Search: crazystarthunderclan
76,777 stories

Welcome to the StarClan of the 21st century! Where cats from modern-day ThunderClan, whether warriors or medicine cats, can visit StarClan whenever they want to. Where cats build pizzerias and advertise their restaurants in books like this one. Where cats hit their rivals with cheeseburgers and frying pans. Where stupid kitttypets burn pizzas and refuse to watch shows like WIPEOUT. Where cats cry when they find out that they are out of cheddar cheese. And where fantasy becomes reality. Well, get ready to laugh because its time to start reading!

190.9K 100 6.6K Full
Warriors: Salmonstar's Fate

Young Salmonkit is destined to become leader one day. After all, she has everything you could ask for in a warrior: eagerness to learn, limitless friendliness, intelligence, and natural talent. She makes a friend in Crazystar, the leader of ThunderClan, who warns her of an upcoming battle from the darkest force of all. But will her plans to lead her Clan in the Great Battle be spoiled by a tragic ending?

40.5K 33 2.3K Full
Warriors: Bumblestripe's Insanity

Something more powerful than the Dark Forest is about to cause disturbance within ThunderClan...and it's love. Bumblestripe has loved Dovewing forever. But after she rejects him for another cat, he wonders if there's any way to stop the pain that seeing her causes- and decides the only way is to get rid of her.A tale of murder and betrayal, heartbreak and abandonment, Bumblestripe's Insanity is a captivating novel that leaves readers hungering for more and left wondering what happens next.Because in this story, NOBODY is safe...

150.1K 34 8.9K Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #1: ShadowClan's Threat

It has been a while since the Clans won the battle against the Dark Forest. ThunderClan is prospering under Bramblestar's leadership and the rest of the Clans have been thriving too. But a strange black liquid is covering ShadowClan's territory, killing and poisoning their prey, and ShadowClan's leader, Blackstar, decides to steal prey from ThunderClan to keep his Clan from starving. Bramblestar originally intended to attack ShadowClan, but his sister, who had fled from the ShadowClan camp when she heard that Blackstar intended to steal ThunderClan's prey, begged him not to attack them. As ShadowClan keeps pushing farther past the boundaries, will Bramblestar chooose loyalty to his sister or loyalty to his Clan?

41.6K 15 1.5K Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #2: Endless Rivalry

ShadowClan's threat still hangs in the air. Lionblaze is trying to keep ThunderClan thriving and Bramblestar isn't helping. The ThunderClan leader has fallen into a deep depression and Lionblaze wonders if the old Bramblestar will ever return. And according to Shadecloud, ShadowClan isn't the biggest threat after all. The biggest threat comes from inside the Clan...where does the endless rivalry end?

22.7K 13 863 Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #6: Howling Wind

A few moons ago, Jayfeather received a prophecy. "An unknown threat is near. Wind has the power to destroy our Clan." Now, it seems that the time of the prophecy has come. Jayfeather has received a second omen predicting the destruction of the forest and the deaths of cats. Will ThunderClan meet its destruction? Or will they somehow survive the unknown threat?

28.8K 23 1.1K Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #5: Mysterious Newcomers

ThunderClan's medicine cat apprentice, Shadecloud, is now a warrior. She is on a border patrol one day when four strange cats appear on the WindClan border, claiming to be from SkyClan. When asked why they have come, they said they were sent by StarClan. But is that the real reason why they have come? Is it even true?

16.9K 13 603 Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #3: Returning Enemy

Three moons of peace have passed since Shadecloud killed Seedfur. Leaf-bare was not as cruel as it usually was and only one cat even caught greencough. But peace never lasts for long in ThunderClan. Bone's grandson has returned...and he'll do anything to get his revenge.

17.9K 13 669 Full
Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #4: Blazing Fire

A half-moon has passed since Shadecloud received the warning about WindClan from Firestar. When a fire burns through most of WindClan's territory, Ashstar is ready to do anything to get the food her Clan needs, including killing ThunderClan's warriors. How will ThunderClan face this threat, and what will StarClan think?

