Search: httydxgameofthrones
8 stories
Daughter of the Dragon [HTTYD/ASOIAF]

Ashaeya is the first born daughter of Jon and Daenerys Targaryen's seven children. One day she wakes up on the sand of a far away island with three strange eggs in her arms with no memory of anything except the name Sansa. For three years she lives among the peaceful Vikings who care for no wars with dragons or anyone else.One day a strange man comes asking for their finest warriors, and after showing her skills she is chosen by the man to go with him. She feels out of place on the man's ship with her white hair, violet eyes, strange accent and most of all the three eggs that she's kept with her. Yet there are two people on the ship she feels a connection to, a man who calls himself Dagur the Deranged whom she instantly dislikes but feels a strange connection to him, and his sister Heather who convinces her to help her take down the organization that man who had hired her and his brother have been working in.Will the young dragon find her way back to her home and get her memories back? Or is she destined to fight and die among the Vikings with no memory of her past life at all?

35.6K 35 832
Ninjago stories

Stories of different Ninjago characters! 🤪

933 6 30
Ninjago Ships

Reaction of all your favorite shippings or not

121.4K 39 2.6K
Lloyd's/Garmadon's journey in the Sakura Forest

One shot FanFiction about (young )Lloyd Garmadon and his dad. In this One shot they're on a wholesome walk through a forest and it stays wholesome, even as they're attacked by evil.-I miss Lloyd's wholesome journey he had with his dad back during the third season, so I decided to make a wholesome FanFic that's inspired by that instead.

81 1 3 Full

『Ich Liebe Dich』 Gfx Shop - Banners - Covers - Icons

14.9K 172 3.4K
Ninjago Ship Oneshots

A series of gay ships! Please leave requests, I'll take any ships that are boyxboy/girlxgirl, except for (WuxGarmadon), (LloydxGarmadon), etc. Sorry, those ships make me uncomfortable.. Be as detailed as you wish in requests, such as describing an AU for the request. Things I won't write include lemons and mature subjects. But oh boy I will write angsty oneshots, let me know what you want to see. Some of them will be in the universe of "Two Identities", if it is I will be sure to let you know at the top. Sometimes I'll list headcannons as a chapter, you can leave requests for which pairing you want headcannons for. If I've already done them I'll try to think up some more! If you don't like don't read, there will be gay ships all over this book so if you're going to be homophobic just click off. Everybody is valid and amazing the way they are.

5.6K 12 89
Fnaf characters I love

Vuyvuyigiugviguvygivygivguivgyivgyiviygivgyyvgigyviygvighvviygvygivgiuviygchgfxtdxzesrzdrtxrdtrtdxrdxxdrxdtrrdtxtxrdxtrdxrtdtrdxdryxyxdrytxdtdydrxxydrdxrxdtyrdxyrdxyrdxrdyxrdtxrdtxrdtxdrtxdrtxdgrxdxfdgxfddxgfgfdxgxdfgxrdxdfgyxtdytdxyxdtytxddgxfgdfxxrydyxdrxdyryxdrydxryxdrxydtyxtdtxdrxdyxdrtdxtdxtydxtdydtdyxtdyxtdyxrydxtdyxtyddxxdtytdxytxdytdxyxtdyxdyxdtdtyxdyxtytdxytxdyxrdytdxyrxdyxrdyxdryrxdxdyrtrdrxdtrxdtrdxxtdrdtxrdrtxxtdrtxdrxtrddxrtxdrxdtrtxdrtrxdtxrdtrxdtrxdxrtdxdrttxxtrdxrtdxtrdxyddxrdyxrydxdxrtdxrdtxrdyxrdyyxdrrtxrxdtrdxrdtrxdrxdrxddxrtxdxyrddxrdx HELP IM GOING CRAZY cuygyvycfucygygucugycgycuuygcufyctyfcxtdtzrdtrzddrxtdxrtdxrtrdxrdxtxdrtdxrxdrtxdrtxdrtxdrtrxdtxrdtxrdxtdrrtdxdxtrdtxtyxtdxtdtxftytxfytxrtrxytfcytcryctrytdrydtrydtrydtrrtyccyctfxytfyfxt Ok I'm done sorry about that

82 3 3