Search: insicurezzeepaure
2,024 stories
I can't

Due persone che si odiano; un luogo in grado di poter cambiare chiunque; amore incondizionato...In questa fanfiction siamo al quinto anno ad Hogwarts, i professori di pozioni e difesa contro le arti oscure sono rispettivamente Lumacorno e Piton e non c'è la Umbridge. Il tema principale è la ship Dramione. Spero vi piaccia!

322 10 14 Full
attrazione fisica

Un'attrazione tra un prof e un'alunna? Sembrerà strano ma c'è qualcosa che lega questi due in un modo....fisico

1.6K 9 30

˗ˏˋ HAPPY READING ˎˊ˗Sorry if there are mistakes in writing, for exampleplease correct or not in the comments okay🤍Geodemorgen algerald marvick Leiden pewaris dari keluarga GEODEMORGEN Leiden adalah anak tunggal kaya raya dan juga anak pemilik sekolah bergengsi SMA NEGERI GARUDA . Leiden sekaligus ketua geng HARVEGO yang beranggotakan Lima orang yang di ketuai oleh Leiden ia juga ketua osis bahkan ketua basket yang banyak di gandrungi murid-murid perempuan di sekolah SMANDA ( SMA NEGERI GARUDA ) Leiden tipikal orang yang cuek, dan dingin Leiden suka satu perempuan yang menurut dia itu berbeda dari perempuan lainnya. Dia Maureen gadis yang baik, cantik, dan pintar maureen sangat berbeda jauh dengannya maureen anak yang sederhana dan sedangkan Leiden anak orang kaya rayaApakah mereka berdua akan bersatu? Atau justru salah satu dari mereka berdua harus pergi? So, kalian penasaran ngaa sama kisah dari LEIDEN AND MAUREEN... Enjoy reading my work, I hope you like itPlease, if there is something wrong, correct it in the comments, thank you✨Jangan forget buat follow Instagram baru gue,@adeeellaaaa 🧿

1.2K 25 68 Full
The Dracula Index - Vampire Epoch//01

COMPLETE! The Wasteland. A woman screams in the night. Spotlights flash on a pile of dust in the desolate patch of land that lay just beyond the tall crosses that picket the boundary of Encampment R-34. A group of curious students leave their bunkhouse to investigate. They are caught by the Elders and punished. Commencement Day. When job appointments are handed out, Mell and Bryne hear the worst news of all - they are assigned the life-job of General Task and will be working on the expansion plan that takes them beyond the safety of the camp. Fate leads the inquisitive pair into the ruined skeleton of a deserted encampment, and a working computer called the Chronoscope. After scanning a journal they unearthed from the Wasteland into the terminal, a collection of centuries old letters associated with keywords in the journal is compiled. New data about Patient Zero uploads to a detachable reader. It is called the Dracula Index. VAMPIRE EPOCH is a series of "mashup fiction", merging original content with work from the public domain. Here, in this post-apocalyptic landscape, you are given the opportunity to experience your favorite'd. =================== :: Spoilers, overt negativity, hostility, and self-promotion will be deleted. :: Copyright 2015 by M. Clifford. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

64.3K 81 4.4K Full
come un caccia militare    [Nelson Venceslai]

Nelson, tirocinante in una clinica psichiatrica, entra in contatto con una nuova realtà. Dentro quelle quattro incrostate mura, dentro i sorrisi di chi sorride nonostante tutto, capisce se stesso. Ritrova quella parte di sé nascosta dalle insicurezze, dai 'non sono in grado di farlo', dalla paura di buttarsi e di lasciar quel posto sicuro che tanto era capace di calmarlo. Dentro quelle quattro mura incrocia uno sguardo tenero, sincero, bisognoso d'amore ma capace di donarlo a non finire. Incontra la ragazza dalla folta chioma nera, cioè Nadia. Un usignolo costretto a fuggir via dal suo nido troppo presto, con il peso nelle ali di chi deve badare ad un'altra anima, oltre che alla sua.