17K 13 657 Full
Warriors: Crazystar's Battle

~The flame of mischief will rise to attempt to defeat the dark splash of murder and betrayal~ Crazykit is the daughter of Swiftstorm and Flamefoot, and as a kit, often finds herself doing things she shouldn't be, such as knocking over the fresh-kill pile and moving the medicine cat's supplies. But as she grows older and matures, becoming an apprentice by the name of Crazypaw, and then later a warrior, things in her life suddenly grow very serious as she discovers a huge secret. The brave gray-furred she-cat finds herself trapped in a forest of lies and bloodshed, forced to watch the Clanmates she cares so much about die all because of a treacherous plot that she is only just beginning to uncover....

53.3K 30 3K Full
Socks and Ruby's Journey [Crazystarthunderclan's Contest 1]

Sock and Ruby are Tiny's littermates live are adopted by two kind twolegs. They never thought again, about their littermate, Tiny. But one day, their twolegs betray them and leave them in the house. Soon, through hunger and desperation, they go to search for a mysterious cat who could help them. Will their journey succeed, or will they die at the paws of a cat that they never excepted to still be alive?

1.7K 11 43 Full
Snakestar's Revenge (entry to CrazystarThunderClan's Contest)

Snakekit, with his sister tries to prove to his clan even though he's not pure ThunderClan, that he's 100% loyal at all times.Can he convince his clan? Will he make the right choices to friends? Will he pass the challenging tests StarClan has laid out for him? Read to find out!

585 5 7 Full
Warriors: Crazystar's Greatest Challenge(Sequel to Crazystar's Battle)

Crazystar heard a prophecy that predicted the rise of the Place of No Stars and has been worried ever since..... Can she defeat Splashheart and his army again? *** Flamekit's mother is Crazystar the leader of ThunderClan. Flamekit and his brother Blazekit aren't like most kits...for one thing they actually behave and listen to other cats. Flamekit is following the path to becoming a warrior...but visions of his Clan battling strange cats continue to trouble him in his sleep. He tries to find out who these cats might be...and the answer he discovers scares him more than anything he could imagine. *** When Whitepaw, Pinefoot's son, made the decision to become Honeywhisker's apprentice he still longed to become a warrior. Hunting sounded boring but fighting? Now that was interesting... He sneaks out of camp to watch his sister's mentor teach her battle moves and thankfully isn't caught. But a certain gray-and-white tom noticed his interest in fighting and Whitepaw finds himself in a strange forest with two cats offering to train him. Of course, he accepts. Splashheart, Smokewhisker, Thornwhisker, and the rest of his allies want Whitepaw to side with them most of all, because, after all, who would suspect a medicine cat? *** Redpaw is a normal apprentice. She isn't great at fighting but she's a spectacular hunter. She notices her brother, Whitepaw, acting strangely and growing more distant from her. Perhaps it's part of being a medicine cat, a world Redpaw could never be a part of, but still, she feels the need to investigate... When Liontail catches her listening to a conversation between her brother and Honeywhisker, Redpaw explains the problem. Liontail says that there's nothing unusual about Whitepaw's behavior and that medicine cats are different from warriors. Is Redpaw the only one who suspects something more than that?

32.3K 31 2.2K Full
The History of CG (And How It Nearly Closed)

As the founder of CloudtailGrandmas, I felt the need to tell the truth about how CG nearly closed and the admins waged war on one another over the fate of the account. Here is a 100% accurate tale of the events that occurred. It was all Moon's fault.

2.2K 9 138
Warriors: The River's End Book #1: Escaping Danger

It has been a long time since the conclusion of the second Great Battle. The threat of Splashheart and the Dark Forest has faded after Crazystar's success. Although the legendary gray-furred she-cat has long since been with StarClan, her legacy continues on within all of the Clans, not just ThunderClan. On the opposite side of the lake, one of the kits of Salmonstar, Crazystar's friend in RiverClan, has just risen to the title of leader after the tragic death of Tawnystar. Although there has been a long stretch of peaceful moons, it appears that the days of Pebblestar's leadership may be darkened by an ominous prophecy: Horses territory will part the great river in two. After a tough choice, Pebblestar turns to his sister, Minnowstream, and asks her travel far from the lake on a dangerous adventure. As Minnowstream sets out as the leader of a long journey, she begins to wonder if she can truly handle the responsibilities of this journey and overcome the challenges she must face to reach the destiny StarClan has laid out for her.

