Search: bloodterabytes
24 stories
Only chaos remains

MC kept her promise, she didn't go to Duskwood. Nevertheless, the young woman got closer to the town to reach her friend if they needed help. Now it is time. It's time for her to enter the game, to save her friends and find the man she loves, in the hope that it's not too late.The story takes place right after episode 10.The original story and characters belong to Everbyte studio except my MC a couple of original characters.First posted on Tumblr and AO3 in 2023.

2.6K 22 139 Full
Unbothered Sly

꧁༒βŁØØĐ Ŧ€ŘΔβ¥Ŧ€Ş Ş€ŘƗ€Ş 3༒꧂Bytrix Lavander Ukiyo Elixir Lotus, or in the infamous name "Blue" Lotus is born with unpredicted life. She is the daughter of an aristocratic Greek family, where her life is a facade. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she possesses intelligence, strategic prowess, and extraordinary talents. Despite nearly embodying perfection, Blue senses a void within her existence. Little does she know, death is the absent piece she's been seeking. Upon her demise, she discovers a world where she exists as an unopened flower.In this realm, she is a relic of the past, a divine flower. However, due to a tragic incident predating her arrival in this world, she remains uninitiated. It's unveiled that she is pursued by the demon hunters - because she's a dark demon harboring divine power.Confronted with these revelations, what choices will Blue make? As she grapples with her newfound identity and the threats she faces, will she rise above her circumstances or succumb to the impending danger?"I, Blue Lotus, holding the third rank in the Blood Terabytes, solemnly promise to complete my final mission. Neither life nor death can prevent me from fulfilling this commitment.""Your pain is acceptable you can now enter "↫◇─◇──◇ EͦNͦTͦEͦRͦ ◇──◇─◇↬

115 8 16
Seventeen Memes [ GOSE ver.]

I'm telling y'all seventeen is one of the most effortlessly funniest groups out right now 😂 like lord have mercy 😭🤚🏽Most are GOSE memes some are not but they're all funny. If you have any requests just lmk ~ 💙• If you don't mind plz follow me~제발 ㅋㅋ😄K lessgo!Edit: 1K?? Thank you all so much!2k YERRR THANK YOUUUU 🩵‼️3k 🗣️‼️4K 🤌🏽5k 😆6k 🐸7-9k 🥳10k 🩵💯 Thank youuuuu11-14k???!??? AYEEE HIGHEST VIEW COUNT OF ALL MY BOOKS WE AWP‼️🤾🏽‍♀️

24.5K 52 947
Duskwood - One Shot

This is a collaboration of all my one shots that I have written over on tumblr. Most of these are duskwood Jake and MC but there will be others that are others. I hope you enjoy

10.5K 23 197
A Hacker's Tale | A HermitCraft Fanfiction

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!: This fic is rated as PG-14+, so read at your own risk! There's swearsies, suggestive references, and LOTS of blood of gore! Be aware!Also! The art for the cover is NOT MINE! It's by @infiniteworldtype on Tumblr, so go feel free to check them out and give them some love! (Link to image: )_________________________________________Glorious in life, eternal in death.That's what the Shadowbyte Army had told its soldiers for years. That their loyalty and skill granted an unforgettable legacy after they died. That following their orders would bring them prosperity while appeasing their superiors. And everyone believed it. Why would their saviors lie to them? After they saved their lives in the first place?It's what a group of eight of those soldiers believed. When they were brought together to take over a single World, occupied by a small group of people known as HermitCraft. When they broke past its firewalls and set foot on its soil.But when their plans go horribly wrong and they're taken hostage by their perceived enemies, something begins to stir inside of them, one by one. They start to question their faith and loyalty to the Shadowbyte Army, to it's powerful leader and founder, Ecryptos. Everything they had ever known is put in a brand new light. And they soon realize that they are part of a much more sinister plot... But will they agree to break their oath to stop it once and for all?

