Search: groddygrudgebear
31 stories
Frowning Critters Au (One shot)

The characters belong to eggritos (I fall in love with All of them help!)

2.2K 14 34
THE BEAUTY AND BRAINY: One Short Story( Completed)

'What is beauty if your brain is empty?' This is one of the very famous line when it comes in judging and questioning. Upon hearing those lines we didn't hesitate to choose of having a brain instead of having a beauty. AmI right people?But on this story, "Your mind set will be twist,""Your usual beliefs will fade,""Your answer maybe right or maybe wrong,""Your mind will confuse,""You might choose a wrong option,"And I will ask you again, what would you prefer to have a Beauty or a Brain???©ridets to the photo I'd used from pinterest

954 8 353 Full
Walmart Boy (h.s)

"My name is Harry, nice to meet you mamacita," he looked me up and down before grabbing my hand and shaking it. My arm flopped like a flimsy noodle as he shook my hand quickly and firmly. "The name is Maria. Not mami, not mamacita, not 'yo'," I deadpanned, referring to the names he had called me earlier. I cautiously pulled my hand away from his tattooed one as he smirked before saying,"Got it Mami Maria," before taking his black lip ring between his teeth. +++A book in which a woman meets a beautiful man, who just so happens to annoy her in the least bit and he just so happens to work at Walmart. Except he doesn't actually work at Walmart... Rather he's an undercover bodyguard, working to protect her from the mafia that's after her family. But what you don't know doesn't hurt you, right?Started on: February 26th, 2017Completed on: August 5th, 2017Highest Rank: #543 in Humour, #691 in FanfictionAll rights reserved and protected under the copyright laws.

288.4K 44 17.6K Full
Living With The Giants

Tess is exactly like every other teenage girlYet this human didn't live where you'd expect, actually an entire other world all together. Earth having died hundreds of years ago In a time when humanity lost all hope, destroying the place they called home. In the great escape for survival, the human race found refuge upon another planetA world ruled by giants. Monstrous in size but kind in nature, with the odd few who have found a hatred for the humans, considered to some more like a pest that has infested their world. They aren't like the giants in fairy tales your parents have read to you when you were younger. They are just like us! Teenagers, fathers, mothers and children. Working and learning within a society of larger proportions ~~~Tessa's mum happens to fall in love with one of the giant men living there. Brian Taylor On a journey from the human quarters to the giant quarters, it's going to be a scary and new experience for Tess, especially since she's never met a giant before and now has found herself in the predicament of not only living with one but two! Austin and Brian Taylor. Austin being the incredibly handsome son of Brian but also an incredibly big jerk. A new home, a new school, new friends and maybe even new love? Read more to find out!!~Ranking now or at some point~#1 for BIG#1 for Giants#1 for Dimension#1 for Teenageboy#1 for Sizedifference #1 for Otherplanets #1 for GiantGirl#1 for Shrink#1 for GiantBoy#1 for Shrinking

189.4K 70 4.2K

A load of zodiac scenarios. I'm a Libra what about you? Most of these weren't wrote by me so full credit to the original authors!

35.3K 200 1.1K Full
Random omoarshis

This is a jumble of omoarshi fan fiction of fandoms I am in, This includes The Beatles, Queen, The Andy Griffith Show, The Muppets, Ghostbusters, Marvel, Spongebob, Steven Universe, Stranger Things, and Five Nights at Freddy's

1K 7 11
My Bully Loves Me

Hi... My name is Emily McNally I'm about to turn 17 and I hate my life... My entire life I've been bullied by the one and only Ryder Brewer . What would you do if your life long bully confesses that he actually loves you and didn't know how to show it? Would you forgive him? Stay tuned to know my story...

19.9K 24 476
Zodiac Freaks

Learn about your Sign!Signs as...CharacterSongsand MANY MORE THINGSBook two: ZODIAC READS 6/8/16

84.1K 200 1.7K Full
The New Girl

"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries her best just to fit in with the other kids in the boarding school. But what happens when her vision of staying out of the way, suddenly spirals her straight into the heart of the drama, secrets, and crushes of this new and foreign school? Unexpected things happen, and Grace is pushed into another world she never imagined for herself. She's introduced to unlikely friends and boys, and sees herself for the first time fitting in. But what happens when she finds herself torn between the school's untouchable hottie, a blond irish cutie, and a curly haired troublemaker? Will her heart be broken, or will she break theirs? Is there a way for everyone to be happy? Or can she pick just one..... *** "Grace.... you have no idea how much fun your going to have here." *** © Copyright 2014, paislydot13 (please don't copy my book w/o permisson.)

