Search: bk201
8,377 stories
Percy Jackson and the Avengers : Worlds Collide

Percy Jackson has had a feeling for a while. He knows something terrible is going to happen. Will he and his team of seven be able to team up with the avengers to stop Kronos coming back? Will they survive the threat of two different enemies teaming up??

471.3K 31 11.6K Full
Bring Me Back To Life (Levi x Reader AU)

"I missed you... I really did... I'm happy you're back with me...""I... I missed you too..."[Completed: January 2nd, 2018]#301 in emo(lol)

19.1K 22 525 Full
Percy Jackson and the Avengers: The End of the World

Please read the 1st book Percy Jackson and the Avengers : Worlds Collide The avenger team doesn't know what to do next. They lost a team mate and got another one. But will they be able to trust him? Will Kronos take over the world?? What happened to Percy??? Will the world end????

97.4K 23 2.7K

Currently being rewritten. Any chapter that has Under Revision in its title has not been touched yet. Post schedule: Sundays + sporadic posts throughout the week Rewritten chapters have added content. A long time ago when I was just a child, my parents stole a large fortune of money from a very powerful man. They spent it on their addictions and debts, thinking they had gotten away with it. But eventually, he found out and forced them to pay him back in yearly installments rather than taking their thieving hands. We paid him as we could, wither it was with money, milk from our cows or cheeses. This had gone on nearly my whole life. But this year...we have nothing to give. When he came walking through our front door I knew my entire world was about to be turned upside down. I stood in the corner of the room staring at him as he addressed my parents. He had this heartless tone when he spoke and his eyes, those vibrant green eyes set a twisting in my gut. "Sir Dominik, I-I.." My father began to panic looking around frantically. We had never missed a payment before. Our last cow had died off, so we had no milk. We were completely out of money and we had nothing valuable to offer. That's when something unexpected happened. Sir Dominik looked straight at me. "I will take her. And your debt is paid."

7M 47 154.9K
Bk201's other Sister

Book 1!Darker than black fanfic!Join Rosa as she discovers her abilities and how to use them. Follow her as she journeys from her home near Heaven's gate to Hell's gate in order to find her long lost big brother (Hei), and big sister (Pi).

466 6 27
Deeply Entwined

Letters and poems to make it better.

142 4 4 Full
Percy Jackson and friends discover facebook

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo , Piper , Hazel , Frank, the gods any many more half-blood friends chat.... On Facebook. Come and see what they're saying.

3.3K 13 104

18 1 1 Full
The Unexplainable

Cameron Chase is a normal kid who lives in a bad neighborhood in New York City. His parents died when he was young and he lives with his grandmother. One day this seventeen year old, skinny kid with light brown hair and blue eyes went on a field trip to a museum. He doesn't know that, that day will change his life. It will make him Unexplainable.

627 11 71
Safer In The Dark

4 1 0 Full
The Person Staring Out The Window

9 1 1 Full
Axe Murder Hollow

6 1 1 Full
Your Pretend Is Scaring Me

4 1 0 Full
BK-201: A Collection of Short Stories

These are small stories and scenes based on the anime Darker Than Black. Most of these scenes were partially written or at least inspired by prompts from Copilot AI before being heavily re-edited and rewritten by me.If you're like me, and you're dying for more Darker Than Black content, then these will hopefully scratch the itch just a little bit. These will contain spoilers for both seasons of DTB.I do not own Darker Than Black, and I do not mean to claim full creative responsibility for any of these stories; they're purely for fun.

67 13 13 Full
My Sister's Friend

This all about my sisters friendTHIS STORY IS REAL PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE

30 1 2 Full
Quotes to Remember

Amazing quotes are made everyday. Some are in songs, some are in movies. Here are some to remember.