5.6K 6 244
alex delarge boyfriend scenarios

so seggs wow so hot and steamy mfw hot book lolzthis is satire btw if u couldnt tell, its mocking actual boyfriend scearios books

2.2K 8 22
Unfamiliar [Duskwood]

M/C decides to fly to Duskwood, but some unexpected things happen...[Meta: M/C will be referred to as they/them, but the storyline will follow the route of a canonically female M/C (i.e. when you set your M/C as a female (Ms. X) and play the game), to be inclusive of all the transgender and non-binary M/Cs, as a non-binary person myself :DAlso, this story has no NSFW/smut in it, as I feel uncomfortable writing/reading that,,]Duskwood by Everbyte Studios

1.7K 5 80
~°~°~ Katelyn's Arty Universe ~°~°~

This is my artsy arts book of the artsy arts. ...also known as trash. The kind of trash that needs to be burned because it sucks so bad. WARNING!-----------------I DRAW SEVERAL FICTIONAL CHARACTERS AND OCS OF MINE FREQUENTLY. I CHANGE MY ART STYLES FREQUENTLY AS WELL. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.This will have have facts about my story, Seer's Bane. I will also put stuff in here if I'm tagged. Enjoy. :3

5.9K 140 348 Full
Blind Eyes-blue Eyes 2.

Blue Eyes 2. Eli er ligesom sin mor... Hun blev blind da hun var 6, ligesom sin mor. Hun har blå øjne, ligesom sin mor. Hun ser spøgelser, ligesom sin mor gjorde da hun var ung. Alligevel er hun langt fra ligesom sin mor. Hun ser på spøgelserne på en hel anden måde, end sin mor gjorde. og lever i den verden hvor spøgelserne hører til, og har ikke lyst til at vende tilbage til den virkelige verden. "hvorfor er det at alfaer finder en luna? " spurgte jeg. "for at få den næste generation" svarede den gamle mand. "hvorfor er det at en luna finder en alfa?" spugte jeg igen, og slyngede mine ben op på bordet. "får at blive beskyttet? " svarede han igen. jeg grinede "jamen jeg har ikke brug for beskyttelse! så hvorfor skulle jeg finde en mage?" spurgte jeg igen. den gamle mand lød nu irriteret "fordi at du der den første fødte! og en luna har brug for en alfa!" "men har hvis en luna har brug for en alfa, og en alfa har brug for en luna... så kommer der nok snart en og banker på..." sluttede jeg, jeg modtog et klap på skuldreren af min bror. jeg havde leder i blodet, og ingen kunne fortælle mig det modsatte, for når jeg snakkede lytede alle andre. når min bror snakker, er det kun mig der lytter...

3.4K 25 272
A Bouquet Of Flowers

A High School Romance?Starring:An Overprotective Best Friend A Scamming Artist Who Has Overpriced Art CommisionsA Clean FreakVs.The Poor Rich Boy Who Has To Face All This Crap Because Of A Stupid Rumour (That Is True)And In The Sidelines:The Mother Friend Who's Done With All This And Also A Kpop Addict Who Has A 1000 Non Fictional And Fictional HusbandsA Food Addict And Future Gold DiggerAnd A Girl Who Has Too Many CrushesThis surely doesn't look like a calm and peaceful School Year but doesn't mean this recipe of disaster won't make fun and memorable memories along the way.The Following Contains Mentions of:ATTEMPTED S[]|CID^UNDERAGE DRINKINGSELF HARMSEXUAL THEMESABUSEDEATH THREATSRACISM

1 3 0
Blood Test In Pune

Regarding blood tests in Pune, LabEasy India sets the benchmark for excellence. They offer a comprehensive range of blood tests catering to various medical needs.

2 1 0
Blood Test In Mumbai

LabEasy India's diagnostic services extend beyond food intolerance testing to encompass a wide range of blood tests in Mumbai.

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Get The Skin Allergy Test In Kharadi

Are you looking for a skin allergy test in Kharadi? You have come to the right place, Qtest lab & diagnostics is the best centre for an allergy blood test in Kharadi.

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Best Food Allergy Test Lab in Mumbai

Don't let food allergies hinder your quality of life. Choose LabEasy India for professional and precise food allergy testing in Andheri, Mumbai.