12.1M 82 169.3K
zodiac signs

the last time i updated this thing for real was in 2015, so i highly advise against reading this.even so, i will never cease to be astonished at the sheer number of individuals who have willingly read and loved this book over the course of the past years. no matter how cringey this old material may be, it brings back a sense of nostalgia to my early wattpad days that i'll never forget. if i was ever feeling down, there would be thousands of people here to listen and to support me. i owe everyone who read this book any time between 2014-2015 the world, for you guys, i'll be forever grateful. thank you for everything.on a side note, please stop and refrain from calling me your "senpai" or "author-nim."cover credit: harry clarke, "silence"

4.9M 193 252.3K
5sos shiz [2k14 summer edition]

5sos shiziness and all the random fangirling crapola PLEASE EXCUSE ANY FETUS SHIZ IN HERE BC I WROTE THIS A LONG TIME AGO____________________© royalmukes 2k14 [summer]highest ranking:Random #20 / Humor #83

1.7M 199 73.6K Full
Interview With Main Characters [Done--no more requests please]

Anyways, I thought it'd be kinda cool if we all did an interview were we pretend we are our main character in the story. I'm going to put a sort of book together compiling all these character interviews ^-^ And that compilation is THIS. Honestly, If you are ever bored; I promise, reading through these will definitely UNBORE you. Anwyays... Ready? Set? ANSWER!

10.4K 38 50 Full
Zodiac signs

Zodiac stuff from internet but mostly tumblr though.I honestly have no idea why you clicked this but well thanks for clicking and enjoy!

15.9M 274 567.9K
my journal 2

me and my family and stuff

4.6K 81 42
All The Random Things

Everything in my life,Otaku side or Real life, that Happens~This is full of Rants of Everything, Randomness with my Favorite Characters, Friends and Craziness of Whatsoever~

4.9K 87 148

5 1 0
Danganronpa Text Posts

Mostly going to be DR1 and DR2 at the moment since I'm not on DR3 or UDG yet. There probably won't be spoilers unless I say otherwise.Enjoy! Maybe-

20.6K 199 942
Zodaic signs

Come read about your zodiac sign.I found like all of this on the internet, so I didn't make this stuff.Basically, I looked it up so you wouldn't have to 😁[COMPLETED]Might do a book 2

36.8K 200 831
My Amazing Spiderman

#[SPOILER ALERT]#After Gwen's death Peter is trudging through life and afraid to love again. He doesn't want anyone else to get hurt because of him. But after he meets Kacie, his hard heart begins to soften. Trouble is around the corner with villains like Carnage, The Black Cat and more...

34 1 2
The Mafia Princess's Bodyguard

Sakura is a 17 year old girl that has a terrible past ,is albino and with the help of her dad/boss manages to get a job being a mafia princess's body guard. Follow her on her journey into making friends, killing enemies and finding out what it is like to be in love.

504 2 1

Dont judge the book by it's cover, isa yan sa mga salitang madalas natin maririnig na kadalasan ring ginagamit to described a person. She's Megan a 18 years old girl , who has a very innocent and angelic face, but behind that face she hide something evilness inside her.. As she entered in a new school,where she knew that it would be the way that the whole world will know the real her..she meet a guy na makapag babago sa tunay na siya. But there something that she need to do gamit ang evilness niya. Would she prefer to, let the guy go or would she choose the love,again na in the first place ito ang nag tulak sa kanya na maging masama?

11 1 0
Panacea #freeyourbody

"You don't know me. Don't act like you can judge me."In which Dena Komatsu and Carlos Costa struggle to keep the peace. [spin off story to Remedy, ongoing 4/1/16, don't need to read Remedy first, recommended] #freeyourbody #168 Short Story 5/8/16

538 7 49

smbq / mbs 💗

4 1 1

smbq / mbs 💗

16 3 3

"Be imitators of God... and walk in love." Ephesians 5:1-2Over recent years, some areas of the Philippines have experienced massive flooding. Although the loss was extensive, it pales in comparison to the devastation of the flood in Noah's day when all living creatures except thosesafe in the ark were destroyed. God saw man's wickedness and brought judgement. After the flood, Noah worshipped God for His protection and provision. GOd assured him that He'd never again destroy every living thing with water (Gen 8:21), and a rainbow testified to this everlasting covenant between God and all life on earth. But mankind's rebellion has continued. Second Peter 3 reminds us that God has promised another judgement for anrepentant mankind. He is patiently waiting, wanting none to perish but all to come to repentance. Sadly, some never will. The challenge for each of us is to examine our own lives to see if we are living up to God's expectations for us. As together we read the Scriptures and devotionals this year, let's pray that we will all continue to be changed into His image and glorify Him in all our actions.. DAVID T. HARVEYRBC Director, Philippines

827 4 7