1.7K 23 50
Wendy-The HeartBroken Ghost

This story is all about a ghost named Wendy THIS STORY IS REAL PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE

27 1 3 Full
Darker Than Black: KS306

Ten years ago, a mysterious special area known as "Hell's Gate" appeared in Tokyo, altering the sky, damaging the area and making it inhabitable. The real stars disappeared and were replaced with false stars. With the gate and fake stars came Contractors, human's with supernatural abilities, each one had a corresponding star that reacts with their abilities. The Contractor's were kept secret from most of the human race and are known as "Brutal Killers" to the few humans that do know. Contractor's have no emotions and they each have a distinct price they pay for using their abilities. Organization's like the MI6 use Contractors as spies and assassins resulting in violent acts. KS306, also known as Kaede is a Contractor and works for no one. The Syndicate is after her and will stop at nothing to get their hands on her dead or alive. What will happen when they send their most skilled Assassin BK201 to bring her back?

22.7K 14 718 Full

#5 tausayi June 2020.#3 tausayi 20 June 2020.#1 munafurci#8 hausa novel.#2 tear drop june 2021.

401.7K 91 24.3K Full
Dont Tell (On long term hold)

Those warm golden eyes looked into me, rendering my heavily guarded walls useless, peering straight into my soul. They saw my broken heart and scarred being so easily despite my wishes. I was an open book written in a language that only the two of us knew, while he remained cold and merely an observer, not sharing anything about himself. My hand reached out brushing through the thick black fur on his neck. The wolf didn't so much as flinch at my touch, his eyes not willing to leave mine. Never before has he let me touch him. Over the seven months we have been watching each other this is the closest we've ever been, before we only watched from a distance but today was different.

84.5K 41 3.2K
My Brothers Keeper

©CopyRight 2014 by Roycestopher All Rights ReservedComplete booksequel coming soon

133.1K 19 5.5K Full
The Assassin Queen

Hundreds of years ago the Kingdom of Shabina was once home to the most powerful Shifters in the world, Along with the Kingdom of Ravkah who had powerful Elementals.When a great evil arose, the two kingdoms decided for an alliance.A Ravkah Prince would wed a Shabina Princess, and so was born a new breed of magic: The Wielders; able to Shift and have control over an Element.The alliance would hold as long as the two nations always married their first heirs to each other.All was well, until recently, when a great tragedy leaves the kingdom of Shabina without it's King, Queen, and heir.As well as leaving the Ravkah Kingdom furious, after the disappearance of the Ravkah Prince.Time is running out, the missing Ravkah Prince and Shabina Princess must be found before that ancient evil strikes when at their weakest.And before Ravkah itself declares war on Shabina. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Snippet #1General Lewis remained on the ground, his eyes were deeply knitted together and his mouth slightly ajar in his agony as he trembled slightly. "General tell me what is wrong, what can I do" Cole had implored while kneeling beside Lewis."I-I... I failed " the General wailed, tears of pain and regret flooding his blue eyes "My Queen is...dead" •Snippet #2It was then that Lewis remembered someone, " Dahlia!" He Shrieked, his voice cracking as he desperately searched the single room cottage."Dahlia!" He searched feverishly for the seven year old heir "Dasha it's uncle Lewis!" He continued to search the surrounding area, calling her by her pet name.He finally returned one last time to search for her in cottage but to no avail she was gone.Who would have supposed that in the space of one fateful night the ruin and fall of Shabina would begin.

11.7K 53 1.2K Full
Drag Me Under (on long term hold)

"Don't!" He begged. "Please tell me it's still there! I can't feel my arm!" I cried. Right as I said that I felt it. My arm was on fire, razors stuck deep into my skin stabbing me with hateful burst of pain! I screamed out flailing my arms and legs. "Stop her!" My dad cried. Noah lay on top of me pinning me to the couch. Burning tears poured from my eyes. "It hurts! It hurts!" I screamed fighting against Noah with all I had. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cried pressing his face to the side of my neck.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello?" I spat into the phone knowing already who was at the other end. "So, she survived? Not exactly how I planned it but did it scare you enough to except my offer?" His cruel amusement was clear. "No. I will never except your offer! And so help me, if you do ANYTHING to hurt Cinna or anyone else I love, I WILL kill you! A slow and extremely painful death! Do you understand?" I felt the pure rage boiling within me. This guy knew exactly how to push my buttons. "Is that any way to speak to your-" "Don't!" I hissed. "You will except my offer sooner or later. You'll see." With that he hung up. That son of a bitch!

29.5K 34 990