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Piękno Tej Niechcianej - PREMIERA 10.08

"Piękno Tej Niechcianej" to książka opowiadająca o losach siedemnastoletniej Linette Weasley, dla której niestraszne było odrzucenie, porzucenie oraz uczucie osamotnienia. Nigdy nie była traktowana priorytetowo. Od zawsze była jedynie opcją wybieraną na chwilę i odtrącaną, gdy pojawiał się ktoś lepszy na jej miejsce. Była do tego przyzwyczajona. Nie robiło na niej wrażenia, gdy ludzie przejawiający chęć poznania jej nagle tracili całe zainteresowanie nią i zaczynali traktować ją, jak powietrze. Wydawała się być do tego przyzwyczajona, ale miewała momenty, w których dopadał ją żal. Nieco mniejszy niż w dzieciństwie, ale wciąż tak samo raniący. W momencie, w którym jej rodzina decyduje się na przeprowadzkę na drugi koniec miasta, nie ma pojęcia, jak będzie wyglądało jej życie w nowej okolicy i szkole. Mimo lekkich obaw nie spodziewała się zbyt dużych zmian. Bo wciąż przebywała na terenie Vancouver - miasta, które sprowadzało na nią największe nieszczęścia. Jednak pojawianie się w jej życiu kilku osób, które sprawiły, że w małym stopniu poczuła się dla kogoś ważna, było dla niej sporym zaskoczeniem. A gdy zostali w jej życiu na dłużej, czuła się potężnie zszokowana i nie wiedziała, co miała myśleć. Rozsądek nakazywał jej mieć się na baczności ze względu na przeżycia z przeszłości, a serce karmiło się nadzieją na to, że w końcu poznała kogoś, kto zostanie w jej życiu na stałe.Bardzo tego potrzebowała. A zwłaszcza obecności tego jednego chłopca o piekielnie brązowych oczach, który zainteresował się nią nieco mocniej od reszty.Czego powinna słuchać?Głosu rozsądku, czy serca? ©hipnoza_pisze 2024r.

4 1 1
Food Intolerance Test in Wakad

Visit LabEasy India in Wakad today and unlock the power of knowledge through our comprehensive food intolerance test. Empower yourself with the information you need to make informed decisions about your diet and embark on a journey toward improved well-being.

1 1 0

"Everything in this dreadful world is transient, so do not get deluded by it.""Says the man with a gloomy past.""You should look into the mirror."She just grinned innocently as a response. 『○○○』- Characters (except some certain characters) belong to Everbyte.- This fanfiction takes place after Episode 10 of the Duskwood game.- I apologize in advance for some misspelling or other mistakes, and happy reading!Start: Monday, November 20th, 2023Finish:

31 1 2
This is the story of how I died

This is for my younger self who never got her happy ending.

12 12 0
Nedělej si to zbytečně těžký

Je to krátkej článek o mě. Potřebovala sem to jenom někam napsat a slyšet názor.. úplně anonymně. Berte to trochu s nadsazkou a nesuďte mě za chyby a za to že se chovam jako každá druhá 13ti letá p*ca

6 1 0
Types of Challenges Facing By Online Education Today

The schooling business was one of the worst hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with establishments scrambling to track down answers to keep their entryways open. In these critical crossroads, web-based learning devices arose as a shelter. Over the most recent two years, interests in EdTech apparatuses, particularly in the web-based training portion, have soared, bringing about huge mechanical upgrades

1 1 0
all in my imagination

Ralsei Enddurem top of his class and know well for that! Kris is KrisSusie Gear the bully everyone fears... But should that be the case?And Lancer Spade... Son of a rich man... But not all meets the eye...

16 3 0
True Friends Hearts( Slow Update )

============================Do you have friends?Do they think of you as a friend or acquaintance in there life?Do they even care?Think about it. Friends should by trustworthy, patient, and a person that cares for you.This story will tell you which is really your true friend============================ © All Rights Reserved

284 28 2
Podróże Małe i Duże {Korekta}

Zoe - Osiemnastoletnia dziewczyna, niezbyt mile widziana w Podziemiach po ostatnim Genocide. Oczywiście tylko przez Sans'a, ponieważ reset zrobił swoje na pamięć całej reszty. Nawet Flowey jej nie pamięta. Jednak dziewczyna pragnie tam wrócić, dokończyć pewne sprawy. Specjalnie więc wpada do dziury na górze Ebott, wprost do Podziemi. To co jednak tam zastaje i co przeżywa w UNDERTALE (i nie tylko z resztą) ją zszokuje. Co ją spotka?Dowiecie się podczas czytania~Uwaga! Opowiadanie zawiera: przekleństwa, brutalne sceny i (możliwe) sceny 16/18+ oraz (możliwe) żarty o podtekście seksualnym.Jest to korekta mojej książki pisanej rok temu. Mam nadzieję, że to przyjmie się dobrze ^^"

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