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𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐌𝐀𝐍 ➢ kingdom hearts rants


3.1K 62 223
((Cursed)Pokemon) the devil in sheep's clothing

This is using custom Pokemon from my personal region, I'll recommend looking at that first, or asking for links.No ship involving ash, because everyone be shipping ash and Lillie or someone who ash has little chemistry with.Ash's Pikachu will also be a traitor, for one main reason, ash lost so many tournaments and the last one was nearly another lose, so Pikachu lost all faith in ash.Cursed idea Credit ipodgirl on YouTubePokemon is owned by Nintendo.

26 3 0
Spoznávam Lásku

Každým dňom o trochu bližšie k láske

380 8 21
0812-1488-0612 (TERBAIK), Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Sulawesi Tengah

0812-1488-0612 (TERBAIK), Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Sulawesi Tengah Langsung ORDER KLIK WA , Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Sulawesi Tengah, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Sulawesi Tengah, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Karet Semanggi, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Kuningan Timur, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Menteng Atas, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Pasar Manggis, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Bukit Duri, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Kebon Baru, Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Manggarai Kami Adalah Jasa Rancangan Instalasi Gas Medis Yang Telah Terbukti Dipercaya Di Banyak Rumah Sakit Di Indonesia, Kami Adalah Perusahaan Profesional Untuk Jasa Instalasi Gas Medis Dapatkan Solusi Terbaik Untuk Semua Kebutuhan Rumah Sakit. Jasa Kami Meliputi Jasa Instalasi Gas Medis, Nurse Call System, Pneumatic Tube System Dan Hospital Aksesoris. Dengan Harga Yang Terjangkau Dan Menggunakan Teknologi terkini. Layanan Terbaik Di Kelasnya Dikerjakan Langsung Oleh 5% Tim Profesional Terbaik Di Indonesia WA : 0812-1488-0612 #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisSulawesiTengah, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisSulawesiTengah, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisKaretSemanggi, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisKuninganTimur, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisMentengAtas, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisPasarManggis, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisBukitDuri, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisKebonBaru, #JasaRancanganInstalasiGasMedisManggarai

1 1 0
 Just An Average-er

Sally , a regularity Average school going girl had a wild dream , a dream like she never had and is rhis dream gonna make changes in her regular Average life and bring some new experiences which she would have never thought of? Its my first time writing , so please don't mind and please let me know your opinion on this , negative Or positive I am on for it . please do comment . enjoy. Thank you

21 1 1
●~TWDG Oneshotz~●

[Cover Pic designed by skuroddls from RedBubble with a few of my edits]~short stories i made up about characters from twdg series~

47.4K 127 648
Protect Me (Hiatus)

He hated me.He blamed me.He wanted me dead.I'm innocent. I don't know what I did.Why does he hate me?I ran away from him, away from America to here, in Tokyo.For the last two years, I have lived in this three bedroom apartment, with my three other younger siblings, none of them he knew. Or remembered. I grew to crush on the quiet boy in the corner of the classroom, wishing that he would look at me.Talk to me. Acknowledge me. But now that man is back. And he continues to hunt me down, just like all those years ago. I thought he was gone, I thought he forgot about me. I need help.Save me.Stop this pain.Someone.....Protect me.***********I know very little about Persona 5, but I hope you like it! P.S. Last names will appear before first names.

2.7K 13 118
Cinta Yang Hilang

Takkan Mudah Aku Melupakanmu...Dan Aku Percaya Suatu saat,Kita akan Bertemu lagi.Aku menyesal Pada Hari dimana aku Pergi dan Kamu juga PergiTapi aku Tidak Pernah Menyalahkanmu, Memang ini Takdir kita,Seperti yang pernah kamu bilang padaku, Aku harus Menerimanya walaupun itu sangat sakit untuk diterimaAku Selalu Berdoa Untukmu , Dan INI JANJIKUUntuk Mencarimu sampai Nafasku Terhenti. 18 november 2008

250 4 16 Full
Powrót do jednego rytmu

Po wyjeździe Narcissy, nic nigdy nie było takie samo jak wcześniej, jednakże życie płynęło dalej. Urodził się syn Miriam i Aureliena.Marsjasz i Aurelien założyli zespół, który zdobywa niesamowitą popularność, w krótkim czasie.Vincent został projektantem a Lea oraz Diana jego modelkami.Sylvian i Gabriel prowadzą swój bar, który świetnie prosperuje.A Narcissa? Narcissa postanowiła znowu wywrócić ich życie o 130 stopni.

