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16 stories
AIPRGF - A Chance To Join Hands With Your Dream Party

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, and how Join AIPRGF works, and now let's get started with the topic. We are living in India which is a democratic country that has a system of government in which the people have the power to participate in decision-making. And friends, In some democracies citizens help make decisions directly by voting on laws and policy proposals which is a direct democracy. In such countries we can not deny the combination of two words and that is Political Party. There are many political parties in india but do we know what does exactly politics and political countries mean?

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Contribute Yourself In Congress To Make India Without Inequality!

Mahatma Gandhi was known for his non-violence protest and was a leading figure of freedom movements. With his efforts finally, India got freedom from colonial rule. Congress party social policy is based upon the Gandhiji principle of Sarvodaya. Our First prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru contributed more to develop the congress party.

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Enroll Yourself In Congress To Fight Against A Jobless Situation!

Congress is the most leading party in India. They always considered the safety and security of every citizen of the country with paramount importance. The only aim of this party is to take the nation into positive growth. If you are interested in social activities enroll in congress today. They always welcome new youngsters and consider every member's innovative ideas and recognize them

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Unforgettable Sessions To Make The Congress Party Standard!!!

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, and the reason why you can join standard national party in India, and now let's get deeper with it further. First, you must know what is a national party.

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You Too May Join The Party After Reading This!!!

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, who can open them, and the reason why can Join National Congress Party, and now let's get deeper with it further. 10 June 1999 would be a day which could never be forgotten by the members of National Congress Party.

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To Become A Strong Person Join Today In Congress

Most people think that joining a political party is not easy and it harms life but the truth is, joining a political party is easy if you are interested. where you can learn more things and it also helps you become a good speaker. It will not harm your life instead it encourages you to become stronger and help you in positive approaches. If you're interested in social welfare and politics, join a member in congress they are one of the main political parties there's no harm in joining.

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The Reasons Why Every Member Of Congress Party Be Proudful

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, who can open them, and then a few interesting things about congress party members, and now let's get started. Sonia Gandhi is the leader of the Congress party. Here is a small history about the foundation of the Indian National Congress.

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Consider These 4 Aims Before Joining a Political Party

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, who can open them, and the reason why can Join Congress Party, and now let's get deeper with it further. Uff! Friends, Don't worry, I won't get you bored by saying all the history you were studied in your school days. But, because of the compulsion of better understanding, I am pushed to give you a little summary of it.

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Join Hands With a Standard National Party

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, and the reason why you can join standard national party in india, and now let's get started with the topic. Reading news on Mobile or newspaper or watching news on TV is a undeniable one in everyone's daily routine. Whenever we say news, it also include Politics as Politics and News were inseparable one. We are aware of many political parties in India as we are a citizen of India. But we do not know about each party in depth.

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Few Basics That Every Democratic Citizen Must Know

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, why can Join Congress Party, and now let's get started. Daily the words that we are hearing are Political Parties. It is in news on TV, Mobile and News Paper. But we don not know what is a political party and does not get deeper in them. A Political Party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programmes for the society with a view to promote the collective good.

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Join With National Congress Party To Recover Country From Pandemic Situation!

Social activities keep you sharp and mentally engaged, and this is important to maintaining good emotional health. Connecting with others helps keep you in a positive mood and improves physical health. If you are interested in social activities and growth for the nation, enroll yourself to Join National Congress Party. Congress is a leading party in India, their only motto is to develop India as a well grown country and work towards making our freedom fighter's dream come true.

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Consider This Before Joining Any Political Party

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and details about Congress Party, and the reason why you can Join Congress Party, and now let's get started. A word that can never be separated from our day-to-day life is 'Politics'. Yes, through some medium, we always hear that word. Isn't it? But also we are not fully aware of politics. And it is necessary to have a basic understanding of that. Politics combines the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

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Join Congress Today To Change The Nature of India's Democracy!

Political parties are organized by groups of people who share a set of similar political aims and opinions The main role of these parties is to present their candidates and electoral campaigns to the electorate. But they also perform so many other tasks in a democratic country. The involvement of you in politics leads to civic engagement which is broader than political engagement because it can include service to the community through involvement in health, education, and charity work. If you are willing for social welfare and try to do work then Join National Congress Party, Because their social policy is based upon the Gandhian principle of Sarvodaya-the lifting up of all sections of society-which involves the improvement of the lives of economically underprivileged and socially marginalized people.They always had the youth and eminent young leaders at the forefront of its movement with an experienced hand on the shoulder. They have taken revolutionary and path-breaking decisions, ranging from economic growth to social welfare to taking India from a food deficient country to a food surplus nation. They encourage women to join politics and fight for their rights. To Join National Congress Party, enroll today and start to work for the nation and yourself.If you ready to clean our country with standard national party in india to visit our website : and enroll today in this page :

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Why do we say the Congress is a standard national party in india ?

The Indian National Congress first convened in December 1885, though the idea of an Indian nationalist movement opposed to British rule dated from the 1850s. During the first 10 years, the congress party passed fairly an average reform resolution, though many within the organization were becoming radicalized by the increased poverty that accomplished British Imperialism. At that, it can be started as a standard national party in India.

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You Too Enroll In Congress After Reading This!!!

Hi and Hello friends! Today I'm going to tell you a few facts and interesting details about Congress Party, and the reason why you can enroll in congress, and now let's get started with the topic. Politics is not something that comes from somewhere like assembly. Politics is the one which belongs to us. Everyone must do politics and at least everyone must have an adequate knowledge on that irrespective of the person working at IT field or agricultural field. We must know the history of the party inorder to make any decision regarding that. If we take congress party as an example, it is well known for its history. The Indian National Congress was Founded in 1885, and it was the first modern nationalist movement to emerge in the British Empire in Asia and Africa. From the late 19th century, and especially after 1920, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Congress became the principal leader of the Indian independence movement. Even after the Independence, the Congress party has ruled over Indian politics. In the 15 general elections since independence, Congress has won on six occasions and has led the ruling coalition another four times. The Congress party is the oldest ruling party of free India that has led the central government for 49 years. If you were interested in congress, You can of course enroll in congress.

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Join Your Hands With Indian National Congress Party To Support All People!

The Congress is a standard national party in india, they launched a platform to recruit people from across the country irrespective of age, gender, class, creed, or caste. The nationwide campaign aims to recruit social welfare warriors to challenge the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). They Recognise that it is time for like-minded individuals in the country to come together and defend the idea of India. As a society, we must step up, unite and fight for our democratic, secular, and the just Republic of India. This huge recruitment drive will encompass appointments in all stages - from the state to the national level.

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