12.7K 19 576
Warriors: Nightpaw's Identity(Book 3 of the WBI Trilogy)

Book three of the WBI series! Please read the first two first.The tale of two brothers. The finale in a saga of murder and betrayal. A clash that will determines the legacy of the Clans.With the Clans on the brink of war, Nightpaw acts as Bumblestar's servant. Death and plotting seem to follow the ThunderClan leader at every turn. As he draws closer to the sadistic killer, he finds his personality and his will altered. Will he be able to keep it together long enough to complete his quest?Shadepaw, seeking refuge in ShadowClan, finds those he hoped to provide shelter under siege. Weakened by a series of battles, Rowanstar is looking to unite with RiverClan one more time for a final stand. Will they be able to cleanse the lake of Bumblestar's influence? Or will they fall as all of his foes have before?

17.1K 12 1.1K
Warriors: Blossomfall's Reign(Sequel to WBI)

Major spoilers ahead. Please read the first book, Warriors: Bumblestripe's Insanity(WBI) first. Welcome to the sequel!A mysterious rogue has destruction planned for all the Clans. ThunderClan's new leader is this cat's main target. Will Blossomfall's Reign survive the rogue's threat?Will she be able to have the era of peace that she desires after her brother's cruel leadership?

80.7K 30 5.4K
Warriors: Jayfeather's Sight

What if Jayfeather could see?Jayfeather stood at the top of the hill, looking down at the green fields of StarClan. I wish I could see in real life. "Well? Where are you, you cowards! Answer me!"No reply. Just the soft whisper of the wind."Yellowfang?" Uncertainty showed in his voice. "Bluestar? Anybody? Why have you abandoned me! I...Rock?"Utterly defeated, the gray tabby sat down and wrapped his tail around his forepaws.Once, he could've walked in someone's dreams or read cats' minds. Now, that was gone.-Excerpt from Jayfeather's Sight

7.6K 6 424
More Ways to Make Blackstar Hate You Forever(Sequel to WTGKOOS)

Enjoyed Ways to Get Kicked Out of ShadowClan? Can't get enough of the craziness in StarClan? Well, LionheartPublishing is back with more epic action for you! This book includes: -An interview with Brackenfoot -Interviews with readers -An awesome book cover -More Ways to Get Kicked Out of ALL of the Clans -More hilarious Jayfeather, Patchpelt, Smudge, Brackenfoot, and Firestar scenes -More episodes of the Birchfall Show -And LOTS MORE! Read on to discover what really happens in StarClan. Well, let the tour begin! Firestar: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! CLICK THE GIANT ORANGE BUTTON ALREADY!!!!!

77K 69 3.2K
Warriors: Family Trees

1.8K 1 38 Full
Firestar Joins StarClan (Entry for firestar4ever's contest)

1.2K 1 35 Full
Warriors: Tigerclaw's Naming Ceremony (Short Story)

Tigerclaw has been kicked out of ThunderClan after Fireheart revealed his treachery to the Clan. But the former ThunderClan deputy isn't finished yet. He has fled to ShadowClan...and a mysterious prophecy of which Runningnose has only revealed part of to the Clan causes ShadowClan to choose him as leader. What will happen once they reach the Moonstone, and Tigerclaw must face StarClan themselves?

1.6K 1 36 Full
Reasons to Destroy the Clans

6.2K 7 309
Warriors: Knowledge is Power Series Book #1: Owlpaw's Prophecy

4.5K 7 122
Peace Never Lasts For Long (Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles fanfiction)

11.1K 7 140
Warriors RPG(All 4 Clans: ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan!)

8.8K 23 109