Search: dopis
715 stories
Dopis ✔

Mladá dívka se dlouhou dobu starala o svého nemocného přítele, bohužel nemoc byla silnější a on zemřel. Dívka se trápila dlouhou dobu. Dávala si to za vinu. Nakonec se rozhodla, že svému zesnulému příteli napíše dopis. Doufala, že po sepsání všeho, co by mu chtěla říci, jí bude trošičku líp. Jedno ale věděla určitě. Nezapomene a bolest nikdy úplně nezmizí.

24 1 5 Full

About a best friend I loved. Hes gone and I will always miss and remember him. RIP Josiah.

24 1 1 Full
Ako sa mi zlepšil život... |NEDOPÍŠEM|

Ako som sa dostala z blata do medu. Čítaj a uvidíš☺️

95 5 10

"Mommy loves you, you know that?" I ask her, and she nods with a smile, "You tell me you do everyday." She says, playing with my long, blonde, hair. "You wanna know why I do? Even on our bad days?" I ask her, and she nods, curiously, "Because, that's the secret to life my love. To have nerve, and to care, everyday, no matter if a certain nine-year-old won't eat her veggies." I tell her, tickling her a bit, and she laughs. "So, I want you to always do the same, everyday. Have nerve, and to always care my love, no matter the things and the people you face in your life. Never give up on having faith in being kind missy. It's magical, y'know?" I tell and ask her, and her eyes light up. "Magical?" She asks, and I nod. "Caring, and thinking of other than yourself, has a power other's could never understand. But you pretty girl, you have more kindness in the tip of that cute button nose than other people have in their whole bodies." I tell her, booping her nose with the tip of my finger, making her smile. "So repeat after me." I tell her, "To have nerve, and to always care." I say, "To have nerve, and always care."

13 5 0
DESPAIR - Dopisy citům 1

Proč nás city ničí? Proč nás dohánějí k zoufalství?

359 10 58
Animal Crisis (BTS FF)

You didn't ask for seven hybrids.You didn't ask for any of this.Somehow, you adopted three cats and they turned out to be hybrids. You adopted another animal and they turned out to be a hybrid. You adopted another, and another, hoping it wouldn't be the same thing. You ended up with seven. Seven troublesome hybrids. And then you...At least they're not wild...COMPLETE

202.7K 50 5.7K Full
Insane Sister (Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)

Alice Komori is the adopted younger sister of Yui Komori. Alice is beautiful and very intelligent, but when someone ticks her off she can get quite rough. Alice despises her sister greatly. This is because of Yui's opinion in finding Alice's likes completely distasteful and because of the torment she put her through. Her love for the darkness and her love for the mere mention of death. All of which she is fond of is hated and despised by Yui and the people around her. When she is sent to the Sakamaki household with her detestable elder sister, will the six vampires living there fall for her and support her or will it be the opposite?

93.5K 9 1.9K Full
Mým láskám

Mým láskám.

92 1 10 Full
Odpusť mi...

Sarada se celý život trápila, že s ní její otec netráví dostatek času. Co je ve starém dopise, který objeví po mnoho letech, určeným pro ni?

99 1 6 Full

Rahul Dravid is not in a good place before the world cup. A snake has a hold on him. His team is indifferent to him. His friends don't like him. And his adoptive brother Sourav hates him. And he too despises himself.But he is the captain, so he has to keep going for the good of the team. So he represses all his monsters, keeps himself in check using the one thing he had never thought he would use. Self-harm.But what happens when people stumble upon his secrets... when the truth starts unravelling...Will he heal or will he break further?Warning: Very dark and very depressing topics

15K 36 1.2K
Bakudeku Omegaverse

Dekus' mum died when he was three years old. How will his dad handle finding out he's an omega. warning-mentions of abuse, homophobia, neglect, r*pe, kidnapping,suicidal thoughts and pretty much any bad thing that can happen to someone.Highest ranks:#1 bitchmight#1 omegadeku#1 opizuku#1 alphabakugo#1 kirikami#1 jiromomo#1 abusivehisashi #1 katsudeku

1.2M 46 27.9K Full


37.4K 71 673 Full
Starks little Girl

Alexis Nala Stark. Well, that's the name Tony and Pepper gave me when they adopted me from a beautiful place called Wakanda. My life is not normal. Growing up around a Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist wasn't exactly how I planed it to be. Follow along with me as my world turns upside down.This book was requested.Forgive me for the spelling and grammar. I type pretty fast.

161.6K 49 4.4K Full
Alchemist of The Boiling Isles [Adopted]

I adopted this fanfic from @MyNameIsVarian.Shortly after escaping prison, Varian ends up in a new world that's called the Boiling Isles. He makes new friends along the way but also makes enemies that want him dead. Will he ever comeback to Corona? Can he hide his past from his new friends?

