឲ្យជាតិជាបុថុជ្ជនទាំងឡាយរស់នៅលាយឡំជាមួយក្តីមន្ទិលជាច្រើនអនេក។ បើគង់តែស្លាប់ដដែល ហេតុអ្វីចាំបាច់តស៊ូរស់រានធ្វើអ្វី? បើសេចក្តីស្លាប់មុខតែជាទីបញ្ចប់ ហេតុអ្វីត្រូវឈានជើងចាប់ផ្តើមដើរទៅរកទីបញ្ចប់នោះ??...[...]«ចុះបើការស្លាប់ពុំមែនជាទីបញ្ចប់វិញនោះ?»... ចក្រវាឡផែនដីត្បិតតែឃ្លាតចាកឆ្ងាយពីដួងចន្ទ្រា ប៉ុន្តែពួកគេតែងតែវិលជួបគ្នាវិញរៀងរាល់ទិវារាត្រី មិនខុសអ្វីពីស្នេហាបងនិងអូនដែលរងទុក្ខសោករាប់មិនអស់ តែគង់វិលជួបជុំគ្នាវិញជាដរាប។...សូម្បីតែព្រះអាទិទេពទាំង៣០លានអង្គនៃសាសនាទាំងអស់ក្នុងលោកក៏នៅជាប់ជំពាក់នឹងកម្ម រងវិបត្តិគ្រួសារ ចុះទម្រាំស្នេហាយើងដែលជាមនុស្សសាមញ្ញ ម្តេចនឹងចៀសផុតទៅ...

386 14 18

❝ Do you remember when I wanted to travel back in time to save your parents? To give you your normal life back?!You didn't want to. You wanted to help me with my mission. You wanted to help me! I kidnapped you, locked you in a room and I even putted a tracker in you! I didn't deserve anything but your anger!❞ I could see tears dripping down from her face.❝But yet you supported me and I still didn't share my feelings with you. I wasn't strong enough. But y/n, I like you. I really like you. And I won't ever give up to save you. Never. And I don't care care if you kill me, 'cause I tried. I tried saving the girl I love.❞Book 1 from the kidnapped seriesAll 3 books are completed!I do not own all the characters. The Umbrella Academy does most.

259.7K 47 8.2K Full
Kidnapped by Razzbowski (darkbowski)

When Razzbowski's alter ego Darkbowski takes control of him he kidnaps Dawko (Lewis) and hold him hostage until someone finds him

25 2 1
the dark side of Slytherin

Isabelle was always fighting with Tom Riddle to get the highsest Mark. What if one night changes everything?Every character is mine except those from J.K. Rowling.This is in the marauder's timeThis is how I see the charactersEnjoy 💋

144 16 0 Full
Lost and Confused

Sequel to Years Lost by MadyNinja19. It has been three months since Mady was kidnapped. Harry, Gemma, Clary, Jace, Magnus, Simon, Alex, Izzy, Louis, Liam, Niall and Jem have worked nonstop to find her but Mady is still gone without a trace. Mady's is now sharing her body with Madyline Carter, a shadowhunter who is from the Victorian Era. Read to find out more

34 6 0 Full
Leaving The Damsel In Distress Alone

"It hurts until it doesn't. You think it's going to break you, but it won't. You may not sleep as well at night, but you will be fine. Numb, but numb and fine are the same."

459 21 22 Full
Stay with me

Simon has almost remembered everything when the demon who stole his memories appears to him in a dream, threatening to steal them again. Simon struggles to prepare for the upcoming battle and fix things with Isabelle. Will he keep his memories and have a relationship with Isabelle? Or will he go out fighting for everything that he believes in? Can he overcome the obstacles he faces?

3.9K 13 74