info + disclaimers โœฉ*โข„

hey guys! so i haven't really ever published a book, and that's why it'll probably be bad lol. So please don't hate too much๐Ÿ˜€

i really wanted to write this because I'm very emo rn and there's nothing better than using wattpad.

this book is very obviously a sad ass book, so be warned there will be death, and many different sensitive topics!!! I of course, will add tws before the chapter or before a part in the chapter just to be safe.

listen guys, my character's do not represent the actual people mentioned in this. while i did infact use them, that doesn't mean this book is suddenly real.
so please keep that in mind lol.

italics mean flashbacks!!

I will not write full on smut!!! there might be some kiss scenes or makeouts and whatever but, no smut. sorry lol (hell i don't even wanna write kiss scenes either tbh)

as for my posting schedule..... i don't have one. listen this was very last minute yall.

oh I'm also terrible at practically anything that has to do with writing so... lower your expectations.
I'll also ask random questions at the end like "who's your bias" and etc. for fun!!

anyways enjoy โ™ฅ