4.1K 24 62
KANIBAL || Jeon Jeongguk

Jak młoda inspektor Roxanne poradzi sobie z krwiożerczym kanibalem? /////opowieść inspirowana "Milczeniem Owiec"

30K 28 1.9K Full
Adopted by swayLa•Nick Austin

A 12 year old girl named Paula(you can change it if you want to your name)got adopted by one of the swayLa boys but she was scared because she had a horrible past ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️ -self harm-depression -death -rapeAnd some more And I'm gonna change some characters ages It's my first book pls read I hope you enjoy and at the first episode not so good but after it will be better promise COMPLETED

101.1K 51 1.2K Full
Sofia the First: Sofia the Second

If you liked the "Sofia the First" episode "Sofia the Second", maybe you'll like my version of "Sofia the Second"! It may not be as good as the episode itself, but at least I tried.Sofia is really tired from doing so much work, but she refuses to rest because she promised Prince Hugo she'd teach him the double swerve at flying derby practice. When Sofia, Amber, and James see Cedric use a duplication spell on bouquets of flowers, Amber and James decide to use the spell on their sister. That way, the real Sofia can get some rest while her copy teaches Prince Hugo the double swerve. But Amber and James mess up the spell, and Sofia's copy turns out to be a troublemaker! Can Sofia stop her nasty copy before she causes too much trouble?

14.2K 9 293 Full
Will You Find Me? {Vkook}

Devatenáctiletý chlapec jménem Kim Taehyung. Známý díky své nekončící radosti, jeho úsměvu a pomluvám. Jednoho dne zmizí. Nikdo neví kam nebo proč.Osmnáctiletý chlapec jménem Jeon Jungkook. Jednoho dne obdrží dopis od zmizelého chlapce, který byl jeho spolužákem. V obálce se nachází dopis a malý papír se dvěma slovy. NAJDEŠ MĚ?

10.6K 22 1.3K
You're Like Me (TodoDeku)

Izuku is grateful to be trading his life full of pain and abuse for one of love and support, but with this comes plenty of new challenges. From overprotective parents, to making new friends, and even having his first crush, Izuku finds his life doesn't necessarily become easy after he leaves his abusive father. Will someone help him navigate it all?The real reason Eraserhead is constantly exhausted.*******Izukus found by pro heroes Present Mic and Eraserhead after running away from his abusive father. His mother abandoned him years ago, and she's now getting in the way of his adoption. Izuku meets a boy, makes new friends, and tries to use his quirk (not One For All) for good. Lots of angst, lots of fluff, big old found family dynamicSENSITIVE TOPICS DISCUSSED- Physical, Verbal, and Emotional Abuse- Panic Attacks- PTSD Episodes and Flashbacks- Eating Disorders (Bulimia specifically)

131K 55 4.2K Full
The Gilbert Twin (TVD) Book 1

Annabelle (Bella) Gilbert is the twin sister of Elena Gilbert, after their parents accident they have been living with their aunt Jenna. Starting their first day back at school they are both hoping to slip straight back into their normal lives along with their friends and family, but will all that soon change when they meet the mysterious Salvatore brothers...?(Damon Romance)(COMPLETE)(I'm in the middle of editing the story a little, so I apologise for anything that doesn't fit or add up)Based on The Vampire Diaries Season 1

233.2K 22 5K Full
Zupełnie inny- Chłopcy z Placu Broni (kompletna zmiana)

PRZECZYTAJ PRZED WEJŚCIEMOsoby, które kiedyś czytały ten cringe, 1- współczuje 2- dziwią się dlaczego wszystko jest inne. Inny tytuł, dodana okładka (kiedy pierwszy raz to pisałam nie miałam bladego pojęcia jak to wstawiać), oraz fakt, że w tytule jest słowo innY. Pożegnajcie się z Harmet... piszę to od nowa. Nie wiem co mnie wzięło, bo szczerze na tym koncie bardzo dawno nic nie robiłam. Może nostalgia, chociaż minął dopiero rok, lub trochę więcej... przeczytałam więcej lektur, jednak jeszcze żadna nie zmieniała mojego zdania o ulubieńcu książkowym :)Osoby, które natomiast jeszcze nie czytały- zapraszam do historii.Opowieść zupełnie inna niż pozostała, zwłaszcza jedną rzeczą. Nie czekajcie na ,,przykładną osobą z ponadprzeciętną inteligencją, elegancją, wdziękiem, oraz innymi synonimami, czy epitetami". Tego tu po prostu nie ma!

1.7K 4 19 Full
Felicity Wayne **Discontinued**

Felicity Smoak had a family secret no one knew about not even Oliver Queen or John Diggle she was the daughter of the wealthy playboy philanthropist Bruce Wayne aka Batman the hero of Gotham City. When Felicity was ten both her parents abandoned her leaving her alone and scared in the streets of Gotham where the infamous Joker found her with the intentions of making her his protege and legacy but within the first week of their cruel and torturous lessons the Joker and Batman got into one of their usual scuffles. Felicity was found unconscious, beaten, and barely alive, Batman saved her, and against his better judgment and Alfred's continuous nagging advice he adopted her making Felicity, Bruce Wayne's daughter.Felicity now has a new life and a new name because of her past antics, tragedies, and events she's now just an IT girl for Queen Consolidated and a nighttime hacker for the Arrow but what happens when the past comes crashing back into her life?I don't own any of the characters!

22K 8 399 Full
Letter by no one

Co mám dělat?Umístění:3.1.2020 - 1.místo v Úvaha 2.místo v Myšlenky10.1.2020 - 1.místo v Noanswers

25 1 3 Full
Bridges of Hope

"Bridges of Hope" follows the inspiring journey of YN, a 26-year-old Indian woman whose life has been deeply influenced by BTS, particularly their leader Kim Namjoon (RM). Since 2018, BTS's music and messages have motivated her to engage in charitable activities and uplift her community. Through her tireless efforts, YN becomes a prominent figure in philanthropy, earning recognition and admiration.

94 19 4 Full