826 5 56
Sleep Paralysis [ Vkook ]

《"Say hello to all my little nightmaresThey're right hereI know them well"》in which jungkook has sleep paralysis everytime he wakes up before a certain someone starts living with him.Then, things go not as smoothly as expected.Highest ranking #101 in Mystery/Thriller 2016/06/05[Not Edited]'Girl

137.6K 19 7.8K Full
Ricordarmi di scordarti | Mida |

"Questa sera non chiamarmiGià lo sai che sono in sbattiSto pensando a non pensartiMida, Mida, MidaNon ti cerco e non mi manchiSono in studio e penso a farliButto il meglio dei miei anniA ricordarmi di scordarti"Yasmin ventenna, ha un passato difficile fatto di depressione e insicurezze, studia criminologia, canta e suona il pianoforte, è andata a vivere da sola dopo l'abbandono dei genitori tre anni prima, è la migliore amica di Christian, ventitreenne nato a Caracas, si sono conosciuti in viaggio in Venezuela, e scoprendo di abitare entramibi a Milano decisero di rimanere in contatto, ma c'è qualcosa che li blocca dall'essere solo amici, riusciranno ad uscire da questo buco nero?inizio: 30/05/2024fine:

47 5 10
𝑙𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖 𝑚𝑒|| 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢

Tessa Rottaro,sorella di Gianmarco Rottaro,decide di trasferirsi a Milano con suo fratello in cui inizierà una nuova vita...buona lettura🤍

29.2K 52 1.1K
Falling in Love with Itadori Yuji

hi! this is my first time ever writing anything, so i hope you like it! i'm not too proud of it either, so leave some feedback if any needed. please dont be mean or hateful! you (y/n) (fem reader) are a new first year and you meet Itadori Yuji. Your technique makes it hard to find true love. Did you finally find what you wanted so bad?this may have some sad parts to it (idk the terms, i think it's angst?) and it contains spoilers of the anime!!*jujutsu kaisen isn't mine!!!!! neither is the cover picture!! all rights to gege akutami.*if you like this please vote or leave comments! my wattpad is acting up so i don't think i can reply but your votes let me know if you'd like to see more writing by me! (i have a few things in mind 🫣) vote it up!!!

2.9K 14 54 Full
Maiden of the Forest

Prince Kit of the Kingdom of Aritess entered the deeper part of the wood only with the intention of hunting. What he hadn't expected was running into an enchanting maiden who's unique passion and demeanor he simply couldn't forget. Despite the pressures of his father and the Grand Duke to marry a princess, Kit is determined to find the maiden who's captured his heart. KitellaThis story was not written by me. The original can be found in and the Author's surname is pumpkinmoose22.

31.9K 39 627 Full
Home///Sleepy Bois Inc. X Reader ///Platonic///

Being in the foster care system for four years is tough but when you finally meet a nice family due to unfortunate circumstance you realize all hope is not lost.This fanfiction is purely platonic! No romance at all. This is just written for fun and I don't feel comfortable writing anything like that just yet.I want to say that I do not own any of the characters written here and you as Y/N own yourself! Also if anyone in SBI wants me to take this down then I will without hesitation! I hope you enjoy!

290.9K 23 9.5K Full
Union of Worlds: Deception

For decades the Union of Worlds have ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. However, on the once proud planet of Crade, revolution is stirring...When the Prince disappears, Daru and Lizzee, two teenagers from Crade, get caught up in a web of conspiracy which will take them across the galaxy in a never dreamed-of adventure. Joined by their strong-minded artificial intelligence, Aye-Eye, and a host of eclectic characters they race from one dangerous situation to the next with only Daru's self-confidence and Lizzee's brilliant mind keeping them one step ahead of the Union army. With options running out, an unexpected revelation causes Daru to question everything he thought he ever knew...Set in a vibrant and exciting galaxy, Union of Worlds: Deception is a thrilling sci fi adventure story full of twists, turns and surprises on every page.

358 26 80 Full
Playing with fire

18+ content! Viewers discretion is advised! Dabi comes home tired and you wanna surprise him so you enter the room ,grab his chains and put on his favorite outfit . Dabi sees you and goes feral . 18+Credit to @zeebeearts on tiktok for cover !

347.8K 6 4K Full
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐬﹔

gunnen | pensare che qualcuno meriti qualcosa di buono ed essere felici nel caso questo accada; ai giovani volti senza scintille, allecarezze mai giunte e allepaure che arriveranno.elle ◌ 2018:2022

1.9K 16 109 Full
The Hollow Moon (Downworlder Series, #2)

Book Two of the Downworlder Series ~~~~~~~~~~~ High in the mountains, far from the cities that housed Doyens and the beasts they lorded over, lived a small girl named Emily Nezzera until her world changed in an instant. Torn from her mountains, her family, her pack, she was thrown to the pureblood world of Doyens and pureblood elitism. Shattered to pieces from their torment she escaped their reality and lived within her own as she pieced herself back together. To combat the harshness of her life, Emily fixes the broken things of the world, nothing is too far gone for her to salvage. She re-purposes, fixes, or puts back together different but the broken things of the world come to life within her hands. That is what she believed when she pulled a physically broken man from the garbage when she realized what he was to her. Only she discovered her mate was broken far deeper than eyes could see and he was about to drag her down the rabbit hole once more because the king still craves his crown lost in the ashes of a dragon's fire.

