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140 stories
Bound By Rivalry

James and Riley find themselves entangled in a family feud they never fully understood. Forbidden from any interaction, they embark on separate journeys to nearby colleges, determined to honour their families' wishes. However, a fateful night of drinking and fake names leads to a life-altering mistake. Riley becomes pregnant with James' child, and the two remain oblivious to each other's true identity. Now faced with the daunting task of explaining their secret to their feuding families, a web of deceit and unexpected alliances unfolds. Will they conquer the boundaries of rivalry, or will the weight of their shared secret tear them apart?

80 3 3
Random Song Lyrics

Random song lyrics, from songs that I've had heard and really like. I also take requests from you guys just message me and I'll try to post all of your favorite song lyrics

4.6K 59 65
Lara und Jan die Lovestory

Eine Klasse, eine Schule.In den ersten Jahren mochten sich die beiden überhaupt nicht, sie waren eher sowas wie Konkurrenten. Doch jetzt durch die tausenden Sticheleien kommen sich die beiden langsam näher. Es wird romantisch, aber auch heiß und wild.

18 1 0
One Chance

Having your life planned out in front of your eyes and not being able to have a say is enough to push anyone to breaking pointRiley isn't someone who wants to just fall into her fathers choice of life for her But of course her brother is there to safe the dayLiam gives Riley the shot of the life she is born to life, one full of dance and love. Riley is given her One Chance

109 3 5
More Than This...

James and Riley have been together for over a year. They've always known of each other through school and growing up together but with James' circle of friends they had never had the opportunity to meetThat is until last summer when both of their families ended up on the same holidayThey've done a year of school together but did not utter a single word to each other during school hours. It stopped the hassle, the drama that comes from the entire school knowing about a new relationship Their second summer together has come to an end and it is time to go back to school but what happens when one of them starts to want more then just a stolen glance in the corridor

131 3 6
Mutual Ground

Riley has always been the obedient one, living by her family's strict rules and constantly under their watchful eyes. But now that her overbearing sister isn't attending college with her, Riley sees a chance to break free, albeit cautiously. When her best friend, practically a brother to her, convinces her to go to a party, her well-ordered world is turned upside down.James, on the other hand, has always had a laid-back attitude and a passion for dance, which brought him to this college in the first place. When he attends the party with his three closest friends, all he expects is a meet-and-greet with his friend's boyfriend. Little does he know that fate has something else in store for him - a chance encounter with Riley.But their budding connection faces an unexpected test when a tragic fire engulfs James' school, leaving him and his friends with no choice but to relocate to Riley's college. As their worlds collide and boundaries are tested, Riley and James must navigate their shared living situation and the lingering consequences of the fire. Will they find common ground amidst the chaos, or will their differences tear them apart?

145 3 8
Be Here With Me

Growing up, James and his family always spent every summer down at the lake. It's always been the one consistent thing of the year, no matter how busy they all were.. Summer was dedicated to family and that is itOver the years the neighbours around the lake have always shifted depending on who had the chance to rent that year. James family and the family in the house to the left were the only families that would always return Emily and her mum return to the lake house ever summer, but this year Emily is bringing a blast from the past back to the LakeRiley grew up alongside the lake too. In fact Riley and James were a lot closer then either of them rememberEmily's Mum and Riley's Dad got married when Riley was only 2 years old and their marriage continued all the way until Riley was 9 After a long road of divorce, Riley and her father moved 2 hours away from everyone Now 8 years later, Riley's coming back

31 1 4
Make It Right

James and Riley grew up together, they lived next door to one another. Due to the closeness of their parents, it was inevitable that they would end up just as close Through growing up together, the pairs relationship started to develop to something more then just your childhood best friend They had been dating for 5 years when one drunk night from James changed it all One wrong move, made him lose everything including RileyBut to top it off, Riley had a secret she couldn't share with James...2 years later, James has a lot of wrongs to undo. He'll need to do all he can to Make It Right

149 4 12
My Neighbour

Riley is new in town and moves in across the road from James and his family. Everyone appeared to welcome Riley with open arms but with James it was a lot more complicated than that. Every smile was a smirk and every hello resulted in a playful tease. The two were set in stone with similar attitudes towards one another but the longer they spend in each other's presence, the closer they grow and the more they get to know. But what happens when other people involve themselves in the two's dynamic also? What will happen to their state of attraction then?

56 2 5
A Végtelenség kulcsa

Emlékszel még a gyerekkorodban sokat olvasott Harry Potter könyvekre?Én most egy hasonló világba kalauzollak el téged, London városába, ami még mit sem sejt a misztikus világról. A társadalom még védett az ilyen veszélyektől, de nem sokáig...Anne már betöltötte a tizenhatodik életévét, és az élete még csak most kezdődik el. Egy nap, amikor kap egy levelet az iskolájától, akkor az megváltoztatja az életét. Hiszen a gonosz Demarid ellen kezdenek el készülődni. A kis kalandja során veszélyek, katasztrófák, és háborúk is sújthatják. Ez ellen szövetségeseket szerez, melyekből kikerülhet a Szerelme is, aki vagy csalódásokat vagy pedig Végtelen boldogságot nyújthat neki.

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