fee woke up sweating.Β 

"fuck its hot in here" she moaned with a croaky voice.Β 

maddy rolled over "whats the time"Β 

fee reached out tapping around for the phone "like 1:45"

"erghh we need to get up" maddy complained standing up

it was a hot day and it was only going to get hotter so both fee and maddy decided to wear low waist short shorts with a bikini under neath , the straps over their hips, a bikini top tied with a grey boob tube. they both had their hair slicked up out of their face with edges at the side. no makeup, very natural.Β 

"im sweating all ready" fee huffed.

"arent you just"Β 

"ask cassie if we can go in her pool"Β 

maddy nodded scrolling for cassie's contact.Β 

"hey cass, can me and fee come round later to go in your pool?"

"yeah for sure, ill invite the others too"

"okay we will be their in like a few hours." maddy responded blowing a kiss down the phone.Β 

"A few hours?" fee questioned

"yeah im gonna see nate then ill come meet you and we can go" maddy smiled

"okay yeah, ill probably go see rue or something" fee said avoiding eye contact.

she did that when she was lying.Β 

"yeah im sure you are" maddy said sarcasticallyΒ 



i dont know why i just lied. she knew i was lying anyways, surely. i just dont want to admitΒ  shes right. right that maybe i do like ash. also why is she going to see nate? they arent on like talking terms from what i last heard. she fucked a boy in the pool at mckays party,i think it was mckays party anyways. she claimed she didnt actually have sex with him, who knows. anyways he ended up in hospital. 'coincidently' anyways, totally had nothing to do with nate. allegedly.Β 

"hey kid"Β 

i jumped. shit i was already at the store, i was completely zoned out.Β 

"oh hey" i replied.

"ash in back"Β 

i went all red. "no, just getting a drink"

"help yourself kid"

i slowly examined each drink, making sure i could take as long as possible so ash could see me. i didnt have to stare too long.

"not gonna say hi then no?"Β 

i turned around meeting ash's eyes. "wasnt planning on it, no."Β 

i knew that would wind him up.Β 

"well guess plans change. and stop pretending too look at drink, you have been staring at the same thing for ages. i noticed you speaking to fez before you even came in."

"i dont know what your talking about." i said slightly embaressed and taken back at how well he read me

"you never do, why you dressed like that anyways?" he looked me up and down

"what are you trying to infer?"

"nothing, i just think, nevermind"

"hm thought so" i said snarkilyΒ 

i knew what he was getting at.Β 

"well i am going now so" i said raising my eyebrows.

"your not though"

"i am just though"Β 

"sure" he took my hand and pulled me into his little room.

i sat down inspecting the room, even thought i already know it by heart. the cerial box that sits in the same place on top of the shelves with a gun inside, micorwave filled win floor board filled me with more unknown substances. sat in here too long at this point.

"thought you was going somewhere hm?"

"was" i rolled my eyes. "come here" i saidΒ 


ash walked over standing infront of her. felicity reached into his pockets rummaging around.


fee pulled out a pre roll. "thanks queen" she smiled and looked up at him.

he sighed and sat down. "never say that to me again"

fee chucked to herself.

"no seriously, im not your" he looked up and shook his head "queen"

"sure" she lit the joint

"where were you planning on going?"

"i am going to and still am going to cassies this evening" fee respondedΒ 


"i dont know, why so many questions"

"just asking" he shrugged

"come and get a drink with me i didnt actually get one"

"okay cmon then"

ash held the door open for fee who walked through straight to the refrigerator. she noticed a familar face talking to fez. jason.Β  fez looked over

"thought you werent staying kid" fez looked over. making jason look over.

"fee, thought i wouldnt see you again" he came over hugging her.

"well you thought wrong then" fee said with no feeling.

ash watched from a corner, inspecting and evaluating every small movement he made towards her.

"yeah iΒ  guess so, your looking really good" jason laughed. "so you got plans tonight?" he looked her up and down.

"yeah i guess i do" fee responded

"ahh with me right"Β 

"no" she forced an obvious fake smile before turning around and walking back over to ash tray.

jason looked up meeting eyes with ash. "you the boyfriend?" jason chuckled nervously.

"yes" maddy said from behind him.

jason turned around "guess its my lucky day, meeting all the pretty girls"

"i have a boyfriend jason, nate"

"he doesnt have to know" jason moved closer to her

"well he already does" nates voice crept up behind him

"oh bro..Β  i was just joking" jason stuttered taking steps back

ash tray stared from a distance, maintaining eye contact with the blonde boy.

"what you doing here bro?" nate chuckled with fustration.Β 

"well you know, just heard from a friend of a friend that you can get some you know here"

"oh yea is that so j-"

"yeah man come to the back" ash stepped in holding the door open for jasonΒ 

nate loosened his grip and squinted at ash who just smirked and shut the door behind them both.


"so what you lookin for"

"well i have only ever smoked a bit of pot but you know im willing to go further" he clapped his hands together leaning forward.Β 

"i got you bro" ash leaned over pulling out a bag of white pills and placing them on the table.Β 

"what are they"

"dont worry about that, just fast moving anxiety shi kinda like xanax with many similarities"'

"yeah sure, how much that gonna be?"Β 


"uh 200?"

"yeah man this shi been blowing up recently"Β 

"oh um ok" he started counting 20's placing them on the table.Β 

"Good doing buisness with you" ash tray smirked before stopping him. "maybe its best yo do them here so if anything happens we got you, considerin' its your first time for real" ash offered.

"oh yeah for sure"Β  heΒ  sat placing the pill in his mouth.


"so your back together?" fee asked nate

"no" maddy answered before he could. "no, i just didnt want that fucking creep talking to me, im telling you hes been a perv since we knew him."

"oh right, but he was never this bad. i hadnt heard from him really up until now. anyways what yall doin here?" fee said lowering her head

"coming to get you to go to cassys"

"fez?" fee looked up

"whats up kid" he replied still concentrating on re labelling all the the stuff on the shelves.

"you dont have any drinks do you?"Β 

"in back with ash go ask him"Β 

fee jumped of the counter opening the door.