401.1K 32 30.9K Full
Eddsworld Memes ((COMPLETED))

Credit to the artists that made theseHighest Rank(s): #42 in humor, #8 in eddsworld

432.6K 200 14.9K Full
Questa è la  mia Storia.


41 4 9 Full
Not like others (11th doctor x reader)

~One of the Best 11th Doctor X Reader Stories said by [YOU GUYS!]~Hello fellow readers, this is a 11th doctor x reader fanfic please enjoy! (Warning: violence and fezzes ;3)"Didn't anyone ever tell you?, theres one thing you never put in a trap, if your smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans of seeing tomorrow, theres one thing you never EVER put in a trap.......ME"(I AM CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING AND CORRECTING MISTAKES WITHIN THE STORY. MAY ALSO ALTER THE ORIGINAL STORY)

199.4K 33 4.5K Full
Trials of the Good and Evil

Good and Evil. The pure and the wicked. The valiant and the vicious. Every antonym seemed to perfectly fit the two words. Just like how the evil would end up punished, and the good getting a happily ever after.

3.4K 21 322 Full

I've got you and you've me[Season One, Part One]

12.9K 10 473
ESTETICO ED EMOTIVO | Dafne Munro | L'Animale Umano 2

L'Animale Umano: 12 autori, 12 racconti, 1 al mese per 12 mesi.Come due pesciolini rossi chiusi in un acquario troppo piccolo, Claudio e Stella vivono la loro vita di coppia tra insicurezze e corto circuiti. Troppo ansiosa lei, troppo superficiale lui? Oppure è solo l'obbligata condizione di tutte le relazioni del XXI secolo?

7 1 0 Full
Mad Max | Max Verstappen | Vol. 5

𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗩𝗼𝗹. 𝟱🏎️ Completa 🏎️Kyla Knight ha sempre avuto la sua intera vita sotto controllo. O almeno, questo è quello che credeva prima di incontrare Max Verstappen. La loro non relazione è andata avanti per tempo, cancellato poi istantaneamente alla scoperta della verità. Lei voleva vincere, lui anche. La competizione fa solo del male alle relazioni. Così poi aveva deciso di trovare qualcuno, un altro. Le pareva semplice raccontarsi, facile e proprio per questo aveva lasciato che il segreto più grande che custodiva fosse condiviso. Ma aveva dannatamente sbagliato. Perché non bisogna mai fidarsi di nessuno. 🏎️ Estratto 🏎️Mi preparai, scordando tutte quelle mezze parole, mezze verità, cercando di passare oltre lei. Alla fine, quello che avevo dimenticato, era solo che fosse sotto la stessa luna anche lei. E presto avrei capito cosa significasse. [«𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑖 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑑𝑖 𝑛𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑙 𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑜?» ]🌜Storia riservata a un pubblico consapevole🌛🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️iniziata il 1/10/2023conclusa il /Sport Romance𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗩𝗼𝗹. 𝟱(✋guarda che devi leggere prima i volumi precedenti, ti aspetto di là ✋)

25.6K 31 2.2K Full
Starting Over - Marco Bezzechi Fanfic

She is a good friend of his old teammate and mentor. She gets invited to the start of the new season in Qatar. Not only to support her friend, but also to get away from it all. He is a protégé of the big Valentino Rossi. It's his 3rd season in MotoGP and there are high expectations. But he misses something, he needs someone he can rely on. Someone who's honest and someone who knows how it works. -A fanfic on Marco Bezzechi, with mentioning of all of the academy boys, some girlfriends and MotoGP riders. I do not own or know any of them, I create my own characters, based on what's known and what's public. I don't want to offend anyone with this book.

246 3 33
Scourge Boom Season 1

Scourge was released from prison and got adopted by Sparkle family and tries to get his life going and back on his feet.

3K 52 107 Full

It's a story about love and friendshipConsisting of four charactersShahzaib KhanZoya AhmedNausheen Ansar Yaseer Ibrahim

11.9K 24 439