103 7 10

My self written songs - just lyrics ✨💞 ( mainly love songs )

606 34 32
Ask Blitzen and Hearthstone.

Ask us anything, (within reason) and we will do our best to answer. Also we will always comment on Magnus and Alex's ship! *Alex and Magnus start chasing them with TJ's riffle* RUNNNNN!

2.9K 8 94
My thoughts on piggy skin and traps (including dev skins and fan games)

Note: This is my thoughts on piggy skins and traps described briefly, none of these are factual

30 2 0

Inspiration for those who need it

674 21 148
The Stranger I slept with

Jen Tyres Alvar is a College Student taking up Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. She was beautiful, hardheaded, fearless, smart, but never a brave soul.She gets everything she wants, except one thing. To decide for herself. Her father has always been the one who makes decisions for her. His words are laws and no one ever dares to stand against his words. Not even her.Can she be brave to counter her father's decision for her about marrying someone?Or she will just accept her fate just because she was afraid of making her own choice?A Betrayal. A One Night Stand. A terrible Arrangement. A Total Stranger.

3.3K 24 43
The Life Of a Lowly Grunt

Mara is looking for a job.Those jobs just so happen to be Team Rocket, Magma, Glactic and.... YeahWhat happens in those teams anyway?Well let me tell you...

63 2 0
Drawyn brozz¡

Mostly homestuck soooo

45 15 0
Gladion X Reader (Canceled)

I'm running out of Gladion Fan Fics to read so I might as well make one myself. I have not finished the game yet but I left of right after His mother and Guzma goes into the beat realm. I hated leaving him so I took a break to read/make Gladion fanfiction. Now that that's out of the way. I hope you enjoy! (Comments and Constructive criticism is always welcome) [pictures aren't mine just mere inspiration]

13.5K 11 312
Kiss and Kill

Human race versus superhuman. Balance cannot be preserved.

471 24 7
The Mask (Long Term Hiatus)

Allison Merrick hasn't seen her brother Jay for about ten years after he suddenly went missing. Now, after Allison has finally excepted the fact that Jay died, she begins seeing more and more of a masked man following her. Allison decides to dig up some old information about her brother and finds the channel Marble Hornets, unaware about what she just became a part of.

377 11 5
Moonglare's Wings of Fire Drawings

Just art.............maybe some contest........

37.9K 200 4.2K Full
Our Protagonist/PLAYER!

The story of a girl/boy, who is able to enter any game worlds and literally do anything she/he wants,And travels to all games to have the perfect ending... A happy ending.... where no one has to die.... maybe One person dies....for the sake of the virtual world of course...

366 5 0
Bóg = szczęście

> Gdzie znajduję szczęście?> Gdzie znajduję siły do przetrwania trudnych sytuacji?> Gdzie znajduję miłość bezwarunkową, bezgraniczną, czystą?> Gdzie znajduję akceptację?> Gdzie znajduję chęci do życia?U Boga!Chcę się z Wami podzielić moimi przemyśleniami na temat szczęścia, świata, trudów, ludzi, które powstały z kontemplacji. A to dlatego, że jesteście niezwykle ważni!

289 15 43
Persona 5 Royal Oneshots (Hiatus)

You never see it coming......The chapters with * mean that they are from the plot of P5R so do not read if you don't want any spoilers! Also you can request for Persona 3 and 4But by December, I will not hold out on the spoilers! So if you are requesting, keep in mind that I may accidentally put the story in the plot of P5R so add that into your request! Disclaimer:I do not own the characters!

2.9K 14 9

here's a collection of oneshot-flashfic type stuff dedicated to my best internet friend. uh. yeah.grace is mine and you cant have her (*^*)

100 7 14
HTTYD: School of Dragons: The Warrior of the Sun

Nova Grimborn is a brave and clever Norse teenager from a remote tribe, where befriending dragons is the ways of life. Her independent views and sarcastic sense of humor makes her feel like there's more out there in the world where her real family might be at, despite the fact that she grew up with her adoptive family. Nova has the chance to become somebody more than a Viking and track down her missing family. But there are Warlords on the loose with deep vengeance against the Berkians and their dragons. Nova is willing to befriend dragons and learn the dragons' secrets as well as taking on the Warlords and their followers. (Don't worry, I'm just writing for fun).

